Lost Legion

Creature — Spirit Knight

When Lost Legion enters the battlefield, scry 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)

Kjartan on Knighty Knight

2 years ago

Your choice of spells seem odd. You're a heavily creature-based deck. Your mass-removal package will often get stuck in your hand as it will hurt you more than many opponents.

Damn would be a good option as it's usually a single target removal spell, with a mass-removal option build in as a panic button.

You could also improve the deck just by cutting down its size, you have a lot of mediocre 3-drop Knights, such as Knight of Dusk and Lost Legion, and even a downright useless one in Haakon, Stromgald Scourge which you cannot use without discarding it first.

starfighterkenny on Mono Black Devotion PAUPER

3 years ago

Found your youtube video and have to say it's pretty sweet! I actually kind of like Lost Legion in this deck too as a way to get devotion and also dig for Gary, though it would probably be better in a different style of mono-black with even more control aspects.

Ruffigan on

4 years ago

Shade's Form is definitely one to look at to get extra Gary triggers. Unhallowed Pact, Unholy Indenture, Undying Evil, Supernatural Stamina, and Abnormal Endurance are some others you might look into.

Liliana's Specter, Faceless Butcher, Cadaver Imp, and Lost Legion are some two devotion creatures to consider. Soldevi Adnate is nuts with Gary too.

Defile is a good removal option.

Syphon Mind would be a good draw spell.

KittyKaos on KittyKaos

4 years ago

I have no idea what I am doing.

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