Lithoform Engine

Legendary Artifact

, : Copy target activated or triggered ability you control. You may choose new targets for the copy.

, : Copy target instant or sorcery spell you control. You may choose new targets for the copy.

, : Copy target permanent spell you control. (This copy becomes a token.)

Last_Laugh on Historic Doctor

4 days ago

Just a heads up... there are several cards in your deck that work when Romana makes tokens but not when your Dr. makes tokens due to a rules technicality. Tokens that are the result of copying a permanent spell (6th Dr/Lithoform Engine) aren't created and won't trigger cards like Parallel Lives, Adrix & Nev, or Primal Vigor. It's rule 111.12 if you feel like looking it up (or I have it in my deck's description, link below.).

You're stuck copying the Dr.'s uncast spell copy with Errant, Street Artist, copying the Dr.'s trigger with Lithoform, or copying his tokens after they hit the field with stuff like Esika's Chariot and/or Second Harvest.

I also recommend both Shalai, Voice of Plenty and Sigarda, Font of Blessings. When your Dr makes a token copy of either, they'll protect one another and your board.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas and rule 111.12. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

Last_Laugh on The Sixth Doctor

2 weeks ago

Just a heads up, but you have several cards that don't function with The Sixth Doctor (but do with Romana).

Tokens that are the result of copying a permanent spell aren't "created" and won't trigger anything like Adrix & Nev, Doubling Season, Parallel Lives, Annointed Procession, Primal Vigor, etc. It's rule 111.12 which I have copied/pasted in my deck's description (link below).

You're after effects that copy the Dr's triggered ability or copy his tokens after the fact. Strionic Resonator, Lithoform Engine, Errant, Street Artist, Esika's Chariot, Twinning Staff, Second Harvest, and Battle for Bretagard are all good options (Clara Oswald/Roaming Throne and other "triggers an additional time" effects won't work with the Dr either thanks to resolves once per turn part but copying the trigger works).

Feel free to check out my list for ideas and the deck's description for rule 111.12. I personally run Peri Brown with the Dr. but same colors and overall strategy. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

Gidgetimer on Will Copying a Spell Cause …

3 weeks ago

Oh, I see where the confusion is. I didn't say the combination of the -2, Lightning Bolt, and Fork gave three triggers. I said that copying Lightning Bolt with the -2 gave two triggers. Then I said that copying Lightning Bolt via Fork gives three total triggers. They were two different thoughts explaining Ral, Storm Conduit triggers based on how you copy a spell. I guess I could have been more clear by using a different ability, like Lithoform Engine, as an example. This would have made it more clear that there wasn't an assumption of the -2 in both scenarios.

You are correct about there being four triggers with the -2 AND Fork. Copies of spells are not cast, they are simply created on the stack. Some abilities, like on Isochron Scepter, let you make copies of cards not on the stack and then cast them. These abilities will trigger Ral from casting, but they will not trigger it from copying the card (since what was copied was not a spell.)

Last_Laugh on

1 month ago

Hey, just a heads up, but Clara doesn't work with The 6th Doctor (a lesson I learned after the fact as well).

His ability can only resolve once per turn so "triggers an additional time" effects don't work here but effects that "copy" his trigger do work (i.e. Strionic Resonator/Lithoform Engine).

There're other options to copy his tokens or the spell copy itself like Errant, Street Artist, Esika's Chariot, and Second Harvest too (check my deck's description for a list).

Feel free to check out my list for ideas (and some other pertinent rules technicalities). Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

Last_Laugh on Doctor Whomst'd've did it?

1 month ago

Just a heads up, but you have several cards in here that due to rules technicalities, don't work with The Sixth Doctor (who is admittedly a rules nightmare). Adrix and Nev, Doubling Season, and Parallel Lives don't work here.

Tokens that are the result of copying a permanent spell aren't "created" and won't cause the above cards to trigger. Rule 111.12 for reference, and it's copied/pasted into my deck's description (link below).

The other thing I learned (the hard way) is that "triggers an additional time" effects like Clara Oswald/Roaming Throne don't work here either since The Dr says his ability only resolves once per turn. You're after effects that "copy" his ability like Strionic Resonator/Lithoform Engine, copy the spell copy like Errant, Street Artist, and/or effects that copy his tokens after the fact like Esika's Chariot/Second Harvest.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas and rule 111.12. I also have a section in my deck description for other options like the above cards for additional tokens as well as untap/flash enablers. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

Last_Laugh on Sixth Doctor's doubling

1 month ago

Just a heads up, but this Commander pairing has ZERO synergy together. The Sixth Doctor is a rules nightmare and I'll list what I've learned.

First, Clara Oswald says your Doctor triggers an additional time but the Dr.'s ability can only resolve once (so no Elesh Norn MoM or The Roaming Throne either). You're after effects that "copy" his triggered ability or his spell copy like Strionic Resonator, Errant, Street Artist, and Lithoform Engine. Alternatively, you can copy his tokens after the fact with Romana II (the partner I personally use) and/or Second Harvest.

Second, tokens that are the result of copying a permanent spell aren't "created" and Adrix and Nev, Ojer Taq (and the rest of that ilk like Parallel Lives/Doubling Season) won't net you any additional tokens (rule 111.12, which I have copied/pasted into my deck's description). This also applies to a lot of other stuff like Bennie Bracks, Zoologist, so watch card's wording carefully.

Third (and also part of rule 111.12), your tokens from the Dr. have a cmc that matches whatever it's a copy of. This means you can Neoform sac'ing a token and have the cmc counted (as an example).

Feel free to check out my list for ideas and Rule 111.12. My deck also focuses on Flash and Untap enablers so I can take advantage of these "once per turn" abilities on each player's turn instead of once per round. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

Caerwyn on Judge Chat

1 month ago

As folks keep posting on this long-dead thread to ask questions, I am going to lock it. Anyone with a question should ask it on the Rules Q&A section of this site: Link.


redfoxfire - Yes, you can use Lithoform Engine to copy the activated ability of Inventors' Fair.

Last_Laugh on The Sixth Doctor/Romana II

2 months ago

Hey, just a head up, but Adrix & Nev, Parallel Lives, Annointed Procession, Mondrak, and Ojer Taq don't work with The Sixth Doctor's tokens but they do work with Romana (I tried to do the same thing til I was also corrected). Rule 111.12 covers this. A token that is the result of copying a permanent spell isn't "created" and doesn't trigger any effects like the cards above that care specifically about creating a token.

You're after more effects like Lithoform Engine and some of the stuff like Clara Oswald from your maybeboard.

I personally run Peri Brown as my Dr.'s companion so exact same colors and strategy still, but feel free to check out my list for ideas (and rule 111.12 actually typed out). Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

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