Kolaghan's Command


Choose two —

  • Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.
  • Target player discards a card.
  • Destroy target artifact.
  • This deals 2 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

SufferFromEDHD on Avoiding Consequences

2 months ago

Really like this shell. Corpse Dance and Sneak Attack are pet cards of mine and this is a great home for both!

Urza's Saga get dreadnought or your ring.

Hall of the Bandit Lord and/or Flamekin Village haste is useful in a pinch.

Riptide Laboratory commander protection.

Demonic Collusion neat discard outlet.

Prismari Command and/or Kolaghan's Command really neat swiss army knives.

Jaxis, the Troublemaker and/or Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance on theme.

SufferFromEDHD on Lyzolda, the Blood Witch EDH

6 months ago

Kolaghan's Command the goodest of good stuff.

Dawn of the Dead is an amazing reanimation engine that you can easily abuse.

Imp's Mischief and Fork are really good.

BioProfDude on Rakdos-- Now with More Smuggler's Copter!

10 months ago

TheVarcster, thanks for the upvote!

With Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Mutavault isn't a problem for me and in the meta of my particular (admittedly non-competitve) lgs and I rarely have issues. It's just a great card, so I like 3x.

As I say in the description, this deck is very much a response to my lgs meta. A few players play planeswalkers, and a couple play a lot of them. This lgs meta is very control light, and minimal combo played. Aggro and some Midrange are the most common decks. Thus, I need removal that can target creatures and planeswalkers more than I need a card like Collective Brutality when I already have Thoughtseize.

Kolaghan's Command might be good-- thanks for the suggestion.

I appreciate the comment! This deck is specifically tailored to my lgs. I do appreciate ideas, though!

Balaam__ on Blightning Skelemental

11 months ago

Nice build. I run a deck that’s vaguely similar and I’ve found great success with Kolaghan's Command. The range of options is exactly what you’re looking for, and the value of returning one of your Elementals to your hand for reuse can’t be overstated. With reprints it’s cheaper than ever, too.

SufferFromEDHD on Henzie and the big creatures

1 year ago

Archon of Cruelty > Atarka, World Render

Kokusho, the Evening Star > Ancient Brass Dragon

Clone Shell > Chandra's Ignition

Birds of Paradise > Elves of Deep Shadow

Greenwarden of Murasa > Bala Ged Recovery

Myth Unbound > Midnight Reaper

Goblin Bombardment > Ghoulcaller Gisa

Fatal Grudge > Daemogoth Woe-Eater

Kolaghan's Command > Fire Covenant

IXALAN_Crazy on Minotaur Stomp

1 year ago

Kolaghan's Command would be a good option here for utility. Also Heartless Summoning with Ragemonger would let you cast many of your minotaurs here for free.

TheReal_MtGHaystak on Rakdos Pirates Modern

1 year ago

Love the idea! Pirates are one of my favorite MtG tribes and doesn’t get nearly enough support. I’ve also tried making a Pirate list for modern. As fun as it is, tribal decks just aren’t that viable. Some things that could help out though are lowering you mana curve, you’re wanting to build aggro but have lots of creatures with CMC 3 or higher, in aggro that’s just too slow. Firstly, if you can afford them, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer. Arguably one of the strongest red cards in play right now. Dire Fleet Poisoner and Fathom Fleet Captain are both great options to keep around, and I after playing a similar list, I think Rigging Runner out performs Daring Buccaneer. Second, your spells are flavorful but ultimately watered down versions of better cards. You’ve got access to Fatal Push, Lightning Bolt and Unholy Heat as 1 mana removal and Terminate or Dreadbore in 2 mana, to name a few. I’d also look into Kolaghan's Command or Unearth as ways to recycle your pirates in the late game. Some hand disruption will also play well with pirates and you have access to Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek. Lastly, while I like Angrath a lot as a planeswalker, I’m not sure a 5 mana walker is the best fit in what wants to be an aggro deck. I think ultimately, by turn 5 you will rather have a definite win-con, and Angrath in here just seems a little “win-more”, without reliably being able to finish the game the turn he is played

Daveslab2022 on I still don't understand why …

1 year ago

I disagree Gidgetimer

Choice is a good thing. It makes the game more engaging and increase the skill cap of the game.

There’s a great YouTube video by Rhystic Studies about this. It’s called “The Choices of Tarkir.” And explains why a lot of people liked those sets because of cards like Kolaghan's Command which gives you options. Same for RTR. The charm cycle like Selesnya Charm increased the amount of things you can do with your limited amount of cards. It also opens the door for misplays or, conversely, really cool plays.

Yes they do increase the amount of time it takes to play a game, but by such a minuscule amount I don’t think it’s relevant enough to complain about.

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