Lost Jitte

Legendary Artifact — Equipment

Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put a charge counter on Lost Jitte.

Remove a charge counter from Lost Jitte: Choose one —

  • Untap target land.
  • Target creature can't block this turn.
  • Put a +1/+1 counter on equipped creature.

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)

keizerbuns on Nadu and Bill, a Busted Duo

2 weeks ago

Thanks Apollo_Paladin!

I did some more playtesting and realized that trying to split the focus between landfall and second card draw triggers was pretty unreliable so I rebuilt it to be full on landfall. I added the Lost Jitte like you suggested and holy is it ever busted haha but I didn’t have room for Leather Armor.

I’ll add you on arena and we can try out both our versions against each other!

Apollo_Paladin on Nadu and Bill, a Busted Duo

3 weeks ago

Heyo nice build! +1 just for seeing another Arena player here on this site.

I've been toying with Nadu as well as she can get pretty ridiculous quite quickly. My build went a different direction than yours but one interaction I found that was particularly nasty that you may want to play around with was Lost Jitte -- especially since you can build up counters on it using a creature other than Nadu.

Free repeatable land untapping plays extremely well with Nadu's lands already entering untapped (broken as hell, imo), and you can just keep re-equipping the Jitte to the same creature over and over to very reliably chunk out both of Nadu's possible triggers each turn essentially mana-free by using any lands she drops into play & then just Jitte untapping them once you use them for the Equip activation. The card draw and mana ramp from this interaction is absolutely insane.

Either way good luck and feel free to add me on Arena if you ever want to talk deck tech and/or run some test games (info is on my profile here).

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