Inkfathom Infiltrator

Creature — Merfolk Rogue

Inkfathom Infiltrator can't block and is unblockable.

DadHumanPraetor on The best Anowon deck in Town

1 year ago

Thada Adel, Acquisitor and Inkfathom Infiltrator are pretty good here, among many other awesome rogues.

I like have an Anawon list with some different stuff if you feel like taking a look at it. I'm always sniping cards from other decks lol.

AKAZombieKiller on Mind Robbers

3 years ago

Since you are using Mindcrank and Stinkdrinker Bandit you might consider using an unblockable rogue like Inkfathom Infiltrator or Invisible Stalker

Kaowool on

3 years ago

Maybe Inkfathom Infiltrator

MrXilas on

3 years ago

I figured I would double back just in case my idea wasn't that great. I think Blighted Agent might be a touch out of place unless you can get up to ten infect consistently. Inkfathom Infiltrator might be a more consistent choice for damage. Also, since you plan on drawing a lot Faerie Vandal might work in that 2CMC sweet spot. Also, another good replacement is Frogtosser Banneret if only because it helps you get out a decent chunk of your creatures.

azja on Yuriko...Help!!!

4 years ago

Hi, welcome to edh!

First off, I want to say I think the deck looks great so far! I've been playing Yuriko for about 8-9 months now, and here are some things I'd suggest:

  1. Dismember -5/-5 is sometimes not enough to kill the main threat at the table, maybe replace it with Far / Away (less limiting, higher cmc) or Reality Shift (gets around indestructible)

  2. Doom Blade too many people play black, Hero's Downfall is much less narrow

  3. Into the Story not super effective if you're not playing mill, Bident of Thassa synergizes with your deck more

  4. Lightning Greaves is not bad, but Whispersilk Cloak also gives Yuriko unblockable

  5. Mu Yanling I personally don't like planeswalkers in Yuriko decks. Since you won't have very good blockers, it likely won't survive until your next turn. I'd play something like Thassa, God of the Sea instead

  6. Liliana Vess same reason as number 5, maybe play Scheming Symmetry instead

  7. Decree of Pain the cycling mode hurts your creatures much more than the rest of the table since you play lots of 1/1 's and 2/2 's. Commit / Memory has a cmc of 10, and can be a temporary removal spell or counterspell

  8. In Garruk's Wake Yuriko decks are not good at hitting 9 mana. Although not a direct replacement, Consign / Oblivion is a card I think every Yuriko deck can run

  9. Kindred Dominance unless you have an effect like Conspiracy out on the board, this hurts you a lot too. I'd play something like Evacuation instead. It's instant speed, and you can re-play your creatures a lot faster than your opponents can.

  10. Dauthi Embrace using 2 black mana each turn just to make one creature unblockable is hard in most Yuriko decks. Try Aqueous Form instead

  11. Soothsaying also a pretty heavy mana investment for its effect. Although this card is not very budget-friendly, Sensei's Divining Top is much, much better

12-16. Inkfathom Infiltrator, Invisible Stalker, Quickling, Shadowmage Infiltrator, and Spark Double aren't good enough to justify their mana cost in my opinion. Some replacements I would suggest are Changeling Outcast, Dimir Infiltrator, Gudul Lurker, Mist-Cloaked Herald, Tormented Soul, and Baleful Strix

I hope this was helpful! If you want to check out my Yuriko deck, the link is

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

drgonstar on Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow

5 years ago

Do you think Inkfathom Infiltrator and Fallen Shinobi , would be good cards for this deck?

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