Illicit Auction


Each player may bid life for control of target creature. You start the bidding with a bid of 0. In turn order, each player may top the high bid. The bidding ends if the high bid stands. The high bidder loses life equal to the high bid and gains control of the creature. (This effect doesn't end at end of turn.)

DreadKhan on I LOVE CHAOS

1 year ago

I built a single deck that has the Chaos tag, Pavel the Mighty, Hero We Deserve. That deck prioritizes unusual cards/effects, and doesn't mind running some questionable cards if they can fill a role. From the deck, these are some of my favorite Chaos spells: Allure of the Unknown is not only a solid draw spell, it's also a great way to make a friend, especially if you've got big/crazy effects in your deck. I also like the Auctions, Thieves' Auction and Illicit Auction, both have a strong absurdist element to them, but either can do things you're really not supposed to do in Red. Fevered Suspicion can be a lot of fun, Hurl Through Hell is a truly weird effect. While Pavel is a chaotic deck, it also has the possibility of eliminating people, I don't think I like Chaos for Chaos' sake, I like there to be a plan, even if the plan has elements of insanity to it.

I think if you want to build Chaos, your deck should be able to win the odd game, otherwise you're kind of violating the presumption that we're all trying to win the game (to some degree/in some fashion). I suppose if you have a playgroup that's fine with decks that do the equivalent of throwing feces at a dinner party then have at it, but if your deck can sometimes threaten a win it's a very different story than if you're just making people miserable for kicks. I for one will tolerate a lot of annoying things in decks, but at least have a plan to end things, I hate frustration scooping!

DreadKhan on Deck of Degeneracy (Purphoros EDH)

1 year ago

Not sure if you're looking for more ideas, but this deck makes me think of one of mine, where I use a few cards that might fit here, one is Citadel of Pain, this is very good in decks that don't use tons of mana on other people's turns, and I think it has good synergy with your Burning Earth for example. Rite of the Raging Storm is a nice source of a creature ETB each turn for no added resources, a 5/1 can matter on some boards, and if it does that player will die extremely quickly if 3 players are piling an extra 15 damage per cycle, the nice thing is it's never going to be you. A really quirky one that drives people up the wall with it's degeneracy is Thieves' Auction, this card is a nightmare to resolve sometimes, but it can easily turn a game on it's head. It's very juicy if your deck features lots of permanents that nobody else wants for various reasons (such as symmetrical effects). Another quirky auction I loved was Illicit Auction, the art is a bit disturbing, but it seems degenerate to pay life to steal a creature, hopefully with your deck you'll be ahead in life and can just steal something important from someone who's deck pays lots of life! Not sure if it actually matters much, but Basilisk Collar is a handy source of Lifelink for Purphoros that works when he's a creature. It is also very good with any creatures that can ping opponent's creatures, and it's hilarious if you have a creature with Trample, such as from Rite of the Raging Storm. I think the last one that might fit in is Gorilla Shaman, this makes a very good mana sink later game while offering a 1 drop creature.

Hope something there will be helpful, I had lots of fun playtesting your deck!

legendofa on Deck idea with Coveted Jewel

2 years ago

I don't know if this is quite what you're looking for, but there are cards like Illicit Auction, Custody Battle, Pain's Reward, and if you really want a minigame, Goblin Game.

Vessiliana on Of all The Queens Men

2 years ago

Oh my, any deck with Illicit Auction can be wacky. Have you thought about Thieves' Auction ? It is a wild ride for sure, with no telling how the game will end up afterward. If your playgroup is young enough, you might enjoy it.

BrassLord on DDC

3 years ago

Ahhh I gotcha! Looks like you have a good starting backbone for it!

In terms of refining and cutting cards, I’d start by evaluating if a card can help win the game or further your game plan. For example, junk trawler, while a big beefy blocker, really doesn’t add that much, as you can’t capitalize on his ability. So underwhelming cards like that I’d cut.

In my experience playing mono red, card draw is at a premium and well needed. Finding one that fits can be tricky. Faithless Looting helps, but is more of a card filter than card advantage. Skullclamp is another one that may work for ya.

Also I’d see about trying to leverage your commanders ability and dragon synergy. Dragon's Hoard and Goldspan Dragon gel really well with your commander...

That all being said, if you’re looking for more chaos fun, I’d recommend Illicit Auction Puppet's Verdict and Goblin Game ! Whenever these cards resolve, it’s fun to watch opponents say, “ wait, it does WHAT?

burferking on Mathas | Bitter Hugs

4 years ago

I like your deck! It has a similar flavor to my Grixis Twisted Group Hug (No Pain, No Gain!), where I can help with cards and effects, but at a cost. The idea was a Zedruu the Greathearted , but with black, black being my favorite Mtg color. I invite you to take a look at my deck and draw some inspiration from it. One of the principles of the deck is that I don't target destroy/exile/counterspell anything; "that wouldn't be nice, from a good guy that helps you, eh?". I personnally found that Illicit Auction and Pain's Reward are such fun cards and can hurt a player so bad at the same time ! You could also consider any cards with the Join Forces and Tempting Offer mechanics. If I do help someone, it is not everybody, like I originally would have like. So to be honest, I may rename my deck "Grixis Bitter Hugs" -because I think it is more accurate than "Grixis Twisted Group Hug"- if you don't mind. While commenting, I took time to update my deck's description, which was pretty much empty before lol

You could also add Anvil of Bogardan , Oracle's Vault , Outpost Siege , Vance's Blasting Cannons  Flip, Bloodgift Demon , Indulgent Tormentor , Well of Lost Dreams ... Phyrexian Arena is a must, Rhystic Study is a beast (but pricy $), Mystic Remora is great and you could add also Braid of Fire , comboing with Luminarch Ascension . For more lands, add Land Tax , Knight of the White Orchid , Weathered Wayfarer , Sword of the Animist , Thaumatic Compass  Flip, Journeyer's Kite ...

Wargles on Looking for cards to fit …

4 years ago

So I've been building a demon tribal deck around a "deal with the devil" theme (its rakdos) I think I have enough demons and a good idea of what edits to make on that front, but I'm lacking in cards that are deal-like. Some examples of such cards would be Tempt with Vengeance , Illicit Auction and Curse of Opulence . Ideally cards that suggest some kind of exchange or game that have some fun and interactive effects.

deck: Rakdos' Riot

MahBoi100 on Queen Marchesa: Politics, Aikido, and Control

4 years ago

jamesschlegel Here's a link to my list:

I'm looking forward to playing politics, as well as bringing home the fact that attacking me is perilous, even with little to no board presence. I'm also really happy that I finally found a place for my pet card, Illicit Auction ! ^_^

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