Koth of the Hammer

Planeswalker — Koth

+1: Untap target Mountain. It becomes a 4/4 red Elemelntal creature until end of turn. It's still a land.

-2: for each Mountain you control.

-5: You get an emblem with "Mountains you control have ': This land deals 1 damage to target creature or player.'"

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

1 week ago

Issiah, Golem Sculptor

Legendary Creature - Human (Vulshok) Wizard

Affinity for Golems

Golems you control get +1/+1 for each legendary Golem you control.

Whenever you cast a legendary artifact spell or play a legendary land, create a 2/2 colorless Golem artifact creature token. You may have the token enter the battlefield tapped. If you do, put a shield counter on it.


The Vulshok are the Humans with rock spines growing from their bodies. Think like Koth of the Hammer. He's a Vulshok.

There are 5 legendary Golems in the game but only 4 are viable for his deck because one is mono-black

So make a legendary Golem to assist with the precon

sergiodelrio on

7 months ago

Very nice list of "big red" cards. I enjoy this line of play myself. Regarding the Gemstone Caverns, 4 are indeed too many. Since I've playtested a lot with that specific card my conclusion is even 3 is pushing the odds imho.

Secondly, I feel like the dragon is an underperformer here... have you looked at Koth of the Hammer? Mutagenic growth also feels like a very niche effect for your deck, why not Lightning Bolt?

Either way, I do like me some mono Big Red, so +1 from me!

EDIT: I see you have indeed looked at Koth, never mind

Icbrgr on Igne Natura Renovatur Integra: The Inferno of Pan

1 year ago

I get that 4 drops seems scary/odd in Mono-Red... but because of your current land count this can very easily become a "Skred-Red" decklist (won a GP a few years back)... consider Mind Stone and you can have a Turn 3 Koth of the Hammer/Chandra, Torch of Defiance very easily and at its worst it draws/digs deeper in your deck for more burn spells... also Pyrite Spellbomb is great for creatures with protection from red or just burn or more draw... and Blood Moon can just become free wins for you.

9-lives on Igne Natura Renovatur Integra: The Inferno of Pan

1 year ago

Icbrgr I happen to own Chandra, Fire Artisan, and she's alright. I wouldn't use the cards Koth of the Hammer or Chandra, Torch of Defiance simply because they are 4-drops. That would help in the long term game tremendously, but not necessarily any fast games. I could have nearly 4 burn cards on the 4th turn if I go first, which would be far better than running one of those cards. And, I could run snow mountains, but for only Scrying Sheets or Skred? If I could find better burn cards with snow than the ones I'm running, I would certainly switch. Although, the mana ramp is nice.

Icbrgr on Igne Natura Renovatur Integra: The Inferno of Pan

1 year ago

This seems nice! Any thoughts on maybe putting in Snow-Covered Mountain and Scrying Sheets for some draw?... Skred could be a sideboard removal spell and Koth of the Hammer LOVES mountains!...Chandra, Torch of Defiance is another great top end consideration!

legendofa on What's the difference between lithomancy …

1 year ago

Pre-completion Nahiri, the Lithomancer is described as having special power over stone and metal, often using that to create stone and metal blades.

Koth of the Hammer is a geomancer, manipulating stone and heat as it relates to lava. Thanks to being born on Mirrodin, he's able to use this to purify and heat metal.

It seems like the difference between their respective abilities is mostly semantic. Both of them are shown using rocks, metal, and heat as weapons and armor. About the only differences I see are that Nahiri has manipulated worked stone, while Koth has only used raw stone, and that Koth goes bigger scale with landslides and eruptions while Nahiri mostly focuses on smaller-scale shaping and crafting. This appears to be mostly preference, though, with Nahiri's Lithoforming, Nahiri, Storm of Stone, Smelt, and Darksteel Plate.

Icbrgr on Lantern Control with Land Destruction

1 year ago

Did some playtesting last night with "regular lantern control" just to get a feel for how the deck...quickly discovered that I am a terrible and incompetent pilot of this deck in its base form... but I got the idea and really got to appreciate wallisfaces decklist that was posted above.

This is how playing "lantern control skred red land destruction" went for me last night...it feels awkward...always lol... with the exception of "bolt the bird" and playing Mind Stone on turn 2 into Lantern of Insight then playing Koth of the Hammer on turn 3 it just always felt bad... I was surprised how often I naturally opened with shredder and lantern though which was neat... Blood Moon, Pillage/Molten Rain... these cards feel like they should be better than they are... but kinda just felt like "win more" or wishing for something else.

All in all sure it can work but I really found myself missing Inquisition of Kozilek more than anything.

Icbrgr on Lantern Control with Land Destruction

1 year ago

I agree completely wallisface.... I think this would be more of a control deck with Lantern of Insight in it rather than a deck dedicated to being a true lantern control deck... but honestly im not sure if the "synergy" is really worth it... it could just end up being really awkward hands/boards with Koth of the Hammer, Mind Stone and....Codex Shredder.... and then just hoping Skred/Galvanic Blast would be enough... ill playtest it and report back here... it seems worth testing out.

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