Inquisitive Puppet

Artifact Creature — Construct

When Inquisitive Puppet enters the battlefield, scry 1.

Exile Inquisitive Puppet: Create a 1/1 white Human creature token.

Balaam__ on Killer Krab Kult of Innistrad (Azorius Eldrazi)

2 years ago

First, this entire deck as a concept is praiseworthy. It’s incredibly interesting from the perspective of actually playing it, and thematically brilliant. It calls to mind a lot of Bloodborne’s subtext. I think a lot of what you have works, but some things I believe to be holding the deck back. The core idea of what you have here is definitely worth sticking with and continuing to fine tune, but I’ll go over some things I think aren’t pulling their weight.

I think there are too many mechanics, to the point that it becomes a Jack of all trades, master of none scenario. Token generation, Delirium, Disturb, Lifegain, a bit of recursion focus etc. Any one or two of these things would work just fine, but I imagine the deck would have to be structured with Token generation as the primary mechanic built around, bolstered by secondary lifegain support (just as an example). That way the focus would be tight, with most spells in your deck revolving around one of the two mechanics.

Also, some cards here don’t play well with others. Abiding Grace would be a great secondary lifegain card, but if you chose to return a 1 mana creature to play that would interfere with Delirium. Pick Alseid of Life's Bounty and you lose your enchantment card type, so you’re stuck picking Lunarch Veteran  Flip—if there’s even one in the graveyard, since there’s only 3 copies. Inquisitive Puppet won’t be a likely target, since if it died naturally you won’t want it to leave the graveyard (since artifact is a precious new card type as far as Delirium is concerned), and if you exiled it to create the 1/1 token it’ll bypass the graveyard completely and Delirium will never see it.

The only other worrisome thing I see is the lack of a bomb. If you restructured some of this, boardswarm through Eldrazi tokens is a viable wincon, but otherwise you’ll likely need an Emrakul, the Promised End or a heavy budget alternative like Ulamog's Crusher.

Take this all with a grain of salt. I’m by no means some fantastic strategist or deck builder, and I don’t have a whole lot of experience. I’d definitely ask some other ppl for input, in case I either missed something or am misunderstanding something. Again, I love this concept and can’t wait to see whatever the finished product turns out to be!

TheoryCrafter on Any advice? (Elspeth Token Surge)

2 years ago

The standard hub you had on this deck left me a little confused because most of your cards are not standard legal. If you want a standard Elspeth deck for FNM, May I suggest any combination of Elspeth, Sun's Champion, The Birth of Meletis and Inquisitive Puppet? Also you may want to consider instants and sorceries that create creature tokens including, but not limited to, Emeria's Call  Flip, Mascot Exhibition and Starnheim Unleashed? If you decide to go this route I completely concur on Razelfark's suggestions of Omen of the Sun and Rally the Ranks. All of these (except for Rally the Ranks) will help to feed your graveyard to feed Elspeth's escape ability. Usher of the Fallen's boast ability can help the create creature tokens. Maskwood Nexus andTeam Pennant will help to make the deck feel more like soldier and token tribals, respectively. This all should give you a foundation for a Standard legal Elspeth Deck until Innistrad: Hunter's Moon is released.

If, However, you prefer a format without rotation, then I'd suggest any combination of Oath of Gideon to create tokens and loyalty counters and Nomads' Assembly for a cheaper and more reusable option to Deploy to the Front.

I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

5dollarMTG on $5 Pioneer Improv

4 years ago

Ok. Last change! Inquisitive Puppet and Implement of Combustion have proven so useful that I've added in two copies of Sentinel Totem and two copies of Soul-Guide Lantern, giving you six chances to scry on turn 1 and 6 chances to draw cards later. A Puppet or Totem on turn 1 and will almost always set you up to play a Sweatworks Brawler on turn 2 (if you don't get him out on turn 1). If you really want to go as cheap as possible, you can sub two more Totems for Soul-Guide Lantern. This will bring the price down to around $2.75, not including lands.

Grubbernaut on Ensoul Artifacts - Pioneer

4 years ago

3/4 drops are a bit on the high side for this sort of deck. I would consider more Hopes, Stonecoil Serpent (dodges Trophy/Decay); in black, you could also consider Golden Egg , but I think 0/1 drops are the way to go. Also, Witching Well is a cool one.

Also, Fabled Passage is a strict upgrade over Evolving Wilds , but I think untapped lands are important enough that playing Mana Confluence or even Aether Hub can be worth it over the taplands.

Other ideas: Inquisitive Puppet , Walking Ballista , Hangarback Walker , Animating Faerie

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