Incendiary Command


Choose two - Incendiary Command deals 4 damage to target player; or Incendiary Command deals 2 damage to each creature; or destroy target nonbasic land; or each player discards all the cards in his or her hand, then draws that many cards.

griffstick on Which Mass Destruction Spell(s) Should …

1 year ago

I think the board wipes that hit early at a low cost are best here. Also board wipes that make the creatures deal damage to them selves. Since Gisela, Blade of Goldnight splits it in half on your stuff, it will not kill your creatures, additionally it doubles the damage your opponents creatures would deal to them selves.

Some of the board wipes I recommend are

When paired with your cmdr

Other good ones when paired with your cmdr

Moving on to other good wipes, and noncreature wipes, and choice wipes.

tkjanacek on Mogis Ravel

1 year ago

I really like the Teferi's Puzzle box, that's a cool addition. Street Wraith only replaces itself and does nothing else, that's not really card draw. Thrill of Possibility is a good card, but it's not really a replacement for Theater of Horrors, as it's one-off card filtering rather than repeated card advantage. Underworld Connections, Crystal Ball, Sarkhan the Mad, Chandra, Pyromaster, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Chandra, Fire Artisan are more comparable.

Filtering, or looting, is also very strong. Bitter Reunion, Faithless Looting, Daretti, Scrap Savant

Wheeling deals a ton of damage with Underworld Dreams, refills your hand, and often disrupts your opponents. Magus of the Wheel, Incendiary Command, Chandra Ablaze

I have a couple more suggestions you might like: Ill-Gotten Inheritance, Mayhem Devil, Burning Inquiry

Monomanamaniac on Brain Getting Too Big

3 years ago

Cards to play: Psychosis Crawler which will reward you for drawing by dealing damage. Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted is the better ob nixilis for this deck. Whispering Madness, Dark Deal, Reforge the Soul, Magus of the Wheel, Incendiary Command, Wheel of Fate, Time Reversal, Echo of Eons are all wheel effects that make your opponents suddenly draw a ton of cards that will then let you deal damage to everyone. Prosperity Will have everyone drawing equally. Izzet Signet, Dimir Signet, Rakdos Signet, Arcane Signet are decent mana rocks you're missing. Arcane Denial counters a spell and lets them draw and replaces itself. Stormfist Crusader howling mine effect but punishes at the same time.

Cards to take out. Pillage Very inefficient. Quest for Ancient Secrets Very slow. Sadistic Sacrament not really what this deck is truly wanting to do. Shrieking Affliction 99/100 games your opponents will have more than 1 card in hand. Darksteel Plate just too expensive to be good for this deck. Ob Nixilis Reignited not as good as the other ob nixilis. Cerebral Vortex not usually going to deal massive damage and only damages 1 opponent. Painful Quandary I like this card and probably wouldn't get rid of it, but your opponents will usually have the card to discard. Crawlspace not really going with your overall game plan, it does slow your opponents down,but not by enough. Nin, the Pain Artist it's a lot of mana to sink into an effect like this. Curse of Fool's Wisdom only targets 1 player, it's really too limited. Torbran, Thane of Red Fell a lot of your debate sources are black, this is decent with your commander but not much else. Reverberate I didn't see a huge number of decent targets forthis spell and it doesn't do a whole lot of good. Darksteel Ingot I don't personally like seeing 3 cost mana ramp, I'd suggest replacing it with a signet.

I would like to say that I really like your deck, it's an interesting take on an interesting commander. This is meant to be constructive and all with the best intentions.

Peoni on Nekusar EDH Cards for Everyone

3 years ago

Your list is pretty good so far. Here are a few cards you may or may not like to include:

Burning Inquiry, Dramatic Reversal (infinite mana with Isochron and a few rocks), Dark Deal, Fascination, Grafdigger's Cage, Incendiary Command, Jace, Wielder of Mysteries, Kederekt Parasite, Lim-Dul's Vault, Niv-Mizzet, Parun (combos with Curiosity and similar effects), Notion Thief, Psychosis Crawler, Relic of Progenitus, Thassa's Oracle, and Winds of Change.

For your rocks I'd recommend adding probably 4-5 more, but I'd say you've done good in sticking to the 2 cmc ones. More signets, more talismans, maybe a Fellwar Stone or Mind Stone are all definitely good options.

I want to ask what a lot of the transmute cards are in your deck for? What are you trying to fetch at 1 cmc with Dizzy Spell or 5 cmc with Brainspoil? Muddle is generally pretty good for fetching combo pieces like Isochron Scepter, but at lot of the others are kind of head scratchers to me. I'd also advise you to evaluate why you chose the cards you did, how impactful they would be in the format, and how they synergize with the rest of your deck. For example, in a multiplayer format with 3 opponents and usually plenty of creatures, how often is Diabolic Edict going to be something you're happy about drawing? Similarly, I know you have a bounce subtheme going on, but is Cowardice really something you want to be running in a deck that focuses on keeping creatures like your commander or Fate Unraveler out on the field? Wouldn't you rather counter those threats than have a mere targeting throw a wrench in your plans? Also on the topic of bounce, would you rather be running a bounce sumbtheme or be using your blue for counters and your black for straight up removal? Maybe you wouldn't, maybe you would, I just think it's worth asking the questions you know?

Nekusar and wheels are always fun to see in action. I hope you enjoy EDH and I hope I was able to help! :^)

abbatromebone on Brain Getting Too Big

3 years ago
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