Lathril, Blade of the Elves

Legendary Creature — Elf Noble


Whenever Lathril, Blade of the Elves deals combat damage to a player, create that many 1/1 green Elf Warrior creature tokens.

, Tap ten untapped Elves you control: Each opponent loses 10 life and you gain 10 life.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Tyvar the Bellicose
Serpent's Soul-Jar
Elderfang Ritualist
Harald Unites the Elves

Belfore on Marwyn Elfs

3 months ago

Well if you are insistent on staying mono green I would say you need at least 4 more land. Even though you have mana dorks you want to make sure you have at least a couple of lands in your hand. One land I would recommend is Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, War Room, Path of Ancestry, and Scavenger Grounds. As for what to drop for those lands (or more forest) I would drop Gilt-Leaf Archdruid (you only have 12 Druids and 1 druid maker of 100 cards highly unlikely you will have enough druids in play), Wolverine Riders (too slow for what he does), Birchlore Rangers (you already have much much stronger mana dorks), and probably Dwynen's Elite (just not very good at what it is doing).

other creatures to consider putting in the deck over a couple of others. Galadhrim Brigade you mentioned lords, Lys Alana Huntmaster (better token producer than the Dwynen's Elite), Wellwisher (a staple in every elf deck usually), and Ivy Lane Denizen (comboes exceedingly well with your commander, Joraga Warcaller, Haldir, and Lorien Lieutenant).

Also you are missing a bit of interaction.

If you want to go wide I recommend considering either Lathril, Blade of the Elves (would give you some fun and evil mana outlets, and would let you use your Tyvar to greater affect) or Rhys the Redeemed (for truly going wide with an obscene amount of tokens) and again I got more if you want me to keep going with the suggestions let me know.

Belfore on Marwyn Elfs

3 months ago

So if you are going mono green both Rhys creatures are illegal in your deck because they are part black or white because of their activated ability cost. And it sounds like you are wanting to go wide, so you might consider making Rhys the Redeemed your commander but if you would like to add black to your elves I would recommend Lathril, Blade of the Elves both are great for going wide. and for the 99 you might also consider Skyshroud Poacher for search (I know not elf but rather effective). Just a few thoughts. I got a lot more you might like but this message is running a little long.

likasumbody on Perplexing Test interaction with Commander

8 months ago


I had a question come up in my commander playgroup and am hoping someone can help clarify the outcome for me.

Board state: I have 11 1/1 elf tokens and my commander Lathril, Blade of the Elves

On my opponents turn, I tapped my commander Lathril, Blade of the Elves, before I could tap my tokens to "pay" for the ability, my opponent casts Perplexing Test to return all creature tokens to owners hand.

Does the tokens get returned to my hand before the ability resolved or does the ability resolve first?

Michigone on Isshin for a Fight

1 year ago

Been a second since I changed anything, deck was overdue for a little update. A newer player in my playgroup plays a Kardur, Doomscourge deck, and I read an article recently that talked about how to combat power creep in a playgroup in ways that are fun and interesting for everyone. And the article talked about building decks with your meta in mind, or at least coming up with ways to combat specific decks that you are likely to see, and in the interest of full disclosure, I don't often do that. I find myself building decks that excite me from a mechanical perspective, and then fine tuning the deck relative to my playgroup through playtesting, and in this way letting the meta affect my card choices for slots in my 99. I don't think it's a bad way to deck build, but I think I ask others for their opinions a lot (sorry Crow-Umbra), and that it's a result of me not looking at my meta in particular. I think that thinking about my card slots in terms of what I'll sit down and face on any given play night would actually have me asking less, or maybe just different questions of what my deck should be doing to accomplish its game plan.

Okay, so that's a long ramble, and all of this is to say that against the players in my play group that field decks that put up big bodies that I can't swing into (Gargos, Vicious Watcher, Ghired, Conclave Exile) or their decks go wide enough that they can chump block my creatures to death (Edgar Markov, Ghired, Conclave Exile, Alela, Artful Provocateur, Marrow-Gnawer, Isperia, Supreme Judge, Lathril, Blade of the Elves), or they play Goad (Just the Kardur, Doomscourge Deck currently), I need more protection for my attackers. Now Crow-Umbra mentioned Reconnaissance way back, and I kind of slept on it because I thought (incorrectly) that it would hamper my ability to do damage, but still offer me the benefit of vigilance. But I realized that after the errata by Magic in creating multiple combat steps, that I can still use Reconnaissance to untap my attacking creatures after they've dealt damage, during the combat end step, thus allowing me to "have my cake and eat it too." So I was wondering what to cut, and I landed on cutting Curse of Opulence. It is irritating to the player that it gets put on, and it's hard to assess as early as turn one who the biggest threat will be, and it embitters whichever player I put it on against me, so even though I get ramp off of it, and other players do too, it doesn't really do me too many favors. So Curse is out, Reconnaissance is in.

Gleeock on EDH - Kill 1 opponent …

1 year ago

I like this. I actually am a big fan of the "better them than me" attitude. Kardur, Doomscourge is a big fan of it too. I just build decks that lend themselves to Machiavellian politics & opponents often pick up on that & will even respect it, after all we are all enemies. It is crazy how many players will think their deals out loud -- Seriously, don't announce your preference for another player in a FFA game, it will backfire eventually. I mostly find "alliances" to be dumb in FFA, the balance of power always shifts, but when a player hears you trying to decide their fate & pick apart their board in a weaselly way; you run the risk of making an enemy that will now destroy you at any cost. When you straight up slap people without collusion, at least you are doing it without "ganging up" & there is a powerful political + emotional implication associated with that. The worst is when collusion is going above & beyond what was actually needed to balance the scales of power & now one of those players just wasted a bunch of their hand going way beyond what was needed.

Fortunately, "alliances" never get proposed to me any more, with newer players that don't know me better it will get attempted, but it often backfires for them. The way I typically reason; if someone is proposing a deal to me, then they have something big to gain that will screw the table over in some way. The player that has the most invested in the game will be the first to speak up & that is going to be the player I want to go for. You don't barter or propose unless you have some hope in hand. I have to worry the most about wasted damage if a player is completely indifferent to a beatdown.

For frame of reference though, my decks tend to force a lot of action, or will use a groupslug element. Very few combos, no tutors in my favorite decks anyway... So, there is not alot of margin for error in decks that are trying to force the game into a midrange back-&-forth slugfest.

Kardur, Doomscourge - I leave timmie creature, swing-wide, or voltron decks to "play their game", but I need to try to eliminate a player if they are too heavy in the 2ndary wincon category, or tapdown decks like Lathril, Blade of the Elves

Extus, Oriq Overlord  Flip - Somewhat light in late-game engines/card advantage, I need to pick the right player after my blowout spells.

Breena, the Demagogue - True aggro, proliferate, late game superfriends. Constant attacking from turn 3 & up. There is alot of lifelink & vigilance (poop-tier evergreen) & a really good aggro attack trigger. So logically, with advantage gained from attacks & no drawback from attacking - I should use that to put significant pressure on the right player.

Michigone on Spanisshin Inquisisshin

1 year ago

@Last_Laugh Got it. Do you feel like your meta doesn't have a lot of other go wide players in it? My meta has an Edgar Markov deck, a Lathril, Blade of the Elves deck, a Rat Colony deck, a Ghired, Conclave Exile deck, and a Purphoros, God of the Forge deck, among others. I guess that has kinda affected my viewpoint on what tapping a few creatures per player is worth. But I can see it still having value in terms of getting through if all the opponent has is one or two big threats. And that makes sense about making changes. I just built, online only currently, my first Isshin deck and I am looking around to see how other people have built theirs. Thanks for any tips and feedback in terms of how games have played out and what works well in your deck!

K4nkato on Staff of Domination & the …

1 year ago

EDH game, here’s the situation.

I have a Staff of Domination, a Priest of Titania, a Lathril, Blade of the Elves and 9 other elves. This is enough to create infinite mana, endless tap & untap my Elves and use Lathril’s activated ability to win the game.

Now here’s the hitch. My friend also has Staff of Domination & Priest of Titania with five elves, meaning they can also make infinite mana. They didn’t know that so I (foolishly) let them do the combo and now we have a problem. Because both of us have an arbitrarily large amount of mana and we can both endless tap & untap Lathril, we have stack that can never resolve. Any time I untap Lathril they can tap her. Anytime I tap their Priest they can untap it. There is no way to force a combo because my opponent can always disrupt it, but I can always undue their disruption. There are effectively infinite actions taken in a loop that will never resolve.

What happens? Is the game a stalemate?

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago
We're going to call this game a win, though I didn't see the illegal play at the time that made me think that I "lost" it! I was playing against a nasty Queza, Augur of Agonies combo deck, a Veyran, Voice of Duality deck and a Lathril, Blade of the Elves deck. I took a lot of hate and lost a lot of pieces that I fielded, but I was careful not to dump my hand too quickly, and kept my resources strong by attacking every turn with goood old Segovian Angel equipped with Sword of Hearth and Home and Rogue's Gloves, making sure I had no shortage of ramp and cards. Eventually my opponents were exhausted and I dumped a large quantity of angels on the battlefield in a single turn, including Linvala, Keeper of Silence. I had lethal against my remaining opponents, but I thought the Queza player had been able to pull out a game winning combo. This would have required him to cycle Sanctum Plowbeast however, and Linvala should have shut that off since plowbeast is a creature. As such, we'll call this one a win! I think this game illustrates once again the power of Linvala, but also is a reminder that you don't want to commit too many resources before you're ready, and that when getting a lot of hate you can just build up resources for the right time and overwhelm them. Getting this pacing right is how once moves from being a noob at this deck to a pro.
For the first time this summer I got to play against this deck, as a friend I met a teacher's conference piloted it 1v1 against my own best deck, which is my Inalla, Archmage Ritualist combo deck. Needless to say, I learned from this game that this deck is easily piloted well by someone that isn't me but is a good player, and once again that is a monster deck in 1v1. Despite having lots of premium control pieces in my toolbelt including Cyclonic Rift (which I tutored and played), counterspells, removal pieces, and lots of game-winning, synergistic combos, I just wasn't able to keep up with Giada. Linvala, Keeper of Silence made my life miserable until I erased it with a Toxic Deluge, though the life loss hurt. She still came back quickly even from that and finished me off. It was good to see my deck piloted expertly by someone else, and perform well against my most competitive deck.
This game was short and a bit of a sequel to the previous game. I once again was piloting my Inalla deck against a friend who was playing Giada, though this time it was a four player game. The Giada deck worked well, and was the major target at the game table. Unfortunately for them this meant they ignored me, and I combo'ed off out of nowhere well before they were expecting it. As such, it was a loss for Giada, but the deck worked the way it was supposed to even in another player's hand, even if the threat assessment of all three of my opponents did not work as well.
This was the truly epic win that I've been waiting for since I built this deck, and my favorite game with it to date. Not only did I finish the game with 150 life (thanks to Bishop of Wings, Soul's Attendant, and especially Righteous Valkyrie), but I formed Brisela, Voice of Nightmares  Meld  Meld not once, but twice, and brought Emeria, The Sky Ruin fully online. My opponents were playing my own decks, which are good, including my super fast Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow deck, but not even Yuriko could keep up with my lifegain, which left my opponents in quite the dilemma as they tried to figure out which threats to do with. Brisela fell he first time to a Dokuchi Silencer, but I was able to kill the Yuriko player before he could repeat the act, and I brought Bruna back with Emeria and Gisela back with Karmic Guide, and there was nothing my remaining opponent could do to stop me. I think this game was an illustration of just how good this deck can be when performing at its ceiling.
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