Killer Whale

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Killer Whale

Creature — Whale

: Killer Whale gains flying until end of turn.

tiffanyann on Unique Commanders

2 years ago

Oh God here we go.

Aethertide Whale

Brineborn Cutthroat

Brine Hag  WTF IS THIS

Arcane Adaptation

Daring Saboteur

Deadeye Plunderers

Denizen of the Deep

Diabolic Edict

Dire Fleet Ravager YES.

Dusk Legion Dreadnought

Elaborate Firecannon MUST INCLUDE

Fatal Push

Fathom Fleet ANYTHING

Fell Flagship

Fleet Swallower

Forerunner of the Coalition COP DFR

Ghost of Ramirez DePietro

Ghost Ship

Grasping Scoundrel

Gust of Wind

Gyruda, Doom of Depths SHOULD WE DO ALL EVEN HAHA NO

High Tide

Hostage Taker

Icebreaker Kraken

Inga Rune-Eyes


Jace, Cunning Castaway

Killer Whale

Kraken of the Straits

Lingering Mirage

Lookout's Dispersal

Merchant Raiders

Merchant Scroll

Merchant Ship

Merfolk Assassin

Merfolk of the Pearl Trident

Nadir Kraken

Nameless One

Nezahal, Primal Tide

Phantasmal Dreadmaw

Phantasmal Terrain

Phantom Warrior


Pirate Ship

Queen's Bay Soldier

Raiders' Karve

Raiders' Wake

Reef Pirates

Rescue from the Underworld

Return Upon the Tide

Rise from the Tides

Rishadan Dockhand

River Serpent

Run Aground

Run Ashore

Ruthless Knave

Saprazzan Cove

Saprazzan Outrigger

Scourge of Fleets

Sea God's Revenge

Sea Serpent

Serpent of the Endless Sea

Shadowed Caravel

Shipbreaker Kraken

Siren Stormtamer


Skymarch Bloodletter

Sleek Schooner

Slipstream Eel

Sorcerous Spyglass

Spectral Sailor

Spined Megalodon

Steam Frigate

Stormsurge Kraken

Stormtide Leviathan

Thassa's Ire

Thing from the Deep

Thing in the Ice  Flip

Tidal Wave

Unknown Shores

Vampire Revenant

Vanquish the Weak

Vexing Scuttler

Waker of Waves

Walk the Plank

War-Wing Siren

Watery Grave

Wavecrash Triton

Wu Longbowman

Pursued Whale

Boza on None

4 years ago

Well, I would argue that out of those, the only one with flying is the newest ikoria one. Out of the others Killer Whale is literally casting Jump on itself. The other two flying ones are actually aether-swimming whales on Kaladesh.

Wolfrage76 on And I Just Plunge

7 years ago

Lighthouse Chronologist - if you're mono blue then could be very useful as it gets you a lower CMC creature that you can easily pump up to level 7 quick lol.

Cultural Exchange is neat and fits with your Commander's theme. Not as useful since you have a bunch of high CMC creatures but... Maybe add in token generators to get yourself some smaller stuff you can spit out. For example Spiny Starfish can give you blockers.

Narwhal is kinda pointless really. Same with Killer Whale.

Cryptoplasm is a favorite of mine that would fit in - if you can't crush their creature, and you can't take their creature, copy it :D

Optimator on The Rising Tide

7 years ago

Floodtide Serpent is soooo bad. Awesome picture, but a garbage card. Replace it with Brine Elemental or Coral Barrier or Colossal Whale or Serpent of the Endless Sea. Hell, even Killer Whale or Guard Gomazoa or Gomazoa would be better.