Lu Xun, Scholar General
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lu Xun, Scholar General

Legendary Creature — Human Soldier

Horsemanship (This creature can't be blocked except by creatures with horsemanship.)

Whenever Lu Xun, Scholar General deals damage to an opponent, you may draw a card.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Wind Sail
Drake Hatchling
Aquus Steed
Knight of the Mists
Champion's Victory
Fighting Drake

king-saproling on Look at my horse

1 year ago

Wow this deck has some unexpected horsepower. What do you think of Emiel the Blessed? It makes infinite colorless with Workhorse.

Riding the Dilu Horse could be another thematic way to present lethal with Jegantha.

Some others you might like: Sundering Growth, Thundermare, Verity Circle, Tithe, Phantom Steed, Corpse Knight, Lu Xun, Scholar General, Capture of Jingzhou

Hybrow on Daxos - Voltron - C&C Welcome

4 years ago

Because Daxos will sometimes get smoked a couple times, or simply chump blocked, i recommend at least 1 or two other unblockables... Like Lu Xun, Scholar General, Ferropede or even Deep-Sea Kraken. If you are playing a group of 3 or 4, the Kraken is a good choice, he comes into play pretty quick.... or if 1v1 games, True-Name Nemesis could also be an option.

I love my Daxos deck. I have also found that cards that have Cipher on them are pretty good Hidden Strings, Last Thoughts and Stolen Identity... Hidden strings is especially nice, you can untap the two lands you just used to cast it.. then when he attacks you get to untap/tap 2 more lands every hit. with doublestrike thats 4 untaps.. good to play for those spells you are stealing.

king-saproling on One creature Damage

4 years ago

I think you could take out these cards for better things: Lumbering Satyr, Marsh Boa, Rhox Charger, Verdant Sun's Avatar, Sygg River Guide, Stormtide Leviathan, Inkwell Leviathan

You might like these: Snake Umbra , Tuvasa the Sunlit , Sram, Senior Edificer , Ethereal Armor , Blessing of the Nephilim , Dueling Grounds , Lightmine Field , Inquisitor's Flail , Cephalid Constable , Sigil of Sleep , Aqueous Form , Bruna, Light of Alabaster , Vanishing , Lu Xun, Scholar General , Curious Obsession , Heliod's Pilgrim

Phule451 on Underrated Commanders on a Budget: Kestia

4 years ago

Lu Xun, Scholar General could work very well for you and earn you even more card draw and possibly early card draw. Horsemanship pretty much makes him unblockable so you can just keep swinging in for value. Hall of Heliod's Generosity would also fit perfectly in your deck. Thanks for sharing this with us all.

Aphoticate on Commander Tier List [WIP]

5 years ago

I want to prefance this by saying I don't have a Krav, the Unredeemed / Regna, the Redeemer edh deck nor have I ever played one so their placement isn't something im particularly passionate about.

I've been considering making one lately because I recently made a Karlov deck and I put em in the 99. Whenever I play Krav he's been such a power house and thats in a deck that's not designed around breaking him. In an arostocrats deck the ammount of card draw should be very impressive and akin to having a skullclamp in the zone.

Now honestly idk where he should be. Maybe 3-3.5? But the last tier seems too low to me. Like hes def not 1 or 2 worthy. Probably not not even 2.5 but a draw engine this decent deserves better than to be lumped in with terrible draw engines like The Scorpion God and Lu Xun, Scholar General . Hes at least as good as Sram imo, who is currently 3.

Regna sux lol but she's worth playing just to add white to the deck and who knows, you might find the odd time to cast her.


thom-le on Lazav the Multipersonality

5 years ago

Very cool deck, I like that there are no endless loops in. Maybe consider Temporal Adept over Time Elemental , Surrakar Spellblade over Lu Xun, Scholar General if you want to have the card draw. With Lazav my personal favorite mana ramp is Dowsing Dagger  Flip. Cavern Harpy is nice for protection. It's great to see how your deck works with that budget.

Althought I've build a more heavy budget deck, there are also ideas you might be interested: KILL AND RUN

zniwalla on Consistency in a Can

5 years ago

I like it!

I'm playing a Rafiq deck myself and have come to love the following cards:

Lu Xun, Scholar General, Glory, Silverblade Paladin, Edric, Spymaster of Trest and Thada Adel, Acquisitor

So.. consider those as some suggestions.

Cheers and great deck!

SynergyBuild on Quest: The lost soldier

5 years ago

Actually, there is a deck that I alone am a proponent of. I have yet to see another player in all of my years of EDH, looking online, IRL, etc for this commander another user of it:

Lu Xun, Scholar General

This commander is simple, a powerful mono-blue commander that while being considered low-tier, can be a powerful unblockable voltron draw-engine, a normal draw engine, or something to attach non-voltron equipment onto.

Ever seen a player be blown out by a few damage? Sword of Feast and Famine making them discard a card, Sigil of Sleep bouncing their biggie into their hand, Sword of Body and Mind milling them ten, and Quietus Spike doesn't help matters on their end ;)

It isn't the best commander, no, however it brings a mono-blue aggro commander onto the field, and can play a great midgame and lategame need be. Like drawing cards? It has you covered, and with extra turn spells for more damage, stacking Tandem Lookout, Sword of Fire and Ice, Fireshrieker and Ophidian Eye or Curiosity, you are drawing some 8 cards a turn, probably drawing another extra turn spell in the process. Sounds like Narset, Enlightened Master some of the time!

Don't worry about the big aggro problems of not being able to deal with threats, you often don't need to tap out, holding up mana for a Swan Song, Counterspell or Into the Roil, sometimes even the overloaded Cyclonic Rift, while still progressing your board by dropping a one or two mana enchantment onto Lu Xun.

See my following three lists for budget reasons:

14 Dollar Super-Duper Budget Varient:

$14 Budget Lu Xun (Mono-Blue Voltron)

Mid Budget Varient:

Mid Budget Lu Xun (Mono-Blue Voltron)

High Budget Varient:

High Budget Lu Xun (Mono-Blue Voltron)

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