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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Lhurgoyf

Lhurgoyf's power is equal to the number of creature cards in all graveyards and its toughness is equal to that number plus 1.

Coward_Token on Wilds of Eldraine

11 months ago

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Moonshaker Cavalry: White Craterhoof Behemoth. No haste tho.

Cruel Somnophage: less toughness, but Lhurgoyf has nonetheless come a long way.

Ashiok: K'rrik would do well to grasp an oracle

Also I dunno if I've said it before but this is totally the Kenrith siblings' biological mom:

jdogz32 on Sultai graveyard

11 months ago

Stitcher's Supplier is pretty much a staple in self mill decks.

Another one I see in alot of decks is Satyr Wayfinder helps keep lands coming and mills twice the cards as Sultai Skullkeeper

You have alot of lands. For a 60 card deck typically you won't go much higher than 24. You have 33.

You have cards in your deck that aren't modern legal. Brawn Sewer Nemesis Deathrite Shaman are not modern legal. Some substitutes that are legal are Wonder instead of brawn. Lord of Extinction over Sewer nemesis. Scavenging Ooze over deathrite shaman.

Lhurgoyf is only playable in a commander setting in my opinion. You can't count on your opponents graveyard being filled with creatures at all. I'd recommend Urborg Lhurgoyf as a direct upgrade. Has a self mill abilities and cost half as much Mana.

I'd take out most of your cards that cost 5 Mana. You have quite a few and i don't really see the purpose of Consuming Aberration also your deck is mostly creatures and lands so a Grisly Salvage will get you the same effect as Sultai Soothsayer I hope this helps.

Maximariusmagillius on Viconia the Graveyard Hermit

1 year ago

I appreciate the suggestions! I do currently have one, Skull Prophet.

My thought process behind this deck is to mill your own library and play out of the graveyard. A lot of the cards don't ever get to make it into your hand, so it wouldn't make a ton of sense to put things in here that could not be gotten back. That's why there are only 5 non-creature non-land things.

That being said there are tons of creature based mana dorks out there, Arbor Elf, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, and even my all time favorite Incubation Druid. However I don't think that they would help further my goal of getting stuff in and out of the graveyard, or comboing with that. They could just as easily be replaced with a land, which would combo with other stuff in the deck, Centaur Vinecrasher, Eccentric Farmer, Turntimber Sower so I would be hesitant to cut more lands than I need to.

Lord of Extinction is a great card but Lhurgoyf is great too and a fifth of the price too. They both have their pros and cons, Lord of Extinction has a higher CMC and one more colors. Lhurgoyf toughness is equal to 1+ the number of cards, if my opponent exiles all graveyards that leaves him on the battlefield. If I decide to cut anything, it would be Creeping Dread and I would replace it with Lord of Extinction.

I look forward to hearing more of your suggestions!

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Pre-Y2K Panic Button

2 years ago

Thanks for the comment and the upvote DreadKhan! Orcish Lumberjack is a great suggestion. I actually had it in the original version. I loved how quickly you could ramp with it and Tinder Wall.

Weirdly, I mostly used it to cast Jokulhaups, but you're absolutely right that it has the ability to help get Lhurgoyf out in a hurry after wiping the board. Needing it to be in play for a turn before I cast Jokulhaups is a little scary because people will know I'm up to something, but I'm definitely going to test it out again and see how it fits in this version. I think the mana base will support it since I don't typically have trouble getting the for Jokulhaups.

Thanks for your thoughts! I appreciate it!

TypicalTimmy on Did Saffi Eriksdotter really die?

2 years ago

In the flavortext of Saffi Eriksdotter, it mentions that she strode from deep snow to dusty waste, and that a crease of light was behind her.

To me, that sounds like she planeswalked.

I do not know the story or the lore behind her; I am merely going off of flavor text. To me, it sounds like she accidentally planeswalked away with her brother, Hans Eriksson was the one who was left behind and killed by the Lhurgoyf - despite it saying that the flavortext of this card was her "last words".

Token22 on

3 years ago

I cracked an etched foil Hans and was thinking of doing the same. My only addition is for the flavour you need to add Lhurgoyf

TheGiftedBard on Picking the right precon

3 years ago


I’m fairly new to the game and new to edh, my apologizes if I’m not in the right section.

I’m currently looking at the precons and there’s a few I’d like to try but right now I think that getting just one is probably smarter in case I end up not liking the format.

In all the precon I looked at, these are the one that my lgs still have. I’m gonna list them one by one with a quick reason why I’m interested by them.

Commander - Devour for Power - The Mimeoplasm: I do like the idea of dumping stuff in my graveyard to basically make my commander into whatever I need for a particular situation, I recently bought a small collection with a Sheoldred, Whispering One, Mortivore, Golgari Grave-Troll, Lhurgoyf and Hermit Druid.

Commander - Political Puppet - Zedruu the Greathearted: The idea of casting curses on my opponents and giving them creatures to screw them over seems terribly funny and diabolical. Switching my Steel Golem for Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre would be a win for me even if I end up losing the game.

Commander 2015 - Call the Spirits - Daxos the Returned: Building an enchantment deck seemed fun and I also have cards like Sorin Markov with his -3 and cards line Debt to the Deathless or Exsanguinate in my collection for alternative way of winning the game.

Commander 2015 - Seize Control - Mizzix of the Izmagnus: It’s probably not the main goal of the deck but casting instant and sorcery with Talrand, Sky Summoner or Murmuring Mystic and having Crackling Drake on the board to swoop in with a bunch of flying drakes and birds on the board made me laugh.

Commander 2015 - Swell the Host - Ezuri, Claw of Progress: Ezuri just looked so badass and flooding the bord with a bunch of 2 and 1 power creatures and adding stuff like Craterhoof Behemoth and Beastmaster Ascension or using Triumph of the Hordes or even buffing them up with Ezuri + some proliferate triggers looked like sometimes that could be very scary for the table.

Sorry for the long post but There’s so many choices that I got lost and confused on what could be better a first deck.

Thanks for the help.

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