Last Word


Last Word can't be countered by spells or abilities.

Counter target spell.

evilclown5609 on

4 years ago

I love you and your great. this deck is a modern-day masterpiece.

Some suggestions:

Rashmi, Eternities Crafter Show

Engulf the Shore Show

Choke/Eaten by Spiders/Primeval Light/Capsize/Krosan Grip - This is a control shell. It IS NOT YOUR JOB to make sure they can play the game.

Explore/Harrow/Growth Spiral/Abundance - harder, better, ... you know the rest.

Veil of Summer/Voidslime/Tale's End/Last Word/Overwhelming Denial, Spell Burst, Thryx, the Sudden Storm - "no"


WarpedZerghead on Infinite Combos in EDH - Experiment Kraj Budget

4 years ago

poorpinkus, I just recently made a Kraj deck for the same reason, to see it grow beyond control because it was designed to choose its own evolution. Doi. I have been having the same results at the moment (alpha version of the deck) and that Kraj kicks off by turn 6 or 7: I am trying to cut that down to a turn or two sooner. One thought I had was increasing creature ramp. I saw you have a 'Transmute' card, I use that mechanic heavily in another deck (Nekusar RBU) specifically to get my combo items within the 2, 3 and 4 CMC range.

Here is my deck: Kraj-Maga Tap Dancing
You'll see about 3 or more versions of the same mechanic within the deck, especially with creatures. One of the fastest guarantee win items is the tap-to-ping creatures. Just tap once, deal damage to creature or player (must include player) and there you have it. At this point I have been considering just adding more creature ramp, transmute spells, creature tutor and counter spells.

Creature ramp is the big money money of the deck and gives you a chance to bring Kraj out sooner and as you noticed, the moment Kraj is in play it just goes off. For the creature ramp though I have been trying to stick to the 2-or-more mana per tap creatures. Gyre Sage, Gyre Engineer, Incubation Druid are great since the last two can give easier access to infinite untap andthough the Engineer will produce infinite colorless/green mana if you have a single blue untap ability ready. Ilysian Caryatid is another good option for potentially having 2 blue mana (with Kraj in play) to grant true unlimited mana for all colors. But I see you've already solved the mana conversion problem with Orochi Leafcaller and Pili-Pala (sick card for this deck).

Transmute and Tutor will get you what you need (obviously) and I've added as many ways as I can to do just that. I understand though you're using a budget to keep this deck real and some tutor spells are really pricey. Chord of Calling, Green Sun's Zenith, Birthing Pod are good but are probably out of budget, but Prime Speaker Vannifar has dropped considerably and Neoform is a similar outlet. Vannifar could be a superior solution to a Kraj deck because with a +1/+1 counter on her you could have infinite untap-access to her ability, but only in sorcery speed. Another star contender is Momir Vig, Simic Visionary but for Momir to really be effective he relies on both green and blue creature spells. A way around this is using spells that "change the text of target permanent" cards like Trait Doctoring or Whim of Volrath which also has a buyback but that already has too much work involved around a 'guest star' creature. Cool thing about Momir and Vannifar: they are both elves, so if yo have a sac outlet you can add Wirewood Herald that will tutor one of them to your hand. Transmute is also a good way around your deck, simply find your win condition creature combos by CMC and get the Transmutes you need. My deck's winning combos are almost all between 2 and 4 mana, I honestly don't think I need anything over that cost, one being Endbringer at 6 CMC because there are more tap-ping guys that cost less but honestly I am considering dropping it for another ramp creature or counter spell, granted its also a draw-card source.. On to Counter spells...

I am seeing a lot of "trample" and "unblockable" but honestly this experimental blob needs to just sit and make magic happen: no need for attackers. It is far too easy to get what you need in play and use the activated ability to achieve victory; that being said, enter the counter-turtle! Infinite mana seems to be the fastest thing I can get rolling for this guy, once that happens its a matter of time before the other shoe drops for a win, a strategy is to play safe and deny as many things as possible coming your way or in the way of a boardwipe. Rake up as many counterspells as you can, especially the 'split second' ones like Last Word. Another route for spells is kicker, multikicker and strive since mana 'ain't no thang' to Kraj.

All other spells or abilities that give more +1/+1 counters and such I feel are wasted placement cards because once Kraj gets untapping things get out of hand immediately. But, Grafting is definitely the way to at least get that started so it can save you a step if you're looking for the budget route. For example, Doubling Season: sweet card but we don't make tokens and all I need is one +1/+1 counter, not double. But, I do have Vigean Hydropon to distribute +1/+1 counters to my homies entering the battlefield. In several cases the 'Graft' option can work with Momir Vig if he's in play since some are blue/green creatures.

These are all really just ideas and options I've seen work for me but I'm also bouncing them to get feedback and find that chunk of fat that can be trimmed to make a leaner and meaner Experiment Kraj deck. Essentially all my cards involve the greatest of the greatest that I am assuming I have infinite mana, untaps, etc. instead of the 'once per turn'. I want everything, all the time and without end. Good ol' "Nah brah thanks, I'm here to break the game not have tea" attitude.

Thanks for sharing and thanks for reading the great wall-o-text!

Skillville on QQ

4 years ago

Wolfpig I had Plasm Capture and Spell Swindle in but took them out for Overwhelming Denial and Last Word . I love the mana you get from those 2 because you can dump it into an X draw spell..... any suggestions on what to remove to fit them in? Not trying to reduce any of the Nope cards. Perhaps... ramp? 2 islands? o.O

kamarupa on Day's Recasting

4 years ago

Perhaps one of these would be useful? Calculated Dismissal , Last Word , Mystical Dispute , Rewind , Supreme Will . These are just the counterspells I found that seemed remotely worth considering; there are of course many other non-counterspell instants & sorceries to consider. I'd say Archmage's Charm seems like the best candidate to swap out, given its UUU casting cost.

KibaAlpha on Ishai and Reyhan Counterpocolypse

5 years ago

Deck played pretty good. Achieved a strong board state consistently and within turn 4-5. Was able to combo off and win with infinite turns twice.

Wanted to try without Abzan Falconer and Tuskguard Captain but they are now back in.

Added more protection in the form of Last Word and Overwhelming Denial both of which can't be countered.

Wanted to have longer games but one of our group players decided he was going to try out his Breya with 30+ win cons by turn 4-6. Still deck did what I expected it do and now just finding ways to improve it's protection.

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