Kor Aeronaut

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kor Aeronaut

Creature — Kor Soldier

Kicker {{1,W}} (You may pay an additional {{1,W}} as you cast this spell.)


When Kor Aeronaut enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, target creature gains flying until end of turn.

ClockworkSwordfish on

6 years ago

Since you're going to want to put most of your equipment on an Armament Master anyway, you might prefer Kitesail Scout to Kitesail Apprentice so he can still have the flying. Likewise, I find Kor Aeronaut to be a reliable attacker in terms of stats - you might prefer him to Kor Outfitter if you keep your equip costs down. For example, with that many built-in flyers, you could run Shuko over Neurok Hoversail and/or Spidersilk Net!

Rwhr2d2 on my first deck its probably crap

6 years ago

Well, Monk Realist is not a may so he will destroy your own enchantments. You want to get rid of himAdding more of Femeref Knight would be good, as he is one of the best creatures in the deck. Take out Pearled Unicorn as 2/2s for 3 with no abilities tend to be bad. However, Soltari Visionary is better since relatively few creatures have shadow.
Furnace Spirit isn't great since you don't have that much red mana to pay for his ability.
Remove Endoskeleton, Flowstone Shambler, and take out Giant Strength or add more mountains.
Serra's Embrace is probably one of your best enchantments right now, so more of those is better.

If you're able to get new cards, consider replacing Opal Gargoyle with Mistral Charger, Kor Aeronaut or possibly Akroan Skyguard which works well with the enchantments.
Expedition Envoy or Soldier of the Pantheon would probably be better than Opal Caryatid.

Dredgar on Kor Equipment: Modern Competitive? (SFM Update)

7 years ago

You could give Kor Aeronaut a try. It does cost one more but you can kick it to give one of your Armament Master flying till end of turn.

david_rsnbrgr on Korquipment (budget)

8 years ago

Chino90 yeah I just put the boots in to test them out and they do seem kinda lame. Kor Aeronaut is just there because he's an evasive kor 2/2 for 2, I almost never use his kicker. Puresteel Paladin will definitely replace him whenever I can afford a few. I reeeealllly like Infiltration Lens and will try it out immediately. As far as dispatch goes, I like it but I don't get metalcraft too often but I might give it a whirl. And yeah, Cranial Plating is pretty dang good. I'll try to find a place for it. Thanks for the suggestions!

Chino90 on Korquipment (budget)

8 years ago

Infiltration Lens and, if you can afford it, Puresteel Paladin. That will give you a lot of card draw.I also think that Kor Aeronaut is lackluster

Arkendale on Gearing Up for Battle

8 years ago

Looks like fun!

I have several suggestions, depending on where you want to go with the deck.

Do you want it to be an equipment/Kor deck or more of a Metalcraft/Equipment deck?

If you're going for the Kor deck, I would drop Blue entirely - everything requiring Blue distracts from the focus of the deck without adding much to your overall success rate.

Also if you go pure white, Emeria, The Sky Ruin can be a great source of late-game recursion.

Kor Duelist is an awesome creature in a good equipment deck - it can easily be a 3/1 double strike swinging on turn 2.

Kor Skyfisher or Kor Aeronaut can provide any flying you would lose by dropping Aeronaut Tinkerer as well as being worthy threats themselves.

Devout Lightcaster is a great sideboard card for a mono-white iteration of the deck - nothing like exiling a Phyrexian Obliterator with her.

As far as equipment is concerned, Bonesplitter is a great replacement for Bone Saw. The extra power is well worth the 1 mana cost.In the same vein, Captain's Claws and Stoneforge Masterwork are good choices if you're trying for a Kor-centered deck.

Of course, any of the "swords" from Mirrodin/Scars, particularly Sword of Light and Shadow and Sword of Fire and Ice as Black and Red are your main removal concerns.

For a less Kor-focused deck, Dispatch can be great removal once metalcraft is satisfied. The borderposts like Fieldmist Borderpost can provide "artifact lands" that come into play tapped.

There are more I could mention, but I like what you're doing. Good luck!

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