Kraum, Ludevic's Opus

Legendary Creature — Zombie Horror

Flying, haste

Whenever an opponent casts their second spell each turn, draw a card.

Partner (You can have two commanders if both have partner.)

lajfik on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

10 months ago

Hi, first time posting here. Site is missing foil versions of: 1. Akiri, Line-Slinger 2. Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate 3. Leori, Sparktouched Hunter 4. Rukarumel, Biologist 5. Narci, Fable Singer

Also, Kraum, Ludevic's Opus foil version seems to have problem with uploading market value information

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago


Buddies cancelled so I played 3 pub games instead:

Opponents: Esix, Fractal Bloom, Captain N'ghathrod, Sigarda, Host of Herons

Starting hand: Emeria, The Sky Ruin, Plains, Plains, Path to Exile, Angelic Page, Archangel of Tithes, Sanctuary Warden

As we played through the game it became clear that Esix was the big threat. The board was wiped twice, once with N'ghathrod's Hex and a second time with Sigarda's Day of Judgment. Archangel of Tithes helped get a few early attacks in against Esix as they usually tapped out to play some bigger spells.

I was able to keep Esix in check a few times by using Path to Exile on their commander when they were about to pop off. I also used Oblation again on Esix when they cast a Pest Infestation destroying my Crucible of Worlds and Vanquisher's Banner but netting 12 pests. Finally, I had a Kabira Takedown  Flip but only 2 creatures on the field so it couldn't deal with anything on Esix's board so I used it on Sigarda's Soul Warden.

At the final turn I had Sanctuary Warden equipped to Sword of Feast and Famine, Righteous Valkyrie and Angelic Field Marshal. In my hand I had Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Emeria Shepherd, Sword of Hearth and Home and a Seraph Sanctuary. Giada had been removed 3 times this game so she cost 8. Esix was at 6 but also had a Sublime Epiphany with open mana and a Craterhoof Behemoth in hand with 19 creatures, mostly 1/1 tokens on board.

As I'm writing this I realized I had the answer but didn't realize it at the time. If I had casted Sword of Hearth and Home Esix would have countered it and bounced my Sanctuary Warden forcing it out of their hand. I could then equip the Sword of Feast and Famine to another angel and swung for lethal since they had no flying blockers. I could have also moved to equip Sword of Feast and Famine to another angel which they could've countered once, but I had open mana to do it again. Despite losing this round let's count it as a win due to my misplay.

Opponents: Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools, Kraum, Ludevic's Opus, Captain N'ghathrod, Sigarda, Host of Herons

Starting hand: Windswept Heath, Sol Ring, Pearl Medallion, Angel of Vitality, Mangara, the Diplomat, Soul Warden

Perhaps this was a risky hand to keep but with the Sol Ring and Pearl Medallion I could literally play everything in my hand if not disrupted so I kept it.

Kraum also kept a risky hand but it paid off for them in the short term. They cast a Show and Tell which let me only drop Angel of Vitality but they dropped an Omniscience and proceeded to play out their hand giving themselves an immense board state on turn 3.

Kraum made a serious misplay here as they used a Cyclonic Rift on my Sol Ring and a bounce spell that returned all creatures with power less than 5. This was supposed to wipe the board but Angel of Vitality was a 5/5. They followed this up with a Wheel of Misfortune paying 35 life expecting us to bet high life totals so they wouldn't get the wheel. Unfortunately for them we bid pretty low numbers and Kraum took the full 35. With no flying blockers on board they were dead next turn.

With Kraum out of the game and a fresh 7 card hand I ended up dominating the board. Some nice synergies were using Sword of Hearth and Home on Sanctuary Warden to 2 cards a turn, one for ETB, one for swinging. Bishop of Wings with Resplendent Angel and Angelic Accord gave me double angels on my end steps. Finally, having Emeria, The Sky Ruin and 7 plains let me fill my boardstate quickly. While the game took longer I never hit another board wipe and closed it out with 64 life.

Opponents: Kykar, Wind's Fury, Atraxa, Praetors' Voice & Sigarda, Host of Herons

Starting Hand: Flooded Strand, Path of Ancestry, Soul Warden, Luminarch Ascension, Pyre of Heroes, Folk Hero, Angelic Curator

I was excited about this hand because it had 2 new cards that hadn't come up in the last couple games I played so I wanted to test it out. While it should have curved out pretty nicely, having only Folk Hero as the draw card with a single angel should've been a warning sign. My early board state included Giada, Font of Hope, Soul Warden and Luminarch Ascension. As predicted, Luminarch Ascension was able to get 3 counters on it after a single turn.

However I was hit by a board wipe early on and had to decide whether to use Luminarch's ability or recast Giada. I foolishly recast Giada only to have her removed again with Skysovereign, Consul Flagship. When Sigarda went to blow up Luminarch I produced 3 4/4 angels with 6 mana to give me some blockers. I had also drawn into The Ozolith but it was only able to add 1 counter on it.

For the rest of the game Kykar solely targeted me with their growing vehicle board state. Since Giada now cost 6 and Skysovereign was pinging for 3 every turn I couldn't waste the mana to recast her which turned off Folk Hero. I cast Angelic Curator just for a blocker since it would be hugely advantageous against vehicles but it was promptly removed with Dispatch by Kykar. I was also able to draw into a Mask of Memory but was stalled out since Kykar had Spirit token blockers, Atraxa had their commander and Sigarda also had their commander. I was the first to be knocked out and this was a definite loss. I did cast Pyre of Heroes but didn't draw into any angels until late game so it had no effect.

Archangel of Tithes is actually pretty great but probably more effective as a late game play when board states are bigger. Battlecruiser decks will typically tap out to get the edge and will not hold up mana for tax effects which will help in getting damage through.

Luminarch Ascension is a great card but also a lightning rod. In the third game it presented a threat early on and if Giada hadn't been removed twice so early it could've helped end the game. Not getting those +1/+1 counters on the angels hurt my game plan quite a lot.

The Ozolith saw play but had little impact. Again, if Giada hadn't been removed early I could've dumped all those counters onto it and preserved threats.

Pyre of Heroes also saw play but had little impact. The overall flow of the game meant I was essentially stuck. Eye of Vecna would've been more impactful here but since Kykar had such an oppressive board state I would need to play much bigger threats to make a difference.

While Giada may not always be necessary to our gameplan, not having her and being unable to cast her slows us up so much that opponents can just out ramp or out threaten us pretty quickly. Dodging an entire table's board wipes and single target removals is pretty tough and makes me consider Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots again.

x12721 on Archenemy/Planeschase deck ideas

2 years ago

I would argue that from a power standpoint, the singular most effective game winning combo in EDH is Consult Oracle. Add in Tainted Pact and you'll be pretty set. Even on a budget, you can still get a pretty good unique manabase if you run more colors. My recommendation for commanders would be Thrasios, Triton Hero and Tymna the Weaver/Kraum, Ludevic's Opus. You'll be able to win quickly or grind value for a longer game. With three or four colors you'll also be able to run a diverse manabase pretty easily, even on a budget.

Unlife on Rare commander build?

2 years ago

My decks tend to lean more toward the rare builds then the rare commanders. In terms of standouts, I've got a Gahiji, Honored One that is a Primal Surge superfriends deck, and my Saskia the Unyielding is ooze tribal. With the addition of companion and parter to commander, I really like building within restrictions, so my Kraum, Ludevic's Opus/Tymna the Weaver/Obosh, the Preypiercer (all odd wheel/combo) stands out as a rarer commander build

If I had to take a guess, I'd say my rarest commander is mutant tribal deck helmed by Louvaq, The Abberant, which my playgroup is kind enough to let me run.

Inkmoth on Yeva Draw-Grow

2 years ago

Profet93: So, Earthcraft is banned in Conquest, so I, on a whim slotted Concordant Crossroads in... and it is so fucking stupid. I cannot begin to describe just how dumb this card is. You generally slap this down with the dorks in hand and Yeva on board... allowing you to just pop off at instant speed. If we play it out without a line in mind, and just because you can, it'll definitely blow up in your face. I found that Winota, Joiner of Forces is the only one we really want to watch out for and the new Devoted Druid + Swift Reconfiguration combo when playing Concordant Crossroads. However, this was not an update I was ready to publicize, but I inadvertently deleted the whole update (plus changelog) and had to commit to posting the draft or nothing at all. I do believe the list should be on this, so I don't mind committing. J-Lo will be revisited most likely as well.

As for Karametra's Acolyte, the list has been wanting this card for the better part of a year... and across all the experienced pilots we all can collectively agree that Selvala, Heart of the Wilds has been absolute shit for quite some time. That pay one green was quite restrictive, the cantrip was almost always beat by an early Kraum, Ludevic's Opus or Serra Ascendant, while only getting 4 mana (really 3) most of the time was a really lame baseline. Selvala could only go off with Ashaya Rangers and Kogla Hyrax combos, whereas Acolyte can go off with all of those along with Temur Symbiote and Temur Hyrax lines. It just gives waaaayyy more mana on average while having a way bigger butt that's more likely to survive Jeska, Thrice Reborn.

Jabberjaw46 on

2 years ago

I think the largest issue in your deck is that you are spreading your resources very thin, you are balancing flicker creatures with instant/ sorcery payoff pieces, with a political commander. The reason (I believe) your games are so polar, is because you need to draw into all three pieces to really get your deck running.

First of all, lets look at your commander choice, while Pramikon, Sky Rampart can offer political advantages and protection, he seems less focused on the strategy of your deck. I believe that a commander suited towards your blink strategy specifically would make you deck run much more consistent. Although, this almost certainly means that a change in color identity will be needed, since there's no big blink Jeskai commanders. At best there's maybe Vadrok, Apex of Thunder which can let you recast your blink spells. If you are open to partner decks, then Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel and Kraum, Ludevic's Opus is VERY good. You could throw them in and keep the rest of your 99 the same and see more consistent results right away.

Next, lets examine some of your instant/ sorcery pay-offs. I actually really like the cards like Archaeomancer and Ardent Elementalist, and I don't think that changing them out will bring you more consistency, as they are what makes the deck consistent at all in the first place. After play-testing a little bit I can see their value.

A few cards that I think are slowing your deck down are:

Approach of the Second Sun- Not a great win con in my opinion, one of those cards that is dead early game and late game takes too long to get going.

Ghostly Prison and Propaganda- I am not sure yet, but I think some more higher end etb payoffs might be better in these slots. Maybe something like Glorious Protector (board wipe protection, etb doubles).

Other than that, your deck looks really solid! Let me know if you have any issues or questions and I'll be happy to help!

Happy Deckbuilding!

Unlife on Unique Commanders

2 years ago

I've built a couple of odd decks, my personal favorite is a naya superfriends deck, helmed by Gahiji, Honored One. Its not too out there, but the entire deck is built around Primal Surge, so there are no instants or sorceries at all.

Personally, I'd also think about a deckbuilding restriction, something that really makes you think about how you have to build the deck. Best example, I've got a wheel deck built around 2 partner commanders and a companion Tymna the Weaver/Kraum, Ludevic's Opus/Obosh, the Preypiercer All odd CMC in 4 colors with a wheel/combo based wincon.

For a weird recommendation/challenge: Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer/Sakashima of a Thousand Faces/Keruga, the Macrosage creatureless summoner tribal. All your spells and support makes creature tokens, but beyond the commanders there are no creatures in the deck.

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