Keeper of the Nine Gales

Creature — Bird Wizard


Tap, Tap two untapped Birds you control: Return target permanent to its owner's hand.

capwner on Oath of the Birdwatch

5 months ago

Gaea's Cradle / Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip?

Also I want more birds. Keeper of the Nine Gales, Augury Owl, Commander Eesha, Thieving Magpie, Ledger Shredder, Emeria Angel, Wingmate Roc, Suntail Hawk, Thrummingbird, Soulcatchers' Aerie, Airborne Aid just some ideas

Enduring Ideal with Dovescape is a classic

Spitting Image is a cool card I forgot about that one.

Overall cool list, lots of interesting cards. Like I said I'd like to see more bird stuff since the deck seems to be more about flavor than being super competitive, plus low cost flyers synergize well with Derevi!

Idoneity on Birdemic

2 years ago

A bird deck? Without Storm Crow? Outrageous. Blasphemy. Perfidious.

Allow the birbs to enlighten you.

Step One: Power and Glory

Aven Brigadier. Look straight into its eyes and see the fate that shall beset your foes. This is power. This is glory.

Step Two: True beauty

Swords to Plowshares. But get out of here with that squalid artwork. Ice Age gives us this beauty.

Step Three: Invoking fear

Aerial Assault. This is when you start playing Alfred Hitchcock's greatest film in the background. This instills fear.

Step Four: Round it all out

We have power, glory, beauty, fear, and an instant-win button. What is next? That is correct. Bird seeds. This is why I hired Soraya to disseminate them. She even gives opponents headaches with her activated ability.

Step Five: The purge

We need to empty out all of these bad cards from the list to make room for the mountain of birds coming in. Nexus of Fate is unplayable, Sensei's Top is questionable, and Sol Ring is useless. Try Aven Warhawk, Dragonstalker, and Carrier Pigeons. These are startlingly efficient flyers that almost do something sometimes.

Step Six: Commander falsehoods

Ramp never gets you anywhere. It adds no power to the board, cards to the hand, or birds to the game. The only two acceptable mana rocks are Seashell Cameo and Azorius Keyrune. They leastwise mention birds.

Step Seven: Cat birds

You must have both Skycat Sovereign and Pride of the Clouds. This is crucial. Cats are birbs, too.

Step Eight: Question my sanity

If you glue feathers to something, it is basically a bird. Why don't people know that Ragavan is a bird?! Heathens.

Step Nine: Profit maybe

Cast your Mimeomancers and Suntail Hawks, and cobble them together with a Keeper of the Nine Gales. May your feathery flight bring the greatest adventure, nevermore.

Step Ten: Good bye

Good bye.

MagicMarc on Legendary Falcon Lord??

3 years ago

Birds however, give you way better options. Maybe not super competitive but fun for kitchen table play. Stuff like Pride of the Clouds and Battle Screech get you birds and then Soulcatchers' Aerie, Aven Brigadier and Kangee, Aerie Keeper get you some fat. Crookclaw Elder, Seaside Haven & Keeper of the Nine Gales give you something to do with the birds while you arent bashing face.

Not so Old School there are now other good options as well in White & Blue; Murmuring Mystic, Jotun Owl Keeper, Animal Sanctuary, Airborne Aid, Emeria Angel, Migratory Route.

My new personal favorite is Skycat Sovereign. Because the only thing better than birds are Cat Birds!

Pageofheart on Bird B O Y S

4 years ago

I also run a Derevi Birds tribal deck, if you want to have a look at it you might be able to find some cards you like. My Deck: Bantish Birds That being said, there are a few cards that work well that I can definitely recommend. Dovin, Grand Arbiter is great for deck filtering and just getting the cards you need when you need them. Serra the Benevolent buffs our birds and her ultimate is easy to get to and powerful as well. Another thing to mention, is that while Airborne Aid is card draw based off of birds, there are better ways to achieve that same effect, such as Bident of Thassa , Coastal Piracy and Edric, Spymaster of Trest . As if you're aggressive and attack with your birds every turn, you get to draw a card for each bird that does damage, and you can do the same as every turn as long as the effect is on the field. Keeper of the Nine Gales is a good bird that likes having other birds on the field for a repeatable bounce effect. If you're going to run Kangee, I'd suggest also running Aven Mimeomancer , which can give Kangee extra feather counters and Thrummingbird , which can proliferate the counters on Kangee. Also, not related to birds, but I've found that Lux Cannon works really well with Derevi's tap/untap abilities. There's plenty more to be said, but that might get really lengthy. I hope you enjoy playing your deck! I've had a lot of fun with mine.

Gadianten on Bird Tribal Attempt with +1/+1 counters

5 years ago

I love tribal decks and I have only seen a couple of bird decks but not any that build around counters and with the built in evasion that seems a pretty viable way to run them; I think a few of the picks are sub optimal so I compiled a some bird choices that might be interesting depending on how your meta is built. I also think you could stand to some more card draw to help fuel the tribal beat down, all in all I think this looks fun and I will enjoy seeing it evolve as you tweak it over time. +1

Cheap useful birds: Baleful Strix , Judge's Familiar , River Hoopoe , Sage Owl , Spire Owl , Stormscape Familiar , Thrummingbird

Interesting and useful birds: Aven Sunstriker , Wingmate Roc , Kathari Remnant , Lieutenant Kirtar , Nimble Obstructionist

Birds matter: Kangee, Aerie Keeper , Keeper of the Nine Gales , Crookclaw Elder

Tribal stuff: Door of Destinies

Non creature draw: Guardian Project , Greater Good

Fun stuff: Battle Screech , Beck / Call

multimedia on the flock

5 years ago

Hey, interesting concept for a tribal deck. Consider expanding on the strategy of Soulcatchers' Aerie? What makes this card shine with Birds and Derevi are sac outlets. With sac outlets you can sac Derevi to put a counter on Arie and then using Derevi's activated ability to put her back into play without playing Commander tax. This is one reason sac outlets are pretty busted with Derevi. Sac outlets to consider adding:

Skullclamp is great with sac outlets and is also good with all the 1/1 Owls/Familiars/Tokens.

Consider Reveillark + Guide combo? It's excellent with sac outlets as a reanimation engine. There's many Birds here who when in the graveyard have 2 or less power who Reveillark can reanimate. This combo by reanimating and sacing Birds can put a lot of counters on Aerie or draw a lot of cards with Skullclamp. Sacing and reanimating Reveillark and Guide can put a lot of counters on Soulcatcher since both have flying.

Mimeomancer + Kangee, Aerie Keeper is a good Bird interaction. Kangee cares about feather counters; Mimeomancer can at your upkeep put a feather counter on Kangee. Quest is good with Crookclaw Elder and Keeper of the Nine Gales. Tap two Birds to draw a card or bounce a permanent; when have four counters on Quest untap all your Birds during your opponents turns.

Witness can recur any card and be reanimated with Reveillark; it's a powerful card with Reveillark. Consider Yisan? Because of the low budget you can't play a lot of expensive price creature tutors. Yisan is a budget repeatable creature tutor that puts the creature right onto the battlefield. Birds have a nice curve of CMC creatures (1 drop all the way up to six drop).

As far as the five nonBird creatures you're allowed to play I suggest: Emeria Angel, Reveillark, Karmic Guide, Eternal Witness and Yisan.

Other Birds to consider adding:

Budget lands to consider:

Cards to consider cutting:

  • Coat of Arms
  • Illusionist's Bracers
  • Crystal Ball
  • Fable of Wolf and Owl
  • Gravitational Shift
  • Favorable Winds
  • Sphinx's Revelation
  • Explosive Vegetation
  • Wing Shards
  • Cloudfin Raptor
  • Skymark Roc
  • Oketra's Attendant
  • Aerie Mystics
  • Aven Wind Guide
  • Windbrisk Raptor
  • Arctic Aven
  • Sunpetal Grove
  • Glacial Fortress
  • Temple of Enlightenment
  • Temple of Plenty

Good luck with your deck.

Dumgoldfish124 on Bird Token/Tribal

6 years ago

Sorry, I missed Keeper of the Nine Gales and Soulcatcher in the mainboard.

Dumgoldfish124 on Bird Token/Tribal

6 years ago

47552 Love the idea, really creative! I have some recommendations for you though. Onto the birds!

First, if your play group doesn't mind un-cards, then Crow Storm is quite good. Other then that, Storm Crow itself, despite the memes, is not a bad card and is great in bird tribal. Murder of Crows is a really good finisher as it will deter board wipes and swing for 4 a turn. Mindshrieker is another good finsher. Swan Song and Essence Scatter are both great bird themed counterspells and Wing Shards is a great bird themed spell. Crookclaw Elder is a good draw engine and Impaler Shrike and/or Thieving Magpie add a good bit of draw. Keeper of the Nine Gales adds some great board control and helps disrupt the tempo of your opponent. Augury Owl gives some nice foresight to what is coming up and allows you to change the order or throw away the cards that are not needed. Finally, while not a 'bird bird', Soulcatcher is awesome at killing the opponent after some sacrifice shenanigans.

I also have some general recommendations for the deck. Firstly, Culling Dais is awesome. It can tap and sacrifice a bird if that bird is destroyed, turning it into another card for later on. It gets even more ridiculous with Thrummingbird increasing counters. Deluge gives all of your birds pseudo-unblockable and Gravitational Shift beefs up your birds while your opponent's ground troops get weaker. Kangee, Aerie Keeper pumps the power and toughness of all your birds while Aven Mimeomancer makes your tokens bigger. Door of Destinies does similar things to Kangee. Tezzeret's Gambit is a nice draw spell that also adds counters. Glory stops damage cold. In this deck Grafted Wargear is better then Barbed Battlegear, despite the synergy with Soulcatchers' Aerie. Cataclysm is an awesome board wipe, especially with Soulcatchers' Aerie. Masako the Humorless is nasty surprise for your opponent, especially with Glory chilling in the graveyard. Finally, with land I recommend using Nimbus Maze and Sejiri Refuge. I also recommend having 20 lands, but if 18 works, by all means, keep using 18.

I hope this helps! If you would like any help with cuts, just ask, I'll be happy to help!

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