Jhoira's Timebug

Artifact Creature — Insect

: Choose target permanent you control or suspended card you own. If that permanent or card has a time counter on it, you may remove a time counter from it or put another time counter on it.

Potvuurka on Jhoira of the GG no re

1 year ago

To remove any issues with your suspend cards being countered I would suggest running some counterspells. Preferably Spell Pierce, Miscast, Swan Song, Dispel. Since you don't have a way how to defend yourself I would play 8 of them at least in any combination. Perhaps Unsummon might be a good addition either at some point.

As someone suggested above Clockspinning, Jhoira's Timebug and Fury Charm are not good.

Cryptic Command is a great multipurpose thing.

For the lands, if you wish to stay budget you can use something like Shivan Reef, Swiftwater Cliffs. For the non budget of yourse Steam Vents and Scalding Tarn.

If you would use Unsummon or any other similiar effect cards, you might be interested in playing Braids, Conjurer Adept. She's slow but fun, and works without suspend.

Mainly, better threats for opponent. Something like Inkwell Leviathan, Pathrazer of Ulamog. Using suspend even Emrakul, the Aeons Torn could prove useful.

Then of course more your own card control / draw - Serum Visions, Opt, Fire / Ice

ViscountVonSausageRoll on Jhoira of the GG no re

1 year ago

I think the deck isn't consistent enough because it doesn't have enough draw and/or tutors. Brainstorm is one of the best draw spells out there, but it's because of the way it interacts with shuffle effects such as Scalding Tarn or Mystical Tutor. This is because you draw 3, put 2 back, and then shuffle the deck-> ergo you are not drawing the 2 cards you put back. However, if we're not running lots of these shuffle effects it basically just cycles itself, because you're stuck with redrawing those two cards again. In this case I'd prioritize cards like Ponder & Preordain over Brainstorm.

That said, this seems to be a control deck. Win con is to get Jhoira of the Ghitu into play, then suspend a big spell to win the game. So the question of the deck becomes: How do we survive until we get her in play, and until the spell goes off, and how do we make sure we get her?
Survive: We're U/R so we have an almost overwhelming amount of options here. You could write a book on counterspells (Counterspell stops everything, Remand for tempo-draw if your opponents tend to play large spells themselves, Daze if you need the speed, Dispel is crazy good at protecting your stuff, etc)) We've also got nutty bounce spells like Echoing Truth, the classic Unsummon, and the mother of everything: the Cryptic Command Since we're red I am somewhat perplexed that we aren't running 4x Lightning Bolt. It stops most early-mid game threats dead. We already have Propaganda x2, so that'll help us as well.

How to get her in play: Well, we're U/R, so our tutor options are somewhat limited, but off the top of my head we have: Step Through, Vedalken AEthermage, & Drift of Phantasms.

To make room, I'd recommend cutting Clockspinning, Jhoira's Timebug, Fury Charm. They don't do anything unless we have Jhoira of the Ghitu in play already, and if we don't they're just dead cards in our hand. Our suspend cards will go off a little slower, but if we have enough blue fuckery we should be able to survive long enough.

Land suggestions: If you can, see if you can get your hands on Steam Vents or Sulfur Falls if you're on a budget. Sanctum of Ugin could also help you get more late game threats in case one or more get put out of commission.

PS: Jokulhaups could be used to replace Obliterate. It's can be countered, but it can also be much more easily hardcasted.

tave on Grist? Is this a thing?

1 year ago

Jhoira's Timebug Hex Parasite Haywire Mite The timebug can help you suspend quicker. hex parasite can remove planeswalkers. Mite for noncreature removal.

legendofa on There is No Future, There is Only Now

1 year ago

I feel like my lack of experience with combo is showing... Between the earlier Clockspinning/Jhoira's Timebug suggestions and the not-quite-haste on Instill Energy, I need to get better at seeing what's actually there and not just what I expect to be there. I'll keep Instill Energy in for now, and see what happens.

So why doesn't Instill Energy grant pure haste? Every tournament legal version of the card clearly states "Enchanted creature is unaffected by summoning sickness." or "Enchanted creature has haste." I know the errata text takes precedence, but what were the grounds for errata-ing this card at all?

ladypickleton on Oloro's Gambit

2 years ago

There are some great possibilities here I never considered and others that just remind me what is out there and need to get.

Archaeomancer's Map would be a game changer in these colors and top of my list to modify my own haha.

When initially learning to brew a deck I went for higher CMC cards but now I focus on 1-4 CMC especially when editing and taking out things that don't seem to be working. Other things on my list to use from here: Karlov of the Ghost Council Cleric Class Lone Rider  Flip "don't mind this 2 drop haha" Voice of the Blessed Crested Sunmare (would be fun; probably also a target but omg if they leave it alone...) Paradise Plume (i think this would work especially well if there is a lot of overlap in the colors of your playgroup or playing 1v1)

Suggests: Bolas's Citadel (only because it's fun; it's also a huge target and the price of those cards can add up quickly) & Divinity of Pride (big hits, many lifegain) & Evil Twin or any other copy effect can be useful tactically taking out threats with it's ability but if they let you have Oloro out, you can copy it, sacrifice the real one and send it to the command zone and get double life-gain triggers. On that last note I have seen people instead of building towards pillowfort going for effects to abuse upkeep triggers ala: Paradox Haze with Golden Urn and Copy Enchantment and creatures like Deep-Sea Kraken and Indulgent Tormentor and Jhoira's Timebug and other supports like Clockspinning and can abuse it even more with Strionic Resonator or Mirrormade and similar effects. I like that idea because a lot of those pieces are useful just on their own but synergize quite well.

Good luck!! Thank you for the tag (:

Polaris on rousing refrain repeat??

2 years ago

Yes, Rousing Refrain is designed to loop every third turn once cast. It's a callback to a cycle from Future Sight of spells that would loop after being cast (Arc Blade, Reality Strobe, etc). As long as a card that has suspend is in exile with time counters on it, it will remove one at the beginning of your upkeep and cast for free when the last is removed.

Normally, though, there's no way to pay to remove time counters earlier. The only cards I can think of that do it are Paradox Haze, which gives you an extra upkeep a turn to trigger abilities including suspend, and cards like Clockspinning, Jhoira's Timebug, and Dust of Moments that are expressly made to adjust suspend counts. A normal card with suspend has no way to get cast faster on its own.

TheVectornaut on Blue/Black Beginner Deck

3 years ago

I think this deck is really well-positioned to become a "draw-go" style control deck that plays instants and flash creatures on others' turns. Pteramander , Augur of Bolas , Brineborn Cutthroat , Threnody Singer , Vodalian Arcanist , Naiad of Hidden Coves , Wavebreak Hippocamp , Murmuring Mystic , and all of your instants (save for the likely too slow 4 mana ones) already fit in such an archetype to at least some extent. The horse fish is particularly insane as a card draw engine, and I'd try to get a playset of it if you can. Stacking them to draw even more cards with Nymris, Oona's Trickster , Baral, Chief of Compliance , Slitherwisp , etc. would also make Ominous Seas more viable, possibly even supplemented by draw payoffs like Chasm Skulker and Nadir Kraken .

Some other options that care about flash might be Cunning Nightbonder , Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir , Leyline of Anticipation , Torrential Gearhulk , and Mystical Teachings .

For more generally good instants, Counterspell , Mana Leak , Countersquall , Frantic Search , AEtherize , Vapor Snag , Rewind , Cryptic Command , Opt , and Brainstorm (if you're playing with the legacy banned list) are options of varying budgets and power levels for a control deck.

The first cards I'd cut would be anything with suspend or that applies keyword ability counters. I think some amount of counter manipulation would be needed to maximize the value from such cards (with Clockspinning , Jhoira's Timebug , Paradox Haze , and Nikara, Lair Scavenger being a few things that come to mind). Then, I'd cull any sorceries or creatures that would take up all your mana on your own turn for minimal impact. Dead Revels , Frost Lynx , Alirios, Enraptured , and so on.

Sorry it took me a while to submit this after seeing the deck get posted earlier this week. Let me know if you have any questions and good luck with your build!

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