Liliana's Elite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Liliana's Elite

Creature — Zombie

Liliana's Elite gets +1/+1 for each creature card in your graveyard.

Jabber on Liliana, Baby of Chaos

1 year ago

Cards id Consider adding:

Diabolic Tutor should be in the deck

Killing Wave should add this great finisher and liliana text

Command the Dreadhorde Liliana with great artwork and a nice finisher

Mutilate great board wipe with Liliana text

Liliana's Specter goes with the current theme

Oath of Liliana good removal and on theme

Liliana's Scrounger great for all the planeswalkers and removal

Liliana's Scorn bad removal but also works as a tutor

Liliana's Reaver fits into the discard theme

Liliana's Influence tutor and kind of a board wipe

Liliana's Indignation direct damage and fill graveyard

Liliana's Elite weak but gets stronger with graveyard

Liliana's Contract kind of bad draw but on theme

Liliana, Death Wielder old planeswalker but could be fun

Liliana, Death's Majesty token maker and is pretty good

Liliana's Shade Bad but kind of ramp

Entomb great card

Reanimate great card

Gravecrawler great card for combo but idk if it fits here

Settle the Score bad removal but helps with planeswalkers

Triumph of Cruelty on theme with discard

Demonic Tutor Liliana art work and quote

Finale of Eternity finisher and removal

Professor Onyx on theme and decent

Baleful Force bad top end but cool quote


Dread Summons


Mind Rot Liliana quate and discard theme

Rise Again

Rise from the Grave

Rottenheart Ghoul

Tainted Remedy

Dark Petition

Necromantic Summons

Young Necromancer

Swap to these lands:

hungry000 on An Extreme Amount of Dead-ication

5 years ago

Sorry to butt in, but for a low-to-the-ground aggro zombies deck I would keep Diregraf Ghoul in. 1 mana for a 2/2 is a good rate, you want low cost creatures to flood the board with, and it gets pumped by the zombie lords so it's still fine later in the game. Here are some specific suggestions for upgrades once you get a budget for them:

Doomed Dissenter / Blood Scrivener --> Gravecrawler ( Dread Wanderer for budget)

Diabolic Tutor / Read the Bones --> Cryptbreaker (card advantage that gets buffed and makes more creatures)

Tattered Mummy --> Graveyard Marshal

Liliana's Elite / Khenra Eternal --> Relentless Dead (4 Khenras or Highborn Ghoul are fine too)

Some other cards you could look at are Diregraf Colossus , Undead Warchief , and Dark Salvation (it's probably worth playing Salvation in place of Murder ). Also, as a general tip, tribal creature decks don't play many non-creatures--around 6 at the most. Cutting some of those spells in favor of more lords would increase the efficiency and power of your deck.

zerowner on Liliana Tribal Zombie/Demon

5 years ago

Dedicated zombie tribal could be cool, and it seems you're already headed in that direction, so I'd check for any specific zombie lords you're missing ( Lord of the Undead for example) if you want to pursue that direction for your deck.

As for specific adds and subtracts;

Subtracts; Killing Wave (people will just pay the life for what they want to keep, I'd replace this with Torment of Hailfire or Exsanguinate or an actual board wipe). Bontu's Last Reckoning almost makes you skip your entire next turn just so you can cast Damnation for one less mana. I'd recommend Mutilate over it if anything. Cruel Edict is bad, Liliana's Triumph and various other cards are much better for this effect, probably including Innocent Blood . Liliana's Elite is probably mediocre most of the time, Liliana's Reaver is just bad. Graveyard Marshal isn't actually great for zombies, there are lots of better ways to make zombie tokens if you want. I wouldn't recommend him. Desecration Demon will probably never be useful in EDH so I wouldn't recommend him, if your opponents really can't just handle taking the 6 damage to the face in the air then they'll definitely just have a creature to sacrifice to stop it. Its not a good card in EDH at all unfortunately. I think Greed or Erebos, God of the Dead > Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip. Also, I wouldn't recommend some of your planeswalkers; i love liliana but some of those cards are downright useless in EDH (if you manage to do a single thing with Liliana, Death Wielder I'd be shocked).

Add; Dictate of Erebos ( Grave Pact with flash). Dark Prophecy , Midnight Reaper and various other similar effects to help you draw more (which I think your deck will want to do, and black has a million options for drawing cards, especially when things die). Definitely Corpse Augur and Graveborn Muse too. Toxic Deluge is also a better board wipe than most of your removal. I'd probably recommend Stitcher's Apprentice as well, to help you get some cards in your graveyard. I'll think of more if you want, there's such a wide variety of cards to use in black zombies.

Also, your deck has multiple tutors, but not really any obvious win conditions to look for. Can you tell me what you think you'll be tutoring for most of the time? I'd say Gray Merchant of Asphodel as its probably your strongest card, but you also don't have much reanimation to back it up a lot of the time.

munky702 on

5 years ago

Liliana's Mastery and Liliana, the Last Hope I know the planeswalker is over the price, but its pretty solid for a zombie deck. Disallow would be ebtter rather than Cancel. Metallic Mimic and Adaptive Automaton for any tribal situation. From Under the Floorboards is good if you have a way to cast it by madness cost. Graf Harvest is solid for making all your zombies have menace. Bontu's Monument to make some of your creatures cheaper, and maybe even Bontu the Glorified as a sac outlet for creatures like plague belcher. If you had Gavony Unhallowed it'll help with buffing it up. Liliana's Elite could potentially be big, with the creatures that are in your graveyard.

StopShot on Alesha, Who Luls at Death v2.2

6 years ago

@Rikente, I wouldn't concern myself with adding zombies. My deck only runs Wayward Servant and Gravecrawler and everything works just fine. Wayward Servant's ability is too weak to be used for anything other than an infinite combo. Gravecrawler I wouldn't mess around with unless you're bent on abusing him with Skullclamp or Grave Pact.

If you must add more zombies for value I'd suggest Taurean Mauler, Fleshbag Marauder, Liliana's Elite, Scourge of Nel Toth, and Mirror Entity since those cards are good regardless of if they're in a zombie deck or not. If you want an easy way to recur your Wayward Servant then I suggest adding Volrath's Stronghold or Unholy Grotto as a budget alternative.

S1ayerMonkey on

6 years ago

Looks great! I'm heavily considering overhauling my golgari deck into something that functions a little more like this. On a side note: have you considered Liliana's Elite? That could be a decent sized creature by turns 4-5.

Ya_Boi_Austin on Sacrifice pact [needs help]

6 years ago

Or even maybe a Liliana's Elite or Nantuko Husk for bigger creatures.

Legendxp on

6 years ago

I do have Splinterfright in here already. However, as for Liliana's Elite, nice find.

Also, I just started re-updating this deck like 30 seconds before you commented (lol). I like having only creatures for this deck, it makes it a fun challenge.

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