Increasing Vengeance


Copy target instant or sorcery spell you control. If Increasing Vengeance was cast from a graveyard, copy that spell twice instead. You may choose new targets for the copies.

Flashback [[symbol:3] (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)

tjt on Ashling, Flame Dancer

2 weeks ago

Increasing Vengeance or Repeated Reverberation seem like good ideas to add but me thinks we're gonna stumble on an infinite

NV_1980 on Ovikanator

7 months ago

There's a few ways to cast an infinite amount of spells (assuming no-one counters one of them) and thus create an infinite amount of Phyrexian Goblins. One way to achieve is to copy spells that can copy spells (examples: Increasing Vengeance, Reverberate, Teach by Example and Twincast).

myleszey on Storm Storm

10 months ago

I think you could get a better Reverberate here out of Increasing Vengeance.

Azoth2099 on Repanse De Lyonesse (Knight Tribal and Recursion)

1 year ago


De nada. If copying Buried Alive is what you wanna do. You could run stuff like Fork, Reverberate, Reiterate, Increasing Vengeance, Dual Casting, Dualcaster Mage...lots of options!

TheoryCrafter on FLING THE BURN

1 year ago

Have you considered Soul-Scar Mage? This will not only give them Wither, it will practically make most of your instants, sorceries and activated abilities board wipes once All Will Be One enters the battlefield.

May I also recommend cards that don't target including, but not limited to Anger of the Gods, Blazing Volley and Scouring Sands to get around cards that grant some sort of Hexproof, Protection, Shroud and/or Ward?

Plus, with all the looting going on you may want to consider cards with Flashback(including, but not limited to Increasing Vengeance, Past in Flames and Seize the Storm) and Madness(including, but not limited to, Avacyn's Judgment and Fiery Temper).

Other cards to consider are Bearer of the Heavens(if you're feeling really spiteful), Burning Anger and Toralf, God of Fury  Flip.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

thefiresoflurve on Typical Hinata is Typical

1 year ago

Okay, so cuts first: 1. all the "Diamond" series of mana rocks can go, they're kind of bad. The signets are good, they can stay.

  1. Paradoxical Outcome can go. It's not exactly what you want here since you don't have strong ETB themes.

  2. Keep Safe there are better counters.

  3. Decoy Gambit can go. Not really strong enough to warrant giving people the options.

  4. Sunbird's Invocation is a bit too expensive for what it does in this deck, IMO.

  5. Dualcaster Mage - this doesn't target (its ETB effect does the targeting), but if you want the copy effect, you can replace it later with something else, like Increasing Vengeance.

  6. Radiant Scrollwielder and Soulfire Grand Master - I saw exactly 4 cards that these even affect, probably not worth using with so little synergy. (and their abilities aren't the most useful here)

  7. Oona's Grace - not bad, but not worthy of the 100.

  8. Aether Gale - you have other cards that do what this is trying to do, but better.

You've also got what looks like multiples of a couple cards, which could help the count. Hope this helps! Let me know after you've made some edits and I'll help some more.

xGrumeshx on

1 year ago
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