Krosan Vorine

Creature — Cat Beast

Provoke (When this attacks, you may have target creature defending player controls untap and block it if able.)

Krosan Vorine can't be blocked by more than one creature.

Spirits on Arahbo, Budget... for Cats EDH

4 years ago

Hi TzickyT,

Deck is solid. I would get Tree of Tales and Ancient Den to support the Puresteel Paladin. Perhaps replace Memorial to Glory so you don't weaken your Blackblade Reforged.

I think more important than mana (land and artifact where all the $$$ is spent), is Sylvan Tutor and Worldly Tutor will give you a higher consistency on T3/T4 infect wins. Unfortunately they aren't cheap unless they get reprints.

I don't see any cards I wouldn't play in the main, I like the inclusion of Sword of the Animist and Krosan Vorine.

Harrow is an under-utilized ramp, it's benefit over something like Cultivate is that the lands come in untapped, so your net cost for that extra land is CMC1 (sac the land you just tapped of course) and you can play something else that turn!

Generous Gift the new Beast Within.

I have been getting tired of Kemba, Kha Regent lack of performance as lately in my budget deck, often feels like a mis-utilization of equipment, unless I have the equip on-board to re-purpose for combat, and now that Balan, Wandering Knight is out of budget for my deck now, makes it even worse for me. Felt like Pride Sovereign 2.0. But then again, some games I have high success with both those cats in my budget league with the go-wide they provide, so really can't exclude either.

Has a cohesive strategy, should be out to early aggro, has a couple built in mid-range ability to win, good lifegain. I would assume it's pretty fun to play too.

catmaster0 on 1v1 Arahbo cat tribal

4 years ago

I do not like Pouncing Jaguar , the echo is just too annoying and plenty of 1 drop cats exist. Glittering Lynx , Charmed Stray , etc. Pendelhaven tends to be better than a forest for these cards as well.

Lost Leonin can result in earlier kills than any cat opening and dramatic boosts from Duelist's Heritage and Silverblade Paladin similarly speed up kills. Combined with Lost Leonin you can occasionally steal a turn 3 kill. You might find Rhonas the Indomitable

I'm also surprised at the lack of Rancor and Steelshaper's Gift . Darksteel Plate seems slow and does little and Ajani, the Greathearted doesn't look remarkable.

Life's Legacy and Hunter's Insight create a remarkable amount of advantage and Lifecrafter's Bestiary is surprisingly effective, the scry is surprisingly strong for the deck given its natural redundancy issues and the draws just build up advantage.

Krosan Vorine is nice creature removal that happens to be a cat. You seem to be avoiding creature-based spot removal, which I find surprising to the extent you aren't even running Swords to Plowshares , which I guess was an intentional meta call.

A higher-curved call like Regal Caracal seems a bit slow for cat plays, I'd prefer The Great Henge , where a 5 power cat, (original power of 2 with Arahbo boost), gets it to be a 5 drop, or even a 4 drop with 6 power from those 3 original powered cats, etc.

Abzkaban on Bringing an Army to a Duel

5 years ago


Yeah I had been debating about that one, and the keeping the mana curve low was the biggest reason I included Krosan Vorine . You make a good point, though. I think that one extra mana might just be worth Lowland Tracker ’s first strike.

I’m a little confused by your next suggestion because none of those cards have a Lure effect. They don’t force blockers; they just do things when they’re blocked. Including lure effects would be a great idea if I can find room for them, though.

Yeah, Shamanic Revelation is really good. It’s similar to Camaraderie which nets me life regardless of my creatures’ power. I think if I had enough creatures with power over 4 to make the second part worth it, it would just be win-more. Still good draw power regardless. It might find its way in if I need another high draw spell.

Thanks for taking a look at the deck and giving some feedback!

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Bringing an Army to a Duel

5 years ago

After looking at you combat trick section, I would vote for replacing Krosan Vorine with Lowland Tracker . It does cost 1 more mana, but it has first strike. You pair that with Bow of Nylea , Basilisk Collar , or Gorgon Flail (other strong inclusions in a deck with Mirri) and now the Tracker is just straight removal.

Also, some other fun cards with Lure effects are Druid's Call , Saber Ants , and Broodhatch Nantuko .

Shamanic Revelation can be pretty potent card draw in a token deck as well. Yes you need a board state to get anything, but it has pretty high upside.

Abzkaban on Bringing an Army to a Duel

5 years ago


Thanks. Deftblade Elite and Krosan Vorine at least allow me to force a block which thanks to Mirri is the only one they get. I’m looking for anything along those lines.

Spirits on Kemba Cat Tribal

5 years ago

Hi KimJongman,

Leonin Shikari is quite good, the "Instant" speed equip means you can move your Infect Grafted Exoskeleton, or Protection Hammer of Nazahn, or Trample Loxodon Warhammer, or Card Advantage Bloodforged Battle-Axe around after blockers are declared to maximize / have favorable outcomes. Along with a Puresteel Paladin he becomes great. To get his Metalcraft working properly you need some other artifacts like Ancient Den, Tree of Tales, Inkmoth Nexus. Since you have Bloodforged Battle-Axe in your build, I would try and work him in, because the Draw ability he offers when you start multiplying the Bloodforged Battle-Axe could be a win-con.

Behemoth Sledge is good, I prefer the offense of the Loxodon Warhammer, the reason I don't run both is redundancy, since I tutor my artifacts, I would rather have more options than duplication/redundancy. However, in a less (equipment) tutor intense build, I like the redundancy as it increases my draw %. Coupled together with the Puresteel Paladin can get it's Equip cost down as well. You have Enlightened Tutor, but with no (creature) tutorable Stonehewer Giant or Stoneforge Mystic, I would run the redundancy since the Trample and Lifelink are both key to your success with Infect.

Taj-Nar Swordsmith is also not a terrible Equipment tutor in a budget scenario. I don't like his CMC but, he is a (Creature) tutorable, and gives an (Equipment) tutor for the Infect Grafted Exoskeleton. Depends how your finding your games going if he is relevant. If others are combo'ing on Turn3-Turn5 he wont have any impact.

Skullclamp is a nice way to avoid creature removal heavy decks, like , can turn your 1 creature that has been Go for the Throat into Card Advantage. It also allows you to turn tokens into Card Advantage, and it's a CMC1 Artifact for Puresteel Paladin Metalcraft and Draw.

If you don't have a budgetary restriction on decks, Lands is definitely where you'll get consistency, things like Temple Garden are pricey, but very good because they are searchable as Forest and Plains and enable other lands like Sunpetal Grove as an example.

Lifecrafter's Bestiary is also a decent budget Selesnya () card. I don't like its CMC3 cost, and it requires to activate, plus this isn't a creature deck. The Scry 1 combined with the Draw, can be effective though.

Sigarda's Aid is another low CMC1 solution, but I would recommend Puresteel Paladin instead, he has far more utility.

Kodama's Reach is also a good budget ramp tutor, it's another Cultivate. Perfect in draws where you get the Sol Ring.

I use Chord of Calling for my Felidar Sovereign and Archangel of Thune/Spike Feeder combo. It's fairly pricey, but if you have it already, I would run it! You can still use it to pull any other creature, like Lost Leonin too, but usually later in the game they are less effective, than the early tutor/double-strike like Worldly Tutor.

Krosan Vorine is in your mainboard, my mistake. Take him off your Maybeboard.

Fortified Village is still fairly inexpensive, I believe. Good for consistency.

Path to Exile is a little pricey, but it doubles as an Emergency tutor, and it's Exile so VERY powerful.

Rhonas the Indomitable I've found is an awesome tempo guy, ANY cat means that he can Attack, and is indestructible, and is Deathtouch, and can add Trample (or multi-pump an Infect/Trample Cat to win).

Sylvan Library is ridiculously expensive, however, If you aren't under budget constraints, and you can trade for one, it's the BEST card advantage you have in the arsenal.

I'm not a huge fan of Divine Reckoning, it's not going to get rid of the creature that is the REAL problem. It's only Destroy as well. I think, the creature that anyone else keeps is usually better than the creature you keep, except perhaps in an early Lost Leonin or something case.

I also really dislike Hunter's Prowess. If it was Instant, I could deal with it. It's just setting you up for a 2 for 1 situation. Sorcery Cast Hunter's Prowess onto a creature, creature is removed in response with a Swords to Plowshares. You lose #1 The creature (and the offense) #2 Hunter's Prowess is countered. Plus it's CMC5 is really high, He can enable a double-strike or Infect guy for sure, but too high CMC, and too risky for me. Something like Hunter's Insight I'll take the risk on because I know what Blockers look like, and I cast it JUST before the damage assignment step, so yes, he could still be removed in response, but usually at that point they've accepted/arranged the damage and now I get the draw. Personal preference. If it was an Enchantment as well, I would also be ok with it, as a Sorcery, no thanks. That beings said, if you do connect with it, very nice +3 and Trample and Draw, but why CMC5.

I like the Life's Legacy at CMC2. I've added to my Maybeboard, I think it needs to go into my deck as well. Eminence a Cat, Attack with Cat, Sacrifice Cat (As part of the cost, so no way to remove the creature in response to counter the spell), also no targeting. It's pretty good, CMC2 for 4+ card advantage. I like it. Without a creature it's not that great, but hopefully, have a Token cat or something to use. Excellent budget card.

Not the biggest fan of Myriad Landscape. i could live with it if it didn't enter the battlefield tapped. Because it enters tapped, it's going to hinder me more times that it's ramp will help me.

Oreskos Explorer is good, but I don't like that he is and only pulls more , and is conditional on ETB without Flash. I think he can, in multi-player pods, potentially pull you some Plains, but later in the game unless you're playing other ramp, you'll have more lands that everyone. Everyone else just using Mana Crypt and the sort to ramp without . I don't like that he doesn't mana fix and is useless late game. I wouldn't run him.

Rishkar's Expertise is also too high CMC and too conditional for my liking. To properly utilize it, I need 1) CMC6, 2) A decent size creature with Eminence 3) That creature in 2 isn't removed in response (I know it doesn't target, but if i have a 6/6 (eminence) and a 1/1 lifelink token, if they remove the 6/6 in response, I only draw 1 even though the spell isn't countered) 4) I have or draw into a card that is CMC5 that makes sense to cast right now. If any of these things aren't there, it's a dead draw to me.

Stalking Leonin is ok, he's 3/3 for CMC3. The selection process feels bizarre/strange/uncomfortable to me. His ability is an activated ability "reveal the player", so if he dies, then all you've gotten is a 3/3 for CMC3. He can only exile a creature that "attacking you", so he can't protect planeswalkers, and he can only remove attacking creatures. The creatures you really want to exile RARELY attack. I would rather have a different creature that provide immediate ETB or Static ability that is not conditional. But that's just me, not a fan of him, which I originally thought I would be when I saw him in the Spoilers.

I love Terminus one of my favorite cards. In Selesnya () there's no efficient way to put it back ontop of the deck, so it's Miracle is going to be a little hit and miss randomness, but it's still good. Gets around hexproof, shroud, indestructible, etc.

Did you get a Vivien Reid in your pre-release play? He doesn't really synergize with Arahbo, Roar of the World.1) His CMC5 is quite high for a planeswalker 2) It's not a creature heavy/win-con based deck, so he's not going to consistently draw a card for his +1, unless you put some Scry mechanics in the deck (please don't) 3) Unless you need more destroy Artifact/Enchantment/Flying in your pod, CMC5 is way to much for that. 4) even if you destroy for CMC5, then +1 (no draw), then Destroy again, it's so much CMC and so many turns, too kludgy. 5) Not being a creature win-con heavy deck, the ultimate doesn't direclty represent a win-con for you, it's good, but not a win-con level ultimate. I would make better arguments for CMC6 Ajani Unyielding or CMC4 Elspeth, Knight-Errant or CMC4 Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants.

Some others have argued to me that Felidar Cub is a good tempo guy, who "locks down" opponents from casting powerful enchantments until they can deal with him, in that analysis he is good because he's preventing casts. I tried him, I haven't seen enough, I prefer guys like Leonin Relic-Warder that offer solutions without having to die, but thought I would mention him anyway.

Revoke Existence is not bad, with it was Instant speed. I'm not sure you want to be the one controlling Artifact/Enchantment. CMC2 for Exile and Modularity is good though, can't argue to take it out, just not sure what Artifact/Enchantment you're worried about that will change/disrupt your plans?

The deck looks pretty solid, I'd be surprised if you weren't Turn 3/4 Infect killing with a Lost Leonin + Eminence + Ajani, Caller of the Pride/Berserk/Silverblade Paladin/etc. at least once in a while?? or pulling a Triumph of the Hordes and Trample/Infect killing.

Always tutor Lost Leonin if they don't have an immediate response he is a win-con with Eminence. I've killed with him without doublestrike quite often, just having 2 connected hits. Cast a blocker, I'll gladly Swords to Plowshares + Eminence hit you a couple turns.

How has the deck been going, you must be having some success? Arahbo, Roar of the World is a Tier 4 commander, and with an Under $200 deck, I'm sure your not competing consistenly vs. Tier 1 commanders like Kess, Dissident Mage or Zur the Enchanter or anything, but on occasion (because of the early creature tutor for Lost Leonin and the concentration of Double-strike enables, you MUST be contacting.)

I just did some very quick (5 games) testing, Turn 7 was the worst for lethal damage, Turn 4 the best. It's not bad for a under $200 commander. Takes time to learn how to play it, tutor. Like Congregation at Dawn is Lost Leonin/Silverblade Paladin so you can infect + eminence + doublestrike in 2 turns (as an example).

Just some of my opinions anyway! Very nice build, +1. Cheers.

Spirits on Kemba Cat Tribal

5 years ago

Hi KimJongman,

Thanks for the follow. I'll do a full break down and recommendation of your deck. I'm just getting back from vacation today.

I also have a $50 budget Mirri, Little Kid Aggro $50 EDH, Some ideas in there as it's also a 2/2 Cat Tribal build.

I play in a $50 budget league so I'll be able to come up with some ideas. As your new to EDH here are some tools you can look at: - You can lookup the commanders and see common cards being paid, under the "Recs" in the main top toolbar, you can paste your current deck, and it will evaluate and provide some recommendations, and on a second tab, the cards that you are playing that noone else does. It's nice because it not only shows you how many other people play that card, but has a synergy rating which is usually more important, AND it shows rough prices you can use and ignore like $25 cards and such as you go.

I also like It's similar graphing wise to but it allows you to sort by price (helpful when trying to keep under a budget), as well as some more advanced graph options, like showing colorless mana and such.

Krosan Vorine is a good budget cat that can take down Commanders or creatures that are giving you trouble, with the Eminence trigger.

With Lost Leonin you can Double-Strike him, which is an instant win if he's letting you hit early, because 10 infect wins, and a 2/1 Infect +3/3 from Eminence + Double-Strike kills. You have Ajani, Caller of the Pride so abilities like that are good.

You have quite a few creature tutors, so you should be able to get to your Lost Leonin, I'll see if there are any other affordable tutors you've missed, tutoring an early Lost Leonin + Silverblade Paladin should do it.

I'll take a closer look this week. Cheers!

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