Kor Duelist

Creature — Kor Soldier

As long as this is equipped, this has double strike. (It deals both first-strike and regular combat damage.)

eliakimras on Wyleth, Boros Voltron

9 months ago

Hello fellow Wyleth, Soul of Card Draw player!

I'm glad you got both Wyleth's and Aesi's precons for a good price. They are reeeeally explosive in gameplay with a few upgrades.

I play a lot of this bad boy, and I want to suggest some swaps below 3 USD for you to take it to a higher ground:

First of all, the ramp. I found out that 2 CMC, untapped ramp is the best for Wyleth. Since he draws so many cards, he can chain rocks and voltron pieces in the same turn, so his next turn is even more explosive than the last one. I almost always have more mana than the Green decks in my pod.

You should run boardwipes that hits your stuff the least:

Also, you can streamline your removal package. All of those are fetchable by Sunforger:

More/better auras and equipment

Cheating equip costs

If you really need to protect yourself against attacks, Ghostly Prison is a way better Palace Guard.

More utility lands

Balaam__ on White Pest

1 year ago

I realize you clearly stated the deck is just for fun, and I’m not some stickler that would demand this tagged as Casual due to the illegal cards, but there are some really good alternatives that would both make this Modern legal as well as tighten things up a bit. Colossus Hammer is a nice replacement for Umezawa's Jitte and is brutal with Kor Duelist and Puresteel Paladin. It’s a lot cheaper too.

Ancient Den is better than, say, Goldmire Bridge, but the Bridge lands still contribute toward your overall artifact count (and is indestructible, which can be helpful) and are Modern legal.

wallisface on Boros equipment

2 years ago

BigTurkey having played a lot with Goblin Gaveleer, I ended up favouring quantity over quality. Other than Colossus Hammer (which imo you need 4-of), i’d suggest:

The deck i used to run had around 20 equipments, and then around 18 lands, 18 creatures. That left it no room for interaction, which was very scary, but did let it consistently win by around turn 3 uninterrupted.

wallisface on Boros equipment

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • Running the full playset of Puresteel Paladin feels pretty important here

  • A lot of your creatures feel pretty slow/clumbsy, and not particularly designed to work well with equipmemt. From my experience, equipment decks need to hit hard & fast. I’d recommend the likes of Goblin Gaveleer and Kor Duelist. Other options include Kitesail Apprentice and Armament Master.

  • too much of your equipment has too high a mana cost, i’d recommend just playing equipments that cost 0-1 mana to cast, with a few 2cmc equipments as the absolute maximum for mana cost.

  • your current land count is imo too low, though will work out fine if you manage to lower the curve as suggested above (your deck as it stands probably wants 22-23 lands).

athurdent on None

3 years ago

On the opponents battlefield there is a Plague Engineer on soldier, and for me a Colossus Hammer .

In my hand I have Kor Duelist and Magnetic Theft .

Can I play Kor Duelist and play the instant Magnetic Theft to attach the Colossus Hammer onto the Kor Duelist so it can live, or is the Kor Duelist dead before I can do that?

athurdent on Plague engineer + kor duelist …

3 years ago

On the opponents battlefield there is a Plague Engineer on soldier, and for me a Colossus Hammer .

In my hand I have Kor Duelist and Magnetic Theft .

Can I play Kor Duelist and play the instant Magnetic Theft to attach the Colossus Hammer onto the Kor Duelist so it can live, or is the Kor Duelist dead before I can do that?

corndiggitydog on Rograkh, Son of Keleth!

3 years ago

Some suggestions

This will give you a better chance at having a more explosive start.

corndiggitydog on Not my deck style, but it also kinda is...

3 years ago

Nice build

I would take out Elspeth, Knight-Errant and Scourge of the Nobilis for card draw engines Akiri, Fearless Voyager and Wyleth, Soul of Steel . The card draw will make a huge difference

Rally the Righteous and Boil could be replaced with Champion of the Flame and Kor Duelist for a more aggressive deck

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