Isshin, Two Heavens as One

Legendary Creature — Human Samurai

If a creature attacking causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time.

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Last_Laugh on Question Regarding Stacking Triggers

1 week ago

So I have Isshin, Two Heavens as One, Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher (w/ 2x +1+1 counters), and Hero of Bladehold equipped with Anduril, Narsil Reforged (w/ cities blessing) in play and Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation  Flip in my grave.

I attacked w/ Carmen and Hero of Bladehold. Am I able to stack my triggers so that Carmen gets 2 counters (from Anduril) making her 6 power so I can return Ojer Taq, then 12 tokens enter from 2x Hero triggers, then 2nd Anduril trigger, and then the 2 battle cry triggers?

Gleeock on Edh options

1 week ago

Breena, the Demagogue is certainly aggro & capable of winning with more players at the table. The precon was poorly constructed (IMO) to make you think it needs to be a political deck... Or you just pluck those cards & replace them with proactive aggro... and you don't need to add massive card-draw filler/fluff because the commander nets you easy early game card-draw. Mistmeadow Skulk & Needle Specter become easy powerhouses.. Really any low cmc lifelinker suddenly finds new life in this deck. Believe me, if you are pumping a lifelinker with +4/+4 on your turn, then possibly another +2/+2 on their own turns, your opponents often do think twice about taking advantage of that card draw clause.

Players commonly misinterpret this commander, it is: "EACH time a player attacks an opponent with more life" -- so it is quite easy to suddenly place +4/+4 on one of your creatures & draw 2 cards because your opponents had different life totals. You just need a few low-cmc creatures around, a very easy prerequisite & the commander functions just for being on the field instead of requiring haste. On top of that it is 3 CMC. I usually pump my field (instead of going Voltron) & that lends itself to control, my opponents HATE having to spend removal on Needle Specter but they find they pretty much have to unless they feel they can just afford to discard 3-5 cards on turn 4 or so. My version is probably less aggro than what you would go with, but it is more based on proliferate & walkers + aggro.

Isshin, Two Heavens as One also accomplishes what you want nicely. I would say that is less "build out of the box", less budget-friendly, & probably needs a little more card-draw fluff since the commander does not do that on his own.

Crow_Umbra on Does hissing miasma target?

2 months ago

Gonti, Canny Acquisitor looks specifically at triggers involving combat damage.

Hissing Miasma would trigger an additional time from Isshin, Two Heavens as One, since he looks at Attack triggers from any permanents you control.

Crow_Umbra on Mr. Orfeo, the Boulder

2 months ago

Mr. Orfeo will only double the power of one target creature per combat.

If you have something like Roaming Throne, Isshin, Two Heavens as One, or Strionic Resonator in play, you could potentially get additional Orfeo triggers, and double the power of additional target creatures beyond the first.

Profet93 on Kaalia of the Funk

2 months ago


How has Dolmen Gate been playing for you? Specifically, does your meta have a lot of fliers? On the one hand, if they don't have a lot of fliers, given your commander and pretty much all your creatures have flying, is gate necessary? And if they do have a lot of fliers, how impactful is mudslide? Similar question for Bedlam.

Props for running Armageddon and Rebuff the wicked! At the risk of sounding like a broken record, given your deck is commander reliant, Deflecting Swat? Or perhaps even a Flawless Maneuver? Mithril Coat is also a good protection option that is reputable and easy to cast.

Have you thought of potentially swapping out Footfall Crater for Hall of the Bandit Lord? While hall can't be used the same turn, and does cost life, it is a haste outlet that is less likely to get you 2 for 1ed, and it takes a land slot, freeing another slot for whatever you need, probably draw. Unless you don't focus too much on draw given you're game plan is just to destroy them quick and easy with overwhelming cheating into play advantage.

How has Insidious Dreams been and what to do you tutor for? I've personally never liked it given that discard is additional cost to cast and you don't even get them into your hand. Especially given this is a combo deck and you are already low on draw, what exactly is the gameplan with it? Perhaps I'm missing something?

Thoughts on swapping out Strionic resonator for Isshin, Two Heavens as One? Resonator costs less, is less likely to be removed, and is easier to cast but requires you to have mana open. Isshin costs more mana, is harder to cast and easier to remove but doesn't require additional mana.

Mother of Runes - Protection

While I adore expedition map, have you thought of swapping it out for another ramp piece? You have about 5 pieces of ramp. Swapping map for Mind Stone or another 2cmc ramp spell can help you bring your commander out earlier. Of course mind stone's draw is nice too.

I'm sure you've went through most of these suggestions as you originally made the deck given your expertise in EDH but I would love to rack your brain regarding your thought process. Let me know what you think

Last_Laugh on New hubs to be added

2 months ago

legendofa re: double triggers. None of what you listed is a trigger. I'm talking Isshin, Two Heavens as One, Teysa Karlov, Felix Five-Boots, Yarok, the Desecrated, Gandalf the White, Drivnod, Carnage Dominus, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines, etc.

I guess to me a hub describes a decks main focuses and when I'm unable to describe my deck this way then the available hubs might be getting too narrow.

Anyways, cheers and sorry for the bad timing... it didn't even click I tossed this at ya on a prerelease weekend.

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