Immolation Shaman

Creature — Viashino Shaman

Whenever an opponent activates an ability of an artifact, creature, or land that isn't a mana ability, Immolation Shaman deals 1 damage to that player.

: Immolation Shaman gets +3/+3 and gains menace until end of turn.

SufferFromEDHD on Ghryson

1 year ago

Grafted Exoskeleton 5 spell clock with Ghryson.

Lava Dart pew pew

Bloodfire Dwarf pauper all-star. Potential board wipe.

Kessig Flamebreather easy trigger.

Cosi's Ravager easy trigger.

Immolation Shaman on theme stax tax.

Leyline of Lightning I think this finally found a home.

Rampaging Ferocidon suicide for your Izzet strategy!

GorramScoundrel on PEW PEW PEW 1.1 [EDH]

1 year ago

I think Sakashima of a Thousand Faces would be perfect here, especially with Spark Double already on the list. Some other cards I think would fit:

AEther Sting

Defiler of Instinct

Immolation Shaman


amarthaler on EDH Rakdos Group Slug

1 year ago


Out: Immolation Shaman

In: Stormfist Crusader

Immolation Shaman and Harsh Mentor typically don't do enough to warrant both of them being in the deck, so we got rid of Immolation Shaman. Added some card draw for us while also dealing damage to others for drawing.

Jett2112 on Tulzidi Caravan

1 year ago

Reinforced Ronin is good for helping with metalcraft too, good rec! I might keep Zurgo Bellstriker in too for a density of 1 drops.

Containment Construct also good for metalcraft and it's a 2/2 with card advantage so yeah another perfect rec for this deck.

Valakut Awakening  Flip I took out a while ago because too often it just is 3 mana draw a card. so its a low impact spell or a tapped land. It's better for combo or control decks.

Efreet Flamepainter Maybe one day if there gets to be more instants and sorceries but now I don't think theres enough spell density at 9.

Deflecting Swat is good when I activate Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner's ability discarding my hand then somebody casts removal before my 2 power guys can deal damage.

Smuggler's Copter has been in there because if all opponents have blockers it's a way to fly over for damage and card advantage. I Think you are right tho and it's low impact compared to some other recs.

Possibility Storm the angle is that it will prevent just about any combo from being cast. Additionaly I can be pretty sure that when I cast a 2 power creature I will get a 2 power creature while my opponents playing combo and control sit with most of their hand dead. My assault combo can actually be assembled piece by piece during a Possibility Storm whereas most combos involving instants and sorceries such as the dreaded Tainted Pact, Demonic Consultation, Natural Order or Brain Freeze cannot play around the chaos.

Dolmen Gate is useful when opponents have too many blockers. In my current meta however the "creature power 2 or less can't be blocked" ability on Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner is enough to make sure key creatures can attack while not dying to blockers.

Harmonic Prodigy and Savage Beating... good points. plus Harmonic Prodigy adds triggers to Immolation Shaman, Prophetic Flamespeaker and Seasoned Pyromancer...

lagotripha on BOROS BURN AIKIDO

2 years ago

9-lives Ok, so the turn order goes untap, upkeep, draw, mainphase, attack phase, main phase, end step. Whenever you go from one step to the next you lose any mana you've added to your pool.

Upkeep basically exists for things that happen once at the start of a turn, after you untap your lands, before you draw a card. A lot of cards literally had 'upkeep' which makes you pay every turn to keep them (eg. Brand of Ill Omen back in the old days)

Braid of Fire was printed to help pay these, pay for instant speed effects like abilities (eg pump on Shivan Dragon) or actual instants.

If you want to play a big instant speed spell like Searing Wind, pay full price for Thunderous Wrath, or activate Soulfire Grand Master its great because you don't need to play a ton of lands.

Harsh mentor is in the same category as Ash Zealot, Immolation Shaman Tunnel Ignus and Ishi-Ishi, Akki Crackshot- they care about your opponents doing very specific things, which most opponents can just ignore.

Effects like great revel deal damage no matter what deck your opponent plays. Even more, compared to things like Young Pyromancer that care about what you are doing, they are a lot less reliable.

You can build decks around and that use them - I have in the past, especially for budget brews, but it takes planning. Tunnel ignus feels bad until you start playing Path to Exile, Cleansing Wildfire and Geomancer's Gambit, but its rare that you want to just put one in there - its home is usually in the sideboard.

Someone whose combo casts a billion cards from the gravyard will hate losing game two to a single ash zealot, and harsh mentor is in the same category.

juanchite86 on Aggressive Shamans

2 years ago

Thanks for your comment legendofa.

I went with Flamescroll Celebrant  Flip instead of Burning-Tree Shaman just because is one mana less. For me being a 3/4 instead of a 2/1 is not enough to justify the additional mana. in addition Flamescroll Celebrant  Flip has that pseudo-firebreathing ability that rarely comes to matter, but is there. The other option around is Immolation Shaman, but I think is the worst of the bunch since it does not trigger in ALL activated abilities.

In the end is a matter of preference, a 3/4 is out of reach of a Lightning Bolt, but for me that is very situational.

I did not made the effort to try to add some land generating , but feel free to try it :) . Since this tries to be a fast deck it can be too challenging to have available at a very specific time, I just ignore the other side of the Flamescroll Celebrant  Flip.

B33lz3bub on Kaervek, the Merciless

2 years ago

Taking something out of a deck is the most headache inducing activity ever with which I'll probably be of little help, however I can point you to some additions that you can make. (although, I would probably take out the spellbombs as well as stalking vengeance and nettlevine blight, because of their big mana cost) I have created a Kaervek deck of my own recently, and although I'm still in the process of perfecting it, it seems that a healthy diversity of creatures and enchantments is the way to go. Damage doubling creatures such as Angrath's Marauders and Sower of Discord are a must, as well as small but efficient pingers like Immolation Shaman and Scab-Clan Berserker, but arguably the most leg work goes to enchantments such as Furnace of Rath, Manabarbs, Citadel of Pain, Spellshock, Pestilence and most especially Havoc Festival. If you have the budget Master of Cruelties, Wound Reflection and Painful Quandary completely lock the game, with or without Kaervek being on the board. Toralf, God of Fury  Flip would be great addition as well. Hope this helps

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