Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni

Legendary Creature — Rat Ninja

Ninjutsu [symbol:3 (, Return an unblocked attacker you control to hand: Put this card onto the battlefield from your hand tapped and attacking.)

Whenever this deals combat damage to a player, you may put target creature card from that player's graveyard onto the battlefield under your control.

: Regenerate this. (The next time this creature would be destroyed this turn, it isn't. Instead tap it, remove all damage from it, and remove it from combat.)

Recommendations View more recommendations

Echo of Death's Wail
Rend Spirit
Urborg Panther
Sickle Dancer

HeavenlyAxe on

3 months ago

Hey Indie,

First off I really like the lands you have assembled and the suggestions from SufferFromEDHD are all good.

You are definitely going to want an artifact ramp package.

Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, Arcane Signet, Fellwar Stone, Gilded Lotus, Thran Dynamo

Special Mention to Nyx Lotus, it could be good being in mono black. and Jeweled Lotus, pays for your commander for free on turn 1 even.

Sword of the Animist is not bad ramp at all and buffs yours rats

Commander's Plate might be cute.

Liliana of the Dark Realms, makes sure you always get a land drop and could make your swamps tap for four.

Chittering Witch if your playing with more opponents.

Crypt Ghast is sort of ramp, but doubles your swamps. Very good in mono black.

Dauthi Voidwalker is not on theme at all but is just sooo much value in a two cost card I have to recommend it.

God-Eternal Bontu is excellent draw power in the right situation.

Dont forget you can run any number of Relentless Rats

Gray Merchant of Asphodel will heal you up a lot and hurt your opponents

Krav, the Unredeemed is also great card draw.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, has card draw, removal, and proliferate all on one card

Deadly Rollick, potentially free removal

Defile, cheap good removal

Thrilling Encore saves you from a board wipe or lets you bring everything back after sacrificing it all to like God-Eternal Bontu

Phyrexian Arena some ok card draw.

Bojuka Bog if you are worried about graveyards

Mutilate, a good board wipe in mono black

Night's Whisper, Read the Bones, Sign in Blood, are a great draw package for mono black

Toxic Deluge a great board wipe for when things need resetting, and you could follow with Thrilling Encore and get it all back

Syphon Mind is great draw if your playing with more players

Victimize - is really really strong, get rid of one weak thing for two of your best things

Yawgmoth's Will - lets you treat your graveyard like your hand for a turn

Lord Skitter, Sewer King makes rats

Marrow-Gnawer - lets you make lots of rats

Infectious Inquiry - good draw and gives poison

Ogre Slumlord - makes rats when your creatures or your opponents creatures die.

Tangled Colony - if your opponent has to block it or it dies to like Blasphemous Act will make you rats

Vraska's Fall removal and poison counter

Drown in Ichor removal and poison

Bontu's Monument all your creatures cost less

Rat Colony can have any number and they buff themselves, and cost less mana than Relentless Rats

Typhoid Rats deathtouch rat opponents wont want to block

Crypt Rats can board wipe but can also win the game if you give it infect, doesnt work with your commander because toxic specifies combat damage but does work if you give it infect and deal damage with it's ability.

Ratcatcher tutors rats, and gives you card advantage

Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm - buffs your rats and lets you get rats back

Wave of Rats has blitz and reanimates itself

Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni rat that steals opponents stuff

Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion rat that steals opponents stuff

Adaptive Automaton is a rat and buffs rats

Okiba-Gang Shinobi rat makes opponents discard and has ninjutsu

Filth gives all your rats swampwalk pairs well with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Dark Ritual lets your get a head start or some extra mana a turn you need it

Tainted Strike instant speed infect, funny in multiplayer because you can use it on anyone's creatures.

Phyresis Outbreak gives poison and might kill opponents creatures

Feed the Swarm enchantment removal in black

Vat Emergence gets a creature back and proliferates

Spread the Sickness destroys a creatures and proliferates

Pact of the Serpent strong tribal card draw

Living Death swap graveyards with battlefields, great after sacrificing your whole board to draw cards

Skullclamp sack small rats for card draw

Thrumming Stone if you go the Relentless Rats or Rat Colony route

Coat of Arms your rats will be huge

Bolas's Citadel this card is dumb lol, lots of casting power and then you hit Gray Merchant of Asphodel and keep going lol

Icon of Ancestry kinda draw buffs ok

Contagion Engine proliferate twice each time you activate

Eldrazi Monument gives creatures flying indestructible and +1/+1

Grafted Exoskeleton gives a creature infect, great with Crypt Rats

Sword of Truth and Justice proliferate sword

Bad Moon buff all black creatures, opponents too

Phyresis gives infect again good with Crypt Rats

Greed card draw

Vraska, Betrayal's Sting proliferate planes walker

I know that's a lot but hopefully gave you some ideas to work with!

Niko9 on Should I Replace Visara the …

3 months ago

Personally, I really like Visara for being such an awesome classic card, and I love the flavor text, but I think it's not the most reliable way to destroy creatures unless you can give her haste.

I think it's a good card, and absolutely the best gorgon they've ever printed, and great for flavor, but maybe not the best for power level. So, up to you how much that matters. The 3 black mana is a little tough, and having to choose between attacks and destroy for a six mana creature makes it a little awkward. I mean, I'd keep her, but that's just me : )

Some suggestions off the top of my head

Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni You'll probably be getting a lot of attacks in with deathtouch creatures to hit ninjitsu

Firja's Retribution is kinda serra angel and destroy in one. Plus vigilance works very will with the tap ability, and can help some of your other random angels.

Elenda, the Dusk Rose can get very big as you destroy creatures

Dire Fleet Poisoner flash and deathtouch is pretty fun to play with, and worst case it's just another deathtouch creature

Braids, Arisen Nightmare is great for 3 mana, and you get an activation the same turn you play her. Can get so much value in commander.

fluffyeel on Sen Triplets - Esper Control (Seeking Help)

1 year ago

I would joke about "how can it be a Stax deck without Smokestack", but that's separate, and instead I'll offer up some possibly evil advice:

wallisface on UWU

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • 18 lands is extremely low, its a number low-enough to expect seeing a lot of 1-land hands and having to mulligan. Furthermore, you’ll have no chance of casting Higure, the Still Wind or Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni for either their regular or ninjitsu costs. Personally i’d think you’d need at least 23-24 lands.

  • you need killspells. Fatal Push feels like a must here to keep your opponent in-check. In general I think you’re running too many creatures and too little interaction.

  • I’m very skeptical of Aether Vial in a deck where you’ll often be wanting to Ninjitsu creatures into play instead of using the Vial. Personally I think the deck would be better without this card.

Virlym on Death's Playground

1 year ago

@dacardgabo Sheoldred, the Apocalypse and Phyrexian Obliterator are two that I've been leaning towards putting in (or back in when it comes to the Phyrexian Obliterator). My current edge cards are Yahenni, Undying Partisan (just kinda falls short of the other 2 tbh), Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon (they generally cause a lot of hate to be directed towards me even tho I love skippy to death), Torment of Hailfire (just a stale way to win due to how common of a wincon it is for black), Praetor's Grasp (it's fun and stayed in since I cracked a foil back in the day, but it's hard to use on spelltable and ppl generally just don't like u taking things. Note, you can exile a combo card even if you never plan on using it), and the tutors Beseech the Queen and Grim Tutor (70% of the time, they just find land or a targeting permanent, but I would rather them just be better draw spells). I just haven't found anything personally interesting enough to put in for them yet.

Profane Command's last ability allows you to target multiple creatures to kill with Horobi, Death's Wail similar to how Touch of Darkness and Cauldron of Souls work, but requires mana for each target. The third ability gives you a way to get around indestructible. The other two options are more niche and game state specific, but are still nice modes to throw onto a card that already fits the game plan.

Necromancy is a general good-stuff card. It targets things in the graveyard so it won't kill them with Horobi, Death's Wail (as they are already dead when the target happens, and just become attached when they enter the battlefield. Similar to how Gift of Doom can be attached to Horobi, Death's Wail if you morph it). I generally just play it if I wanna bring back something big for value (like Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni) or flash it in to grab a sneaky blocker.

Darksteel Ingot is decent because my friends like to just blow everything up. There's a lot of Vandalblasts, Bane of Progresses, Aura Shards, etc. But Relic of Legends is perfectly fine as the second ability doesn't actually target what it taps. And you have it right, it is still a mana ability, so you can use it at any time you would have priority. Do note that the ability is coming from the Relic of Legends itself, so you can tap a creature with summoning sickness for it too.

Lol, I'm glad other ppl are using Mimic Vat. It was always a pet card of mine. Super fun when you can throw a Phyrexian Metamorph under it. Or cheat the trigger by ending the turn with Sundial of the Infinite so you can keep the token.

Gilver on Between Bad And Worse

2 years ago

Well, Sol Ring is really the only exception and has a place in every single deck (included in every precon) xD. Things like Mana Crypt is what I am really talking about. The problem with Ancient Brass Dragon is that you don't really want to cheat it in early game, however, it can be great during mid to late game to help you revive your dead BigStuff or dead threats of your opponents. Gyruda, Doom of Depths helps me to build up graveyards and is great if you can cheat in Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni or Wrexial, the Risen Deep later on to use the milled cards of your opponents. I was unsure about Ancient Silver Dragon, it is acutally an insane effect but cards like Magus of the Wheel could be fearful if you draw 10+ cards every turn or you might even end up with 0 cards in your deck at some point xD. I was really not a fan of its effect but it is still a pretty good option to run in Satoru Umezawa. Thanks for the suggestions, appreciate it!

carpecanum on

2 years ago

I'd put in a boardwipe or two. Your guys will pop right out of the graveyard automatically with Greasefang. Then Ninjutsu Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni on the vehicle thats going to you hand anyway.

Ovalchase Dragster seems like a decent fit here. Nobody wants to waste a block on Trample 6 thats reanimating out of your graveyard if you kill it.

Epicurus on When did you start playing, …

2 years ago

When did you start playing? I started in 1994, not long after Revised (3rd edition) was released. I was 13 years old. Actually, it must have been the middle of August that year, because school had just started. My brother, who was 4 years older than me, met a kid that year who played, and then they both taught me how to play as well.

I loved it from the start. I had already loved playing board games and card games and chess and that sort of thing. So I jumped elbows deep into it, full steam ahead. I bought a ton of Fallen Empires, hahaha... they were the cheapest packs, and all I really cared about was owning a lot of cards.

What is your favorite set(s)? Probably Torment. I really liked the way that the whole set revolved around Black. I really appreciated the flavor of that. I really wish they would have ever done that again with other colors. I actually really liked the whole Odyssey block. It was fun to draft, and the cards were very powerful at the time. Some of them are even still today incredibly powerful.

I'm not sure that Torment is definitely my absolute favorite, though. There have been a lot of sets through the years that, in their own time, were exciting. I really can't pick just one, because even if I can look back now and try to judge all of the sets I've seen as far as which ones were the best, it wouldn't change the excitement I had when each of those sets were released.

The entire Urza block was jaw-dropping. It followed a slew of ho-hum sets that hadn't really added very much that made existing decks better. The Urza block made you want to build block decks. Plus, it was the first to bring us squirrels :3

I already mentioned the Odyssey block, but before that was the Masques block (Mercadian Masques, Nemesis and Prophesy), which wasn't as good as either of the other two I've mentioned, but certainly had its moments. It intrigued me at least enough to buy a lot of packs.

Mirrodin was the next set that got me really excited about the game. It would definitely be on my list of favorite sets. Can't say it's one of my favorite blocks, though. Darksteel was pretty cool, but Fifth Dawn was garbage. An absolute let-down.

That block was followed by Kamigawa, which I also loved for the flavor. However, none of the block themes ended up powerful enough to compete with what had already been printed before it, so I lost interest in it quickly (although, I do still ever so love Betrayers of Kamigawa for bringing us the Ninjutsu mechanic, and I try to put Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni into every deck I can fit it into).

I did really enjoy the first Ravnica block, and I definitely improved my collection by acquiring cards from it. But to be perfectly honest, it's not on the list of favorites. Actually, the next set that got me really full-throttle back into the game after that wasn't until War of the Spark. I love everything about that set. I bought a ton of Guilds of Ravnica and Ravnica Alliance only just because I loved War of the Spark so much. So that's for certain on the list of favorite sets.

Ikoria was the next one, and the first ever that I only just admired from afar. I was in serious financial, emotional and physical hardship when that set came out. So I read the entire set list over and over again, designed decks from it here on this site, drooled over the Mutate mechanic and the Godzilla tie-in, but never bought any of it until two months ago. Until then, and especially at the time it was released, it was like my secret crush.

The next set that made me very happy was Modern Horizons II. I couldn't resist but to splurge on that one. It was amazing, in a million different ways. Also, MOAR SQUIRRBLES!!!

Now, I'm excited all over again for Kamigawa, Neon Dynasty. The vehicles are awesome. The capability to have Ninja Leviathans is awesome. Vehicles are now awesome. It's my favorite set all over again. I only just wish that it was a block and not a stand-alone set. Which brings me to the next question...

How has your view of MTG changed since? That answer is incredibly complicated, and this comment is already way too long. My view of the game has changed a million times since I've started playing. I mean, I remember going from having true duals that I pulled from packs, to seeing the likes of Ice Age and Homelands, which made me feel like WotC was never going to make good cards ever again. Then Modern (which at the time was called "Type 2") became a thing, and I felt like it was a way to get everyone to buy the new garbage they were printing instead of making better cards, and I was pissed. Urza's Saga changed my mind on that one. I could mention many other times my view of the game has changed since then - both favorably and otherwise - but I won't.

My view of the game now is like you said at the beginning. There aren't any complete stories (unless, of course, those stories are set on Ravnica). Like, they give us Ikoria, but then no more Mutate. Or they bring us back to Kamigawa, and in an amazing way, but just for one set. Now, the Modern Horizons sets have brought back flashes of things like Cascade and Ninjutsu and Squirrels and so forth, but just in snippets at a time, kind of spread out. Like you said, here's a mechanic: have fun with it, because you may only see a handful of it again, years apart from each other.

Then again, they've been doing that for a very long time. I mean, where's Threshold? Where's Echo? How long did it take for us to get more Modular? Are we ever going to get more Zubras? This isn't a brand new thing.

As far as the community goes, I wouldn't really know. I've only ever really played casually, with friends, or for a period of a handful of years at one particular LGS in my 20's. I have attended prerelease drafts here and there, and a few tournaments in the 90's, but that wasn't my usual gig. Now that I can attend an LGS again, covid happened, and I'm always working on the one day of the week that people get together to play.

Well alright, if you actually read through that entire novel I just wrote, I thank you. Cheers!

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