Iridescent Angel

Creature — Angel

Flying, protection from all colors

griffstick on Bup's Akroma/Sakashima

2 years ago

If I'd suggest anything it would be angels

This should make it feel more azorius

DemonDragonJ on Patriotic Pride

3 years ago

I have replaced Iridescent Angel with Drogskol Reaver, because, while the angel was a great card, the reaver has better synergy with this deck.

DemonDragonJ on Mind Over Matter

3 years ago

I have replaced Iridescent Angel with Drogskol Reaver, because, while the angel was a great card, the reaver has better synergy with this deck.

Caerwyn on None

3 years ago

Iridescent Angel was one of the first mutlicolored cards I opened in a pack. Overcosted though she was, I thought the protection from colors was awesome and often tried to jam her into decks. This was also in the days when the internet was extremely slow and there was no reminder text, so we all just took it on faith that the person teaching us the game knew what "protection" meant. They didn't, and we had protection being way more powerful than its already powerful self.

Battle of Wits. One of those cards that I pulled in a pack, said "this is awful" and then "how can I play this? The answer? A 250 card pile of junk I had from cracking packs (most of my collection) with my single copy of BoW in it. I won with it exactly once then retired the deck for good, knowing it had served its purpose.

Karona, False God. Both an interesting character an a bad card with jank potential? Hooray! This is another card that I opened in a pack and immediately fell in love with.

DemonDragonJ on Patriotic Pride

4 years ago

I have replaced Akroma, Angel of Fury and Akroma, Angel of Wrath with Flameblade Angel and Iridescent Angel, which lowered this deck's average converted mana cost from 3.90 to 3.85, which is a very good thing. Both Akromas are my two favorite creatures in this game, so I was sad to remove them, but they were the most expensive cards in this deck, so I had to remove them, although I expect that the deck shall function much more efficiently, now.

DemonDragonJ on Mind Over Matter

4 years ago

I have replaced Akroma, Angel of Wrath with Iridescent Angel , which makes me very sad, because Akroma is my favorite card in the entire game, but doing so lowered the average converted mana cost of this deck from 4.42 to 4.40, so that was a good decision for this deck.

Zerraphon on Holy of holies

4 years ago

So now I'm going to organize this post is from different types of cards and alternatives and/or strictly better cards that have the same Converted mana cost!

Let's start with enchantments! It seems like your all over the place, which is fine, but you have aura enchantments and land enchantments. which seems a little weird to me! Normally you want to either go a route for your deck, and this seems unorganized, so let us fix that! Serra Aviary is a bad card, cause it also gives opponents fliers +1/+1, we don't want this. So id suggest either going with some like Citadel Siege cause sure, it won't buff all creatures, and it'll give a boost to one creature you want per turn, or it can be used defensively which is always a plus! I'd also suggest going Dictate of Heliod cause it gives an extra +1/+1 for one extra mana, AND IT HAS FLASH! For cards that are better for the 4 cmc are Light from Within , Force of Virtue , Marshal's Anthem .

Also if you want anthem's like that there are some better than 4 cmc! such as Honor the Pure, Spear of Heliod , Glorious Anthem , Always Watching , Radiant Destiny

For ramp, I like the inclusion of Zendikar Resurgent but Mirari's Wake should be an auto-include 100%!

If you're looking for removal enchantments for commanders or problem creatures cards like Darksteel Mutation and Song of the Dryads , Imprisoned in the Moon are WAY better than Illusory Wrappings

For protection cards or cards that accumulate value, instead of Angelic Renewal and Angelic Accord , cards which can be good, but you don't have a whole lof of life gain or recursion to run these two! So I'd suggest cards like Sigil of the New Dawn , Kindred Boon , Privileged Position and Asceticism are 100% more effective in protecting your creatures or giving good value.

Speaking of value, enchantments you should look to include are: Sylvan Library fantastic enchantment. Rhystic Study and Land Tax are all good cards you should look at!

Now that we got enchantments out of the way! lets work on these instants! I love some of these instants, Absorb is a fun card that I'm 100% gonna get, same with Archmage's Charm ! Disdainful Stroke , Essence Scatter (and the like), Commencement of Festivities and Guardian Angel are all weaker versions of cards like Mana Drain and Counterspell which I'd upgrade with. I'd also suggest getting some artifact/enchantment removal such as Krosan Grip one of the best in this as it has split second, another card I highly recommend is Bant Charm one of the most versatile instant printed in these colors. some other instants i enjoy and have seen good results with are Teferi's Protection , Plasm Capture / Mana Drain , Render Silent , Arcane Denial , Dawn Charm and Heroic Intervention . Those are just some of my recommendations! I may have some more but You'd really need to let me know what direction you want to go!!

For sorceries, you're in gosh darn green! WHERE ARE THE RAMP SPELLS?!!??!!? Add Farseek , and since we have big fatty CMC angels, Recross the Paths puts in some work! Kodama's Reach and Explosive Vegetation are better than cards like Rampant Growth because 1) it gives card advantage (2 lands for 1 card) and 2) gives us more mana to work with during the late game! (this is when angel decks typically win). other ramp spells I use are Cultivate and Traverse the Outlands .

I've noticed this deck does not have a SINGLE BOARD WIPE, as big as our angels are for the CMC, we won't be able to cast them until later, board wipes are essential to have especially since you aren't running any pillow forts kind of cards, I HIGHLY recommend adding some, cards that I've always had in my white decks are Austere Command , Rout , Supreme Verdict , Cleansing Nova , Descend upon the Sinful , Planar Cleansing and Mass Calcify . Some other sources that are more focused with tribal is Harsh Mercy sure each player gets to pick a creature type, but that typically is one creature for them, and of course we'll pick angels, so we get the upper-hand in this!

We need some card draw, and this is important as I don't see any in this deck and that is a HUGE mistake. Think about adding cards like Rishkar's Expertise , Praetor's Counsel , Blue Sun's Zenith , Sphinx's Revelation , Finale of Revelation just to name a few that come to mind.

For Lands, these look just.....fine albeit slow, but not quite optimized. I totally understand how people on a budget don't run cards like Misty Rainforest and the like. But as a 3 color deck, I suggest adding in cards like Temple of Enlightenment and Temple of Plenty at least you'll get value from them coming in tapped. Other cards I'd suggest are Krosan Verge , Prairie Stream , Flooded Grove , Wooded Bastion , Seaside Citadel , Path of Ancestry , Forbidden Orchard (cause what is a 1/1 to our angels? PFFT) other lands that give some utility in a pinch are: Scattered Groves and Irrigated Farmland ! other good cards are Glacial Fortress (and it's kin), Hinterland Harbor and Temple Garden !

For Artifacts, I see the signets, I don't typically run the Sol Ring and X signets just cause I like my land ramp better and won't get destroyed with target removal or artifact/enchantment wipes. but as a 3 color deck, you 100% NEED Chromatic Lantern basically makes all your mana problems go away, just tap lands for whatever color you need! If you're trying to go for some voltronish cards, I'd suggest going like Darksteel Plate , which basically secures that you keep whatever creature you want alive for the rest of the game (unless they exile it with a spell somehow). Godsend is also a good card as people won't want to block because it exiles shit, which is GREAT, let me tell you how many times people didn't block because they wanted to keep their creature(s).
For tribal support cards, there is a very small pool to chose from, So you might want to grab a Vanquisher's Banner , Herald's Horn , Urza's Incubator , Door of Destinies , Coat of Arms , Stoneforge Masterwork and Cryptic Gateway are some cards to look at!

Ok, lets finally get this creature situation fixed! first of, YOU'RE AN ANGEL DECK WITHOUT ITS PRIME GURL!?! WHERE IS MY Avacyn, Angel of Hope ?!?!?!??!!?!?!? I'm disappointed!!!! But for real, add her.

Other cards considering should be Metallic Mimic (if you're going for a 1/1 counter theme.) Solemn Simulacrum should go in here, he's just too good not to have here! Rhonas the Indomitable is a great mana sink, and if you really need to give trample to your creatures, Nylea, God of the Hunt is also a good alternative. Resplendent Angel is a great 3 cmc angel, don't underestimate this gurl! Sephara, Sky's Blade is also a great (shittier) version of our gurl Avacyn, Angel of Hope but still a good effect none-the-less! Iridescent Angel , for a 7 mana angel, I was hesitant at running her in my jenara deck, but has proved to be SO GOSHDARN STRONG! Can literally take ANY damage from ANYTHING (don't mention the Eldrazi to this gurl) but it has soaked up a lot of damage over my games. Archangel of Tithes is a great 4 cmc angel that gives taxes for attacking and defending! great include! Angel of Invention a fabulous card, especially if you have something that gives +1/+1 counters, say a Bow of Nylea , is a great addition to our squad! Angel of Serenity is a good card here as well! great recursion for this deck! since we're in bant, Stoic Angel is also a good include! Akroma, Angel of Wrath can't go wrong with an 8/8 creature with so many keywords and protection(s)!

Also, there is ONE card that is SO GOSHDARN UNDERRATED AND NEVER PLAYED and has literally been the BIGGEST beater I've EVER seen is non-other than Selfless Squire . THIS GURL...Where are my words for this card. It's a fog effect but you get a MASSIVE creature that has to be answered or your opponent die! I've had people swing at me for 20+ damage, not worried because of Selfless Squire and she becomes a huge creature, give her trample and/or indestructible, good game! This gurl is so badass she can oftentimes beat an ELDRAZI TITAN 1v1 (in terms of power/toughness). Best and most fun card I'VE EVER PLAYED IN A CREATURE! 50/10 would recommend!

BotaNickill on Sex-Proof Selesnyabians

5 years ago

jtmoss91, thanks for the upvote and the suggestions! Although you are not the first person to tell me I should have called the Deck "Selesbians" or something similar, lol. I personally like to say it offhandedly at tournaments, like " Tap a green and a white, and cast my Selesnya(baians) charm to Exile target creature". Or something to that effect, It's usually good for a laugh at least. I too wish I could splash blue in this deck somehow, almost enough to consider using Jenara, Asura of War as commander and who could resist Iridescent Angel , but Sigarda, Host of Herons really is the best commander I have found for this build. She is almost always a game winner dealing commander damage whilst enchanted with all sorts of powerful abilities. There is also a bunch of really good enchantments in blue that I would love to add, but until I find someone better than Sigarda to command, it's gonna stay Selesnyabians. and besides if I switch to Bant, the name doesn't make sense anymore!

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