

Target creature becomes red until end of turn and attacks this turn if able.

Necrosis24 on What to do against Rakdos, …

2 years ago

Incite and Into the Fray I wouldn’t reccomend unless you can control the flow of the battle. Those two cards still let him attack you and with flying against goblins the damage is going thru.

cobbledcube on Wall Flinger

4 years ago

Rite of Consumption could be nice for the added life gain. Also, something like Incite might be good to force attacks.

xEleven on Another Brick in the Wall

6 years ago

Incite and Into the Fray are cards that don't really work in this deck IMO.

Trained_Orggasm on Walls

6 years ago

Cool deck, I love walls too! Glyph of Destruction can only be played on a blocking wall. While having cards like Propaganda and Meekstone are good for holding your opponents up from attacking, they don't work well with the glyph. Perhaps use some of these cards to force your opponents to attack: Alluring Siren, Bullwhip, Incite, Rage Nimbus, or even Skin Invasion  Flip. +1 Good luck with the deck!

nicochulo on How does "attack this turn …

6 years ago

This might be a dumb question, but let's suppose I Incite an opponent's creature that is enchanted with Oppressive Rays.Let's suppose he also has that three mana. Is he obligated to pay it? I mean,in the most literal sense that creature is able to attack, but maybe the opponent has the choice to not attack...

Thanks in advance

PixelAlex on

8 years ago

well if that is the case maybe you'll want to consider splashing or because there are some really good options.
First cards that force attacking: Alluring Siren, Chemister's Trick, Into the Fray, Aggravate, Courtly Provocateur, Heckling Fiends, Incite, Shipwreck Singer and most definitly Gideon, Battle-Forged and Rage Nimbus.
Also to maximize these effects i would recommend Slumbering Dragon, Hunter's Insight and maybe Lost in the Woods.

Also just a hint try to make some more detailed descriptions. It really helps with recomending cards.

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