Krark, the Thumbless

Legendary Creature — Goblin Wizard

Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, flip a coin. If you lose the flip, return that spell to its owner's hand. If you win the flip, copy that spell, and you may choose new targets for the copy.

Partner (You can have two commanders if both have partner.)

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Pyretic Hunter
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PhotogenicParasympathetic on Card creation challenge

3 weeks ago

Idrix, Who Hastens the End

Legendary Creature - Demon

Spells can't be countered.

At the beginning of each end step, each player loses life equal to the number of spells they cast that turn. Then, each player whose turn it is loses 10 life, unless they cast 2 or more spells that turn. Then, each player whose turn it is not loses 5 life unless they cast a spell that turn.


"The elevator is going down."

Cards in his precon:

Bolt Bend
Crimson Wisps
Jeska's Will
Storm-Kiln Artist
Krark, the Thumbless

Make me a card named Brennan Lee Mulligan. (If you don't know who that is, I'm sorry).

Quickspell on What if Nahiris‘s Lithoforming is …

4 months ago

I have nine lands on the battlefield and Krark, the Thumbless. I cast Nahiri's Lithoforming for X=7. Krark‘s trigger comes out heads and NL gets copied. For that copy, I sacrifice seven lands and draw seven cards, and I put two lands into play. I now have four lands and the original NL on the stack.

Does it whiff because I cannot sacrifice seven lands?

wallisface on coinflip funy modern aggro

11 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • the deck is not currently Modern legal. Krark, the Thumbless, Okaun, Eye of Chaos, Squee's Revenge, and Goblin Bomb are all not legal cards in Modern.

  • you should always aim to get your deck down to 60 cards. 73 is a big margin over this and will make your deck faar more inconsistent/weaker.

  • most decks typically can’t justify running more than 3-4 cards costing 4 mana, and run nothing above this cost. You’ve got a whopping 11 cards costing 4-or-more, which is going to make your deck run really slowly/clumsily.

  • 22 lands is faaar too low - especially as this is the same as running only 18 lands in a 60 card deck. Even with a lower mana curve, your deck likely needs 24 lands for a 60 card build minimum (that equates to 29 in 73 cards).

StratM on Krark, the Flipless

2 years ago

king-saprolingI'm not a huge fan of Zada, Hedron Grinder or Mirrorwing Dragon because if I make tokens of anything it would be Krark, the Thumbless. I get that you can make a ton of tokens with that combo but I want it to be themed heavily on flipping coins.

Guerric on Deck Archetypes in EDH

2 years ago


I do agree that even with these archetypes there is always a mix of strategies, hence the fact that many aggro decks have one combo (like Godo-Helm), all decks play removal, and all play draw. I also do think there are mixed archetypes as well. My Inalla, Archmage Ritualist deck is a combo deck through and through, but it also plays a lot of counterspells and is more controlling that other combo decks like my Ezuri, Renegade Leader deck which is a straightforward engine combo elfball deck. I should say that I am also painfully familiar with the torments of Krark, the Thumbless from my friend's Veyran, Voice of Duality deck and he can indeed annoyingly shut everyone down by endlessly recurring counter-spells. My Mizzix of the Izmagnus deck can also counter just about everything once I have enough experience counters. Still, we aren't countering every single spell from everyone from turn one in the way you would be doing to your sole opponent in a sixty card game, so that's all I meant by that!

FormOverFunction I have seen games play out that way, especially when playing at an LGS with people who are unfamiliar with one another. It's a bit weird to single out one out of three strangers you've just met for an attack, so people sometimes leave each other alone until one person is dominant and the rest start to collaborate to stop them. In my own regular playgroup where we are familiar with one another, we tend to just start going at it early on. But we also have a good mix of archetypes in our meta, and those with aggro decks need to start swinging for their decks to work, so that helps!

RambIe on Deck Archetypes in EDH

2 years ago

p.s.s.(off topic sorry)
"3) Control- Control decks in sixty card magic are built on trying to shut down almost everything an opponent is trying to do via counterspells and removal until you can work towards a win con. This obviously is not possible in commander where you can not shut down three other players with just counterspells and removal alone"

you should check out some Krark, the Thumbless / Sakashima of a Thousand Faces decks
they actually do counter and remove everything while winning with cards like Electrostatic Field

patricklvanduyse on commander-okaun-zndrsplt

2 years ago

You might consider Zada, Hedron Grinder. Alongside Krark, the Thumbless, Fiery Gambit, Chandra's Ignition, or even something like Chaos Warp (unconventional, but very profitable if facing a board wipe or if Mirror March or Goblin Traprunner have left you with a token-heavy board), it can really accelerate the amount of havoc you can spread. You'd likely find yourself adding in a couple of extra buffing spells if you did.

ZendikariWol on Who are the Commanders you …

2 years ago

I love love playing against two kinds of decks:

1: Politics! I love politics decks- playing them, playing against them, they never fail to bring a smile to my face. The table collectively slaughtering the first player not to pass the Humble Defector is a very rare experience (and would probably get old if it wasn't) but in its scarcity is very amusing; making decisions that are undeniably bad but very interesting and chaotic is a great time.

2: Decks that I have or want to build: Krark, the Thumbless / Sakashima of a Thousand Faces infini-Krarks and spell tribal, Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist / Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper clones, Prosper, Tome-Bound, I love looking at other people's takes on the decks I've built or want to build, it's just a great time, I'm always fascinated. I learn about new cards, can workshop things with the opponent, get a lot of cool insights on how to play my deck, and hopefully pass some on as well.

Also, just wanted to say, bummer we're all here talking about stuff we hate. Let's have fun and talk about fun stuff, we never do that!

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