Kentaro, the Smiling Cat

Legendary Creature — Human Samurai

Bushido 1 (When this blocks or becomes blocked, it gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)

You may pay (X) rather than pay the mana cost for Samurai spells you play, where X is that spell's converted mana cost.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Takeno's Cavalry
Inner-Chamber Guard
Mothrider Samurai
Devoted Retainer
Araba Mothrider
Alabaster Host Intercessor

SOTC on isshin samurai tribal

2 years ago

Hey Breastiny, good to see other people brewing with Isshin!

I'd see about maybe running Kentaro, the Smiling Cat as a cheap mana-fixer, to ensure you never have the wrong colors. Fumiko the Lowblood is an excellent card here; your opponents are forced to swing, even with creature they don't want want to attack with. They will either attack other opponents (helping you win) or attack into a pumped-up Fumiko, which will lose them their creatures. In a true Samurai tribal deck, Nagao, Bound by Honor, Takeno, Samurai General, Konda, Lord of Eiganjo and Godo, Bandit Warlord can't be omitted.

As niche picks, consider Iizuka the Ruthless and Opal-Eye, Konda's Yojimbo. The former will put your foes on the back foot, as they never know when the double strike might come through. The latter provides defensive utility, especially late-game when you have access to more mana.

On the non-Samurai end of things, some Equipment that synergizes with Isshin seems like a good call. Sword of the Animist gets even better by fetching you 2 basics instead of 1, while Sigil of Valor and Reaper's Talisman double up on your other 'attacks alone' effects. Other Equipment improved by Isshin includes Argentum Armor, Delver's Torch, Moonsilver Spear Sword of Hours and Trepanation Blade. If you find yourself in need of additional (non-Samurai) cannon fodder, Captain's Claws and Sigiled Sword of Valeron will do in a pinch.

Hope this helps! Good luck :)

Necrosis24 on Looking For Inspiration

2 years ago

I think I would more or less do the same with the commanders you have laid out so I don't have much to offer there. Instead here are some deck ideas I have planned/currently working on:

Necrosis24 on Unique Commanders

2 years ago

libraryjoy Same I think Kamigawa has some pretty interesting commanders and great art. I think a Kentaro, the Smiling Cat deck that utilizes Maskwood Nexus and has only Wastes as lands as a restriction could be interesting.

FormOverFunction That is an interesting card I havent heard of Brine Hag before. I’m actually building a deck that utilizes Turn to Frog affects to basically make my opponents play vanilla creatures and that would fit in perfectly.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Ninokun

4 years ago

Maybe for a little context: Kentaro, the Smiling Cat

Isao, Enlightened Bushi

And the awesome black one: Toshiro Umezawa

PockyWolf on Soul of the Samurai

6 years ago

Kentaro, the Smiling Cat was put in as a samurai creature card - I am looking for suggestions for replacements and/or other options on this deck build

Uragbonebreaker on Soul of the Samurai

6 years ago

why do you have Kentaro, the Smiling Cat when playing a mono white deck

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