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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Kindle deals X damage to target creature or player, where X is 2 plus the number of cards named Kindle in all graveyards.

Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg on

5 years ago

Weird idea here but what if you added Harness the Storm for a backup Pyromancer Ascension and add cards like Flame Burst/Kindle/Take Inventory which works on how many are in your yard? That way you get double spells that have bigger outcomes. That works right?

zephramtripp on Card creation challenge

6 years ago

Bearer of Lies

Creature - Goblin Advisor

When ~ enters the battlefield, Look at the top three cards of your library, then put them back in any order. Then flip a coin. If you lose the flip, shuffle your library. If you win the flip, draw a card.


Make a Kindle-esque card that cares about the number of copies of it you have in either your hand, your sideboard, or in exile.

Decapablo on In a burning heart!

7 years ago

Sure, Incinerate is better!
Kindle... I don't know if during the game I'll find almost 3 kindle to make more damage: with 3 kindle I do 2, 3 then 4 damage = 9. With 3 Incinerate I do 3, 3, 3 damage = 9. :)

AxisBanana on In a burning heart!

7 years ago

Incinerate is strictly better than Searing Spear. Kindle may be a good option as well

Neotrup on Harness the storm and "plus …

7 years ago

You cast Kindle. Harness the Storm triggers, targeting the Kindle in your graveyard. When that ability resolves, you may choose to cast it then and there, you may not wait. If you do cast it, it goes on the stack on top of the first Kindle. The Kindle from the graveyard resolves, dealing 2 damage to it's target. It is now back in the graveyard for the first Kindle to see. The first Kindle resolves dealing 3 damage to it's target.

Thus, the first thing you target with Kindle will take 3 damage regardless of whether you use Harness the Storm. Harness essentially lets you choose a second target to take 2 damage. You won't be able to deal 3 damage with each. If second Kindle doesn't return to the graveyard (say an opponent Dissipates it, the original will only deal 2 damage, but that's somewhat a niche of a niche.

nobu_the_bard on Eldritch Moon Spoiler Thread

8 years ago

Flame Burst? Hadn't seen that before; my first thought was Kindle. Must have been from the period I wasn't playing. Looks like they're about the same though.

Unsubstantiate doesn't cantrip like Remand. Won't that mean it is a lot less useful?

Still no real cool green cards. The ones so far have been sort of typical green stuff.

clayperce on Using magic card names in …

8 years ago

Speaking of Shackles ...

A friend of mine just got married! Him and his partner were kind of a Wild Pair, but they had a Chance Encounter at this music Festival and the next thing you know he's taking this Daring Leap. They had a cool ceremony, with the whole Carpet of Flowers, Beloved Chaplain, Pledge of Loyalty, Soul Kiss, and everything.

Man, I hope it works for them! For so many folks, what starts as a Utopia Vow ends up an Infernal Contract ... or maybe an Eternity Snare, complete with Shared Animosity and a Struggle for Sanity.

I think they're gonna be good though. Seems like they have a real Strength of Unity and a decent shot at Kindleing an Eternal Flame ...

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