Kokusho, the Evening Star
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kokusho, the Evening Star

Legendary Creature — Dragon Spirit


When Kokusho, the Evening Star is put into a graveyard from play, each opponent loses 5 life. You gain life equal to the life lost this way.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Krovikan Plague
Animate Graveyard
Brush with Death
Onyx Talisman
Footsteps of the Goryo
Wave of Terror

fluffyeel on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

3 weeks ago

Yay, darkness. Here are some thoughts that might synergize with your deck:

fluffyeel on Death and Taxes

3 weeks ago

Apart from a spate of tutors of varying price points (Vampiric Tutor, Mystical Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Entomb, etc.), here are some thoughts of varying degrees of evilness/making sure your opponents "love" you forever:

fluffyeel on You draw you lose

1 month ago

Some small recommendations I can think of:

Nalgaeryn on EDH - Dralnu, Lord of Exile

5 months ago

Whoops, here are the most expensive cards in the deck and rough prices currently.

Last_Laugh on The Black Rose Never Dies

6 months ago

Bloodletter of Aclazotz is something I added recently. It doubles all our damage and life loss effects including Gary/Kokusho, the Evening Star when you hit players.

I personally end most games with Gary using different clones and Saw in Half to really ramp up the life loss. Bloodletter essentially adds 8 more life drained by Gary with only Bloodletter and Gary as your black mana symbols and it snowballs fast from there.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Shadowheart/Acolyte of Bahamut

9 months ago

The fact that this is a Golgari dragons list that looks pretty intimidating is already worth an upvote. Awesome idea! Kokusho, the Evening Star is an obvious upgrade, but is pretty expensive. Two other ideas are Belbe's Portal and Cryptic Gateway

scotchtapedsleeves on Marchezzy says "Goonies Never Die!"

9 months ago

Welcome to the Cult of Marchesa!

I definitely agree that this deck doesn't have enough sac outlets. When other players start to realize the gameplan, they'll be removing every outlet they see. It's important to keep well stocked!


  • Greater Gargadon is absolutely fantastic, opponents can't interact with it until it hits the field and by then you'll have drawn another outlet... hopefully.

  • Viscera Seer is a must, you need all the 1 drop outlets you can get.

  • Yawgmoth, Thran Physician is incredible. Free sac outlet that draws you cards AND is removal? Don't mind if I do.

  • Trophy Mage is an easy tutor for both Ashnod's and Phyrexian altar. I run Altar of Dementia instead of Phyrexian altar, so I run Trinket Mage instead of trophy. This also helps me get out my 2 drop mana rocks in a pinch.


  • Falkenrath Aristocrat has never hit for me, 4 mana for a flying outlet is fine, but she's never done well for me.

  • Scorn-Blade Berserker is fine, but think of the timing their effect will be applied on. If you're sacrificing it for Marchesa, it'll be coming back on that end step. If you want to take advantage of backup, you'd have to sac the backed-up creature during that end step. Ideally we want to avoid doing this as you won't have that creature for the whole next turn.

You mentioned that your partner was constantly being left with no blockers for opponent's combat. That's a difficult line to tread, generally Marchesa isn't enormously aggro although it might seem that way. Your goal is to abuse ETB and LTB triggers for maximum value, swinging with creatures only if you have a sac outlet to reset them for the next person's turn.


  • Kardur, Doomscourge can help with this massively as opponents won't be able to attack you for the next cycle. If he stays around until your next turn you can "flicker" him to goad everyone again!

  • Reef Worm is a pet card of mine, it can generate a huge amount of bodies if you have a Thran Vigil or Uncivil Unrest out. Fantastic sacrifice fodder even if it doesn't have a counter on it

  • Triskelion. You're playing Mikaeus, might as well finish up the combo

  • Imposter Mech is quickly becoming my favourite card. Once you have Marchesa out you generally don't want to attack with her, so you can use her to crew this every turn! Last game I cast it I copied an Avacyn, Angel of Hope to give you an idea of the bonkers stuff you can pull off with it


  • Gray Merchant of Asphodel Generally you don't want to be gaining life in this deck as you want to stay the dethrone target as long as possible. I've died a few times to my own hubris by not including lifegain, but the small amounts you'd be gaining with Gary in a Grixis deck don't make him worth it for me. Special exception to Kokusho, the Evening Star as 15 lifegain is backbreaking for your opponents.

That just about wraps up my thoughts, Marchesa can be pretty complex to play so feel free to reach out if you or your partner have any questions! Like I said, I don't generally play too aggro with my deck. Generally once opponents figure out what's going on you'll be getting a lot of removal thrown your way, but Marchesa is a super sticky commander, she won't leave if you don't want her too. Don't forget to sac in response to removal!

nindude on Ratadrabik of Urborg

9 months ago

Deck Updates

These are changes based on game testing and new cards I think will improve the deck significantly. My goals are to increase the synergy but also the flow of the deck.

Cards I took out: - Athreos, God of Passage / I prefer creatures in the graveyard - Liesa, Forgotten Archangel / I prefer creatures in the graveyard - Syr Konrad, the Grim / Doesn't trigger enough for my taste - Wrath of God / I've noticed that board whipping is less effective than I thought in this deck and out of both Damnation Will be easier to cast with our mana production - Dictate of Erebos / As good as this card is Grave Pact does it for less. Additionally, I have never used its flash ability

Cards I put in: - Archaeomancer's Map / Better ramp - Blade of Selves / Myriad is crazy in this deck and can lead to quick victories or even infinite combos (which usually lead to victory) - Mondrak, Glory Dominus / This card is WAY TOO GOOD in this deck. It double tokens! It's a sacrifice outlet that makes it indestructible!! Also it combos infinitely with Blade of Selves and Ratadrabik of Urborg - Boromir, Warden of the Tower / This card alone is really good but it combos infinitely with Ratadrabik of Urborg and can be a powerful combo with cards like Grave Pact and Proper Burial - Gandalf the White / Double death triggers means double tokens with Ratadrabik of Urborg or quick wins with cards like Kokusho, the Evening Star

Things to change in the Future - Currently trying to fit "Samwise the Southearted" and "The Golden Throne" into the deck for a few additional mana combos / stabilize the mana production. - I might try to fit in "Dictate of Erebos" if possible...

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