Junk Diver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Junk Diver

Artifact Creature — Bird


When Junk Diver is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, return another target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.

Profet93 on Kozilek - cEDH

2 months ago

haki2022 +1

Voltaic + rings + Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) =

Scrap Trawler + Myr Retriever + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Sol Ring + Junk Diver - Combo

Scrap Trawler + Sculpting Steel + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Foundry Inspector - Combo

Blinkmoth Urn = Ramp, add Blinkmoth Well to make this asymmetrical + politics (which also is synergy with winter orb)

Karn, Legacy Reforged - Ramp

Have you thought of swapping out Void Winnower for Emrakul, the Promised End? Given you're in colorless, it can be hard to interact with the board at times. Emmy is a powerhouse which can potential be cheaper to cast that Void, not to mention it's potentially high ceiling. To sweeten the pot, Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant is synergy with it and helpful on it's own given your potential for over-extending (assuming no flash enabler).

Phyrexia's Core > Treasure vault(?) - Core acts as a sac outlet to prevent artifact theft, exile and most importantly, remove The One Ring. Ironworks is the only other card that can remove it. Having another card (a land which can be tutored for) is an additional form of redundancy that you might find more useful than treasure vault if you meta is on the more competitive side.

Potential cuts....

  1. Blast Zone - Too slow, especially for potential higher powered or cEDH games.
  2. God-Pharaoh's Statue - Unless you ramp into it, it's not that impactful. Given you already have a lot of redundancy, this is your weakest card in the deck IMO. You could potentially swap it out for another control card such as Ward of Bones but you're better off lowering the avg cmc of the deck.

Very solid deck and low avg cmc, great job

RiotRunner789 on Similar cards to Sigil of …

5 months ago

Hall of Heliod's Generosity, Crystal Chimes: Enchantment creatures maybe?

Haven of the Spirit Dragon: Again, with type restrictions. There are also just a ton of effects on artifacts that return artifacts from grave to hand such as Junk Diver which works if your using artifact creatures.

Sword of Light and Shadow: Definetly what you want as long as you attack.

Reinforcements: Not to hand but close. Close enough maybe?

Dawn Evangel, Angel of Flight Alabaster: Yes, but with restrictions.

Remember the Fallen: Yes.

What is your deck trying to do?

Azoth2099 on

1 year ago


Hey dude! You may already know this, but I just wanted to point out that "dies" triggers like Junk Diver & Wurmcoil Engine do not constitute as "leaves the battlefield" triggers like Reveillark.

Also, have you considered Vesperlark?

Niko9 on Need ideas for mishra

1 year ago

Uggh, noncreature : ) My brain wasn't working last night, so Myr Retriever and Junk Diver are no good, but they do work great with Emry.

Niko9 on Need ideas for mishra

1 year ago

Hmm, you could double up Wishclaw Talisman if there is combo win in your deck.

Or maybe use it to make copies of Myr Retriever and Junk Diver that will get sacced to constantly be recurring sac artifacts. I did a 60 card deck once that constantly recurred Aether Spellbomb and when the engine was going, it was brutal : )

Maybe vehicles too, to bypass their crew costs. You could use a copy of Peacewalker Colossus to power the other one. A copy of Smuggler's Buggy might also be fun. Or Necron Monolith which as a 4/4 could tap to crew the original...but that might be too janky maybe.

Trolldier_of_Fortune on 「̵̺̰͖͍̚A̸̰̪̝̍W̸̭̱͑A̸̮͎̾̊͝K̶̜̣̈́͘͜͜E̸̛̟̔̇̃N̶̨̮̱̟̿͝」̶

1 year ago

Great stuff. I really appreciate you giving me a refresher on what I already had going on in the deck as well. It's a really easy deck to go off with, but it sure does have a lot of funny little interactions that can turn on god mode if I've got to.

Anyway, I've actually implemented just about everything you listed after doing a good bit of fat trimming, the only things I can't quite get a slot for are Skullclamp, Myr Retriever, and Junk Diver. If you've got ideas on where I could get those in, I'm all ears.

Profet93 on Colorless

1 year ago

Darksteel Juggernaut seems weak. What is the purpose of the Ozolith, perhaps I'm missing something? While redundancy is nice, I don't see the need for manifold key given you are now running voltaic. I am unsure how important unblockability is compared to the combo potential voltaic provides that manifold cannot due to the "other artifact clause"

Other combos to consider: Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice. Karn is nice for interaction and recursion. Lattice is a "fun" card. Works nice with Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant. Works even better with Blinkmoth Urn.

A 5 card combo to consider that you already run 3 of the cards for is ..... Scrap Trawler + Myr Retriever + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Sol Ring + Junk Diver. I am unsure how important this combo is to you given you already run several others. That being said, those combos mostly utilize the same cards and are synergistic with the deck, ensuring no dead cards. Krark Clan Ironworks is the only potential dead card, however, it has high combo potential and is a nice sac outlet (avoid theft, exile, etc...) and mana source. Something to consider. I say try it out and see how it works.

Should you be inclined, Aetherflux Reservoir is a storm wincon once you draw your deck with top or just recast a bunch of stuff (see below). Again, not an entirely serious consideration but worth noting if you like that.

Scrap Trawler + Sculpting Steel + Krark-Clan Ironworks + Cost Reducer (you have several)/Foundry Inspector (for added redundancy and ramp should you wish). Sculpting steel is a very versatile piece that is rarely a dead card.

Krark-Clan Ironworks + Nim Deathmantle + Myr Battlesphere/Wurmcoil Engine/Artifact that creates more artifacts. Nim Deathmantle acts as recursion as an added bonus. The 2 creatures create some blockers and sac fooder.

Speaking of fodder, no Skullclamp?

If you like fun, Mirrorworks is worth considering as a nice combo is Mirrorworks + Myr Retriever + Krark-Clan Ironworks.

A combo you already have is Grim Monolith + Forsaken Monument + Rings = Infinite Colorless

Voltaic Key + Rings of Brighthearth + Chromatic Orrery = Infinite Colorless. It pays for itself so its good for "tempo" kind of. It's main use is as a combo piece. Not needed given everything else but worth considering.

Walking Balistic is a mana outlet to kill everyone should you wish to include it.

DrukenReaps on Liberating Surprise

1 year ago

Grind, Profet93 it's no Sculpting Steel and certainly not Mirage Mirror but it still turns into any of my creatures, instants, or sorceries. I mean I guess I'm unlikely to have a reason to copy All Is Dust or a legendary creature, still feels like a decent number of targets and utility to it. Some of those are still not optimal really leaving me with the following- Conduit of Ruin, Endbringer, Junk Diver, Meteor Golem, Wandering Archaic  Flip, Scour from Existence, and Titan's Presence. I can even use it along side Mirage Mirror to grab a permanent copy of an opponent's creature. Alternately with Wandering Archaic to double up on some instant or sorcery my opponent's let me have.

A few Wastes still might not be a bad idea but I'm just not convinced cutting Mirrorpool is correct. It certainly doesn't seem like my weakest land to me. I think I'd sooner cut Eldrazi Temple, Tomb of the Spirit Dragon, Command Beacon, Winding Canyons, or/and maybe even High Market. Even the Urza lands, as my personal experience with them is that they are just non-basic Wastes lol. Though, I do want to give them another go since I only just put them back in the deck.

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