Ill-Tempered Loner


Howlpack Avenger  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ill-Tempered Loner

Creature — Human Werewolf

Whenever Ill-Tempered Loner is dealt damage, it deals that much damage to any target (creature, player or planeswalker).

: This gets +2/+0 until end of turn.

Daybound (When this enters the battlefield, if it's not day or night, this game becomes day for all players. If a player casts no spells during their own turn, this game becomes night for all players next turn during the untap step next turn. When it becomes night, all permanents on the battlefield transform into their nightbound side if they have one, and any new permanents that enter the battlefield will enter on their nightbound side if they have one. Becoming day/night does not use the stack and cannot be responded to.)

CommanderNeyo on TRON Lightning Rod

1 month ago

Have you considered adding Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip to the deck? It is basically a second Boros Reckoner, but if it flips it doubles up on the damage-dealing of your sticks.

ShieldOfHolyShadows on Arms Race (Boros Aikido)

2 months ago

king-saproling I've looked at a lot of those cards before but some of them are new! I think the shell is highly flexible and can support most things, but I am curious behind the reasoning on trimming most of the pillowfort and a handful of the rattlesnake cards.

Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip is great but frankly I can't be bothered to track Day/Night when I'm playing in paper.

Bloodthirsty Blade is solid and I have playtested it before, but my experience was that people were generally annoyed to see it, and because it was so cheap, there was no reason for me to not be using it constantly.

Truefire Captain was in there for a long time, but I needed space and it's one of my least favorite versions of the effect. 4 cmc, difficult casting cost, mediocre blocker, encourages aggression. So I trimmed it out for the ones I like slightly more, though I could be persuaded to readd the 3ish versions of the card that I don't run.

Ancient Gold Dragon would definitely be a powerhouse, but it's not really on theme for the deck. It's highly synergistic with Ganax, but Ganax is just in the deck because he's a red commander with Choose a Background and has flying. Gold Dragon is aggressive and highly threatening, which goes against the design goal for the list.

Death Kiss is fun, but I haven't tested it yet. Only concerns are the CMC and tracking the combat math.

For Life of the Party, I have some friends who love this card, but they play it in more of a blink deck where it can really shine. I don't know if I have enough support for it, but maybe I should give it a shot and see what happens.

Crown of Doom is super on-theme, but I've always found it to be relatively low-impact. +2 attack isn't a huge buff, and there's no guarantee it's on the person you need to be attacking.

Curse of the stalked Prey hits on similar issues with Crown of Doom, but I personally don't want to be using curses in the first place. You never know who they need to be on until much later on in the game. Like, imagine you curse someone and it turns out that player 3 is the real threat this game. You're rewarding people for attacking the wrong person, and encouraging them to avoid the real threat.

Skyboon Evangelist is fascinating; it reminds me of Frontier Warmonger. The reason I trimmed Warmonger was just that people never took advantage of the effect, it was just something I kept having to remind them of. I'm definitely going to have to think about this card though; I haven't seen it before.

Thanks for the feedback!

king-saproling on Arms Race (Boros Aikido)

2 months ago

This is a really cool deck. I love the intent and the list looks great. Personally I would make these swaps:

Windborn Muse -> Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip
Ghostly Prison -> Bloodthirsty Blade
Boon-Bringer Valkyrie -> Truefire Captain
Baneslayer Angel -> Ancient Gold Dragon (cool synergy with Ganax!)
Sunblade Angel -> Death Kiss
Lyra Dawnbringer -> Life of the Party
Gisela, the Broken Blade -> Crown of Doom
Brave the Sands -> Curse of Stalked Prey
Crawlspace -> Skyboon Evangelist

Spirits on

1 year ago

Hey Zorke,

I have a Budget Animar deck built around morph.

Couple questions, first is what is the goal of the deck? Briefly looking, seems to be a Tuned (Mid) 5 or 6 deck, is your goal to stay around that or looking to build towards an Optimed (High) 7 or 8? It really will change what the recommendations are in terms of Land Base / Ramp Efficiency / Combo / Mana-Curve.

The obvious missing card here is Ancestral Statue. With Animar, Soul of Elements at 4 counters, he can make an infinitely large general just by repeatedly bouncing Ancestral Statue with itself. It also contributes to the infinite ETB triggers for things like Beast Whisperer and Purphoros, God of the Forge as examples. You have some non-morph in there, so I'm not sure its a flavor exclude, but maybe a no-combo exclude?

Keep in mind too that although Animar, Soul of Elements discounts the casting cost to play the morph face down, however, he doesn't discount the morph cost to flip them back up, so you have to selective on the morphs you choose, otherwise you lose the ability to activate their morph abilities.

There are some noteable ramp creatures missings, Birds of Paradise for sure, flying/ramp/animar counter, checks lots of boxes. Solemn Simulacrum can be decent ramp, he sticks with a 5/6 theme a bit tougher to find space in a 7/8 if that is the goal. Peregrine Drake is another notable ramp createure.

Heraldic Banner is a bit strange, name by volume, or for a majority of the flyers? I'm not sure. Something like Ornithopter of Paradise feels better even without haste/riot.

Dunno why Stuffy Doll would be in here, he needs either a Blazing Sunsteel or Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip to elminate a single opponent, so no highly efficient. You dont really have a way to retarget him either, even with a Blazing Sunsteel would need more creatures like Icefeather Aven or Echo Tracer. Not recommending, just saying without more bounce he just wasting a spot.

Aether Hub just seems like a bad City of Brass or Mana Confluence. There a lots of lands that would improve your deck, commander lands like Rejuvenating Springs/Training Center or fetch lands like Misty Rainforest/Wooded Foothills.

Unless Tidespout Tyrant is a favorite or something, his CMC is ridiculous and shouldn't be in there, Animar, Soul of Elements can't pay the .

Keep Safe isn't a modular counterspell. Just a plain Counterspell would be better. Depending on power level, there are 0 mana counterspells, 1 mana counterspells, and good 2 mana counterspells. Also, don't forget you have your morphs with counterspells.

Shaleskin Plower is a good example of a heavy morph cost, for an ability you dont really need.

Gilded Lotus isn't reduced by the general counters, not sure why we would want it.

Have lots more ideas, just need a deck goal point of reference to give some better recommendations.

elk88 on Who Let the Dogs Out?

2 years ago

Hey rafe028! There's nothing wrong with the card and considering this type of deck and it's intended power level, you could absolutely try it out if you'd like. I will say that it's creature quality isn't quite as high as several cards in the list. It's ability is conditional on a good board state (see my comments on board wipes in the update) and it only targets players (the deck doesn't usually have much issue creating a lot of damage or finishing off opponents). The one hiccup with the card is the activated cost. This deck; quite consistently, uses all or pretty much all it's mana every turn (on your turn or others assuming flash). For example Hound Tamer  Flip has an ability that I've yet to use. The trample that Tamer provides is great (and it's meant for redundancy since this deck wants/needs trample to get damage through consistently but more importantly to draw more cards) and it's ability is at least an available outlet if it's ever needed. Still though I haven't had to/needed to use it yet (threat of activation with blocks; especially with politicking and pointing that out, has often been enough). Keeping the 'activated ability' thought train going, I've used Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip a handful of times but again; referring to the board wipe comment, it's often been a come from behind/ dig for answers situation usually (or as I said in the update, when you're drawing lots of support but no gas). It's flip side for the cost reduction has often been it's better use. Being able to cast several creatures after drawing so many cards (similar effect with Cemetery Prowler) has been great (I'm not saying overextend but when you have 13 cards in hand it's better to use some than just discard). The last 'activation thought' is that the ones I've mentioned already in the deck are mana sinks and don't tap (or something like Howlpack Piper  Flip which uptaps) whereas Runebound Wolf is once a turn cycle due to the . You might sneak in fairly late game finisher on one player's end step, upkeep get the 2nd player with your ping and then attack the 3rd to pull out a win but that's probably magic xmas land in a lot of cases (life totals have to be perfect in relation to board state etc). More than likely though this will take a few turns to do (activate for 6, activate again for 6 etc) and your opponents will see this coming (whereas you play several buffing threats and attack for 30 on one turn in the same scenario).

Basically I'm saying when Runebound Wolf is good, you're already ahead and likely don't need it to close out the game/ finish off a player (like you've spiraled out of control with Hollowhenge Overlord and have 20 wolves in play. Then Runebound Wolf feels win more). When you're behind, it's ability isn't doing anything because you don't have the boadstate or you need all the mana to rebuild. And with the deck playing multiple spells a turn (from all the draw), you don't have left over mana to activate with any consistency to make it useful/a threat. It feels like it's ideal place/play is a very late game situation where it's cast and you methodically burn everyone out due to low life totals. Or you're in a game that has some sort of board stall (like someone is a pillow fort with stuff like Sphere of Safety or maybe a player has flooded the board with tokens and you can't get through or something similar). In those edge cases I'm more inclined to say 'you got me' and shuffle up.

As an aside, I will refer to the update and mention that Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip (more importantly and specifically Howlpack Avenger  Flip) and one of the board wipes I'm using (Blasphemous Act or Chain Reaction) with a decent board state will have the same desired effect of burning out the table. 9 wolves including Howlpack Avenger  Flip and Blasphemous Act will kill a table (okay fine it'll do 117dmg so maybe someone is at 3 because everyone was still at 40 lol.)

Now by all means, I don't want to be discouraging and suggest you give it a go. I'd love to hear some game play feedback on how it works for you. If you're knocking people out on the regular with it, let me know and I'll give it another look.

I appreciate your time, comment and feedback! Thanks!


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