Krasis Incubation

Enchantment — Aura

Enchanted creature can't attack or block, and its activated abilities can't be activated.

{1}{G}{U}, Return Krasis Incubation to its owner's hand: Put two +1/+1 counters on enchanted creature.

RenatoTYR74 on Derevi, Angelic Tap Dancer

6 years ago

I took these two spells from the deck Faith's Fetters and Krasis Incubation... What did you think 'bout it, little guys?!

R-ev_Med on Ezuri, the claw of regress

6 years ago

Well ... in my mind (and the way i play it for now) Krasis Incubation is more like an Arrest that you can get back into your hand to manage the board pressure and threats as I'm mostly playing in multiplayer format (an often 5 players) which is MUCH slower and wrathy than the usual 3 player thus it often (in the previous versions of the deck, i often had card draw problems, although i might have overdone it) end with a 1-shot like Blighted Agent with 9 +1/+1 counters or infinite turns with Sage of Hours. I might come back to my word if Overflowing Insight does not live up to it's cost. Anyways thank you for taking your time to review my deck.

Ammend : I did put 2 Path of Ancestry, one of them is a Wily Bandar.

KALE434 on Ezuri, the claw of regress

6 years ago

Nah i would say take out Krasis Incubation because its kinda just weird and slow and i get what your trying to do with it but your commander does this effect way faster and cheaper. For the second card Overflowing Insight , sorry the card is just unimpressive to me and you should cut non-creature cards first before other creatures is why I'm suggesting these two.

landofMordor on Atraxa's Oddly Synergistic Enchantments

7 years ago

Azor's Elocutors is a funny win-con with proliferate. Krasis Incubation works well with all your creatures/bounce enchantment type cards. Cool deck! You can also try another one of the experience counter commanders like Ezuri, Claw of Progress to buff your enchantresses. Karlov of the Ghost Council or Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter are other routes you could go with the proliferate, perhaps. If you decide to put in any of those, the first cards I'd drop would be the Hondens, since they're mediocre cards (unless you're going for a flavor win, which is valid!). Also, I'd check out cards with the proliferate mechanic, since additional triggers are always good. Good luck brewing!

ticked-off-squirrel on dude wheres my fleet-swallowing leviathan

7 years ago

I would personally add Wormfang Crab into this seafood array. and also add Sunken City. and a great way to buff most of your creatures with a reusable enchantment is to use Krasis Incubation

Tuft on Rashmi's House of Value

7 years ago

Breeding Pool, Flooded Grove, Temple of Mystery, Botanical Sanctum, Hinterland Harbor, and Yavimaya Coast are all relatively cheap (except for the Grove), and will do way more for the consistency of the deck than adding a singleton of Jace - unless, that is, you're going to go for a strong "basics matter" subtheme, which it doesn't look like you're doing.

As far as the deck proper goes, Krasis Incubation, Terrifying Presence, Pulse of Murasa, Reclaim, Natural Connection, Learn from the Past, Nissa's Judgment, Map the Wastes, Contingency Plan, Deep Reconnaissance, Incremental Growth, Vexing Scuttler, Sylvok Replica, Stingerfling Spider, Sigiled Starfish, Shambleshark, Lashweed Lurker, Embodiment of Spring, Dawntreader Elk, Conclave Naturalists, and Borderland Ranger can all be cut. I don't wnat to be frank, but I feel like I have to - those cards are bad. They're simply too low power. From a pure powerlevel perspective, you're going to find yourself outgunned. And although it's really tempting to look for cards like Torrential Gearhulk, Scroll Rack, and Sensei's Divining Top that are "staples" in EDH and are super popular and expensive, those are only really worth it if you've already got a high-power deck filled with high powerlevel cards because it adds consistency to your draws and lets you use your high powerlevel cards to their fullest. I also think that although Scroll Rack and Top are super synergistic with your commander, you should probably save them for last because they're so expensive and relatively low-impact compared to your actual win conditions. If you're on a budget, consider Crystal Ball - although it's a little bit more expensive manawise than either Scroll Rack or Top, it's still pretty damn good.

Your deck is not high powerlevel, sorry to say - although selecting one of your top 3 cards seems really good, it's absolutely godawful useless if the top three cards are Conclave Naturalists, Sigiled Starfish, and Krasis Incubation. Instead of looking to the big ticket cards for power, which will be inconsistent, you should be looking at cheaper synergistic cards - Things that will only cost you a buck or two like Dig Through Time, Vedalken Orrery, Mystical Tutor,Courser of Kruphix, etcetera.

Now with those cuts, that leaves you with 21 extra slots to put in cards that help you with your goal. We need to take a look at your mission statement for the deck and build an idea around which the deck will be built - you said that "The goal is to utilize Rashmi to get insane value from casting cards for free and stealing and copying my opponents cards. Currently has a counters subtheme with most of the creatures". So what can we do with that? Well, looking at clone and stealy effects, you're missing a few really good ones - Stunt Double, Clever Impersonator, Sakashima the Imposter, Cryptoplasm, Progenitor Mimic, and a personal favorite of mine, Phyrexian Metamorph. As far as stealy effects go, there's no shortage in blue. Thada Adel, Acquisitor, Bribery, Treachery, Corrupted Conscience, and Treachery (although this might be a bit out of your price range).

Spelljack is a little costly for a mere counterspell, but it's right in your niche of stealing spells. Cultural Exchange lets you trade away some garbage mana runts for their biggest beatsticks, and Perplexing Chimera is just a lot of fun.

Now all these cards combined will probably not even come close to equaling the cost of a single JTMS, but it'll be much better for your deck if you pick these guys up because your $100 of power isn't focused on one card that you rely on to really blow up your opponent. Instead, it's more evenly dispersed and distributed to make sure that more of your draws are live gas, and less of them are shit like Reclaim.

Also, if you still want better ramp, cut the Simic Keyrune for a Simic Signet, and use Cultivate and Kodama's Reach for your oneshot spells. Although they only drop one land each, they set you up for consistent land drops further down the line, and guarantee you access to both colors.

If you're still interested in a +1/+1 counters subtheme, I've got a lot of ideas, but since you said you're probably gonna phase that out, I'll leave those for another time.

wjohnson936 on Hate for maelstrom wanderer and …

7 years ago

Maybe stuff like Curse of Exhaustion, Arcane Laboratory, Eidolon of Rhetoric, or Rule of Law. Derevi's ability jumps around the global effects nicely. Erayo, Soratami Ascendant and Jace, Unraveler of Secrets might work as well. Should frustrate the Maelstrom player a little bit when they can't cast the spells off of the double cascade.

Assuming the Niv-Mizzet is built as a combo, give it shroud with stuff like Alexi's Cloak, Aspect of Mongoose, Diplomatic Immunity, Favorable Destiny, Mystic Veil, or Robe of Mirrors. (Hexproof might be better actually.) Alternatively, lock-out it's activated ability or give yourself hexproof with Abeyance,Aegis of the Gods, Arrest, Azorius Guildmage, Bind, Detainment Spell, Encrust, Faith's Fetters, Gelid Shackles, Ice Cage, Interdict, Ivory Mask, Katabatic Winds, Krasis Incubation, Leyline of Sanctity, Linvala, Keeper of Silence, Lost in Thought, Orbs of Warding, Peace Talks, Phyrexian Revoker, Pithing Needle, Serra Bestiary, Squelch, Stifle, Stupefying Touch, Suppression Bonds, Trickbind, Voidstone Gargoyle, or Volrath's Curse. I feel like throwing a Pemmin's Aura on it could lead to some interesting politics.

Obviously some of these cards are better than others, but that's everything I've got.

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