Kruphix, God of Horizons

Legendary Enchantment Creature — God


As long as your devotion to green and blue is less than seven, Kruphix isn't a creature.

You have no maximum hand size.

If you would lose unspent mana, that mana becomes colorless instead.

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legendofa on Why is WotC Changing the …

4 months ago

As I see it, it's less about the players' ability to get through a verbose card, and more about text clarity and conciseness. Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? (Never seen the show, only know it through meme osmosis.)

There's no functional difference between "Add to your mana pool." and "Add ." The phrase "unspent mana" also got introduced--compare Kruphix, God of Horizons to Horizon Stone. Clearing out jargon and tightening stock phrases help keep the game accessible and allow more complexity when they want to add it.

HappyGil on Yidris, Steal Your Girl

1 year ago

Might be too much of a stretch, but would Kruphix, God of Horizons fit? You have a a bunch of cards that say "spend mana as though it were mana of any color". Could give you the opportunity to bank mana for a big turn with your secondary hand in exile.

KBK7101 on What is your favorite tribe, …

1 year ago

I think mine would either be cats or gods.

Cats, namely the leonin type ones like Ajani's Pridemate, Leonin Vanguard or Leonin Warleader remind me of just starting to learn the game with the M19 Ajani Planeswalker deck. I still have an upgraded version of it on Arena that I play every now and again.

I also really love god typed creatures. They're few and far between (though a bit more common these days) and because of this, they usually have this... sense of awe around them. It's hard to explain. Like, Kruphix, God of Horizons and Bontu the Glorified just make me feel small and insignificant in comparison and I love it. The Kaldheim ones don't quite have the same effect, but I love the flavor and design of them nontheless.

KBK7101 on Spymaster's spy-plans

1 year ago

I love the idea. I'm working on something similar with Kruphix, God of Horizons. You might want a back up plan in case the group hug thing doesn't pan out, though. Since everyone will be drawing lots of cards, why not make them draw even more with Forced Fruition and cards like Skyscribing? You can also try and mill them with Teferi's Tutelage. Works really well with Teferi's Ageless Insight.

There's also Body of Knowledge for a big scary threat!

Delphen7 on Storing Conditional Mana

1 year ago

Say I control Kruphix, God of Horizons.

I tap the following:

On a following turn, do their restrictions/typing still apply? (ie can I only spend the 6 colorless on creatures, is one of the colorless considered snow mana, and is one of the colorless still treasure mana?)

_Delta_ on Simic Lands

1 year ago

Glad to be of help! It was late and I realized after I suggested still a few things you had already included but by a later point couldn't go back to edit them. I admit I never got into asking some questions perhaps on the exact power level or anything like that but I get why you might not wish to add some of these. I use all the ones named regarding that self-mill strategy (Laboratory Maniac etc) in a Kruphix, God of Horizons deck I have which is capable of some explosive plays when I start generating ridiculous amounts of mana and or cast something like Omniscience with ways to draw a crazy amount of cards. But it also plays a bunch of big creatures like the Eldrazi if I want to win in a more straightforward, combat-focused way. I get the appeal of wanting to build up a big boardstate, and Simic colours are great for that.

I'll also just say that I started Magic back in approx 2013 and was the colour pair I fell in love with for deckbuilding and during my first little while with the game me and some friends played at a pretty casual level too. In fact, before I even knew much of anything about all the various formats, I played a Simic deck which was like 80 cards filled with stuff like an Arcanis the Omnipotent with multiple ways to untap it and some other things with useful activated abilities, a playset of Roil Elementals which I protected with counterspells and Archetype of Endurance (they were fun to use alongside Explosive Vegetation and similar effects), Lifeblood Hydra, Horizon Chimera were others, and finally some goodies like Prophet of Kruphix (rip its commander banning) and later additions like Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger.

Some of this became a Vorel of the Hull Clade commander deck for a while, but I still really always liked the theme of lands early on which is why I made a Lord Windgrace deck and now most recently an Omnath, Locus of Creation deck.

And having a lot of lands can be made to work, it's for one thing unfortunate that many of the cards in this theme which allow you to play extra lands from hand or graveyard are so costly even despite some reprints so there were a lot of ideas I skipped suggesting. I still think you should keep an eye out for Ramunap Excavator if you have a good chance to acquire one because you do have a significant number of lands which either can be sacrificed, cycled, or in some way become a creature and at some point die, so having another way to earn a few more back could be useful outside of World Shaper, Splendid Reclamation, and The Mending of Dominaria which I see is nonetheless your general gameplan.

Some of my decks which can be seen on my profile are complete / nearly fully owned, but yet others I build them how I want them to be eventually a little later and I definitely get wanting to make choices that are budget friendly with myself still as a student. I have for one thing been smart or simply gotten lucky and picked up a lot of cards from buying/trades when they were either cheap / reprinted over the years which has made a few of my decks creep up in price now (my best example of this was acquiring a Sliver Queen for $100 CAD worth of trades (approx $76 US) like five years ago. Anyway, if I do think of more stuff which could be of use here I'll let you know btw!

TypicalTimmy on Imoti in a Miirym deck

1 year ago

Well, Niv is copied upon ETB, not cast.

So Niv sits on the stack while you Cascade into one of the others.

I actually added Maelstrom Wanderer during my last upgrade to test the waters with it. But your idea likely is a bit more stable.

I was actually thinking of adding Kruphix, God of Horizons to hold onto the mana from Savage Ventmaw and Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient as well as just generally pooling unused mana. Even considered Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy to bypass the whole draw, cast and mana issues. Getting 7+ mana is easy. Getting something to use it on? Eh not so much.

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