
Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature loses all abilities and is a blue Fish with base power and toughness 0/1.

Apollo_Paladin on Sea of Attrition [Arena] [V2]

5 months ago

Interesting take on mill +1

Some Food for Thought:

  • Either Witness Protection or Stasis Field is a pretty easy upgrade to make over Ichthyomorphosis, less mana cost. (there's other 2-mana Blue auras along this line as well with other benefits: Eaten by Piranhas with Flash for example)

  • Spark Double won't let you copy opponent's creatures, but might be better for you than Undercover Operative since it'd let you copy & keep multiple Bruvacs in play. Otherwise, Metamorphic Alteration lets you copy opponent's stuff as well as your own for half the CMC of the Operative, you just need a creature already in play (not a big issue with your build from the looks of it)

  • I'm assuming Diamond Mare is in here because mono-red just won't go away in the queue, but if this is a best-of-3 deck, Drowned Secrets would offer a lot more synergy with the rest of your deck for the 2CMC slot (in games where the reliable lifegain isn't as important).

  • Finally and Most Obviously, the 1 Fraying Sanity you have there too should be in the deck - ideally a couple more copies since they stack (yeah, I know, rare wildcards ugh - assuming this is why it's only 1x)

Catch you on Arena sometime

keizerbuns on Sea of Attrition [Physical] [Beta]

1 year ago

This is a very cool concept, however it seems a little scattered. With lifegain, mill, tokens, tap/bounce control, stat manipulation, and creature stealing, it seems like your deck is being pulled in too many different directions without enough focus on any one thing in particular to give it a clear identity. Mill especially is kind of an all or nothing strategy that requires the entire deck to be built around it in order to work. Unless you have a really good mill/graveyard payoff to justify splashing in some mill spells, milling your opponent for just a few cards here and there won’t do anything except take up slots in your deck.

The best advice I think I could give you, and probably the same advice most other people will give you too, is to find your favourite element or two of the deck, and make that the focus. However, if you don’t want to do that, and you do want to keep the deck as a little bit of everything, I do have some suggestions that I think you might like.

My first suggestion would be to replace Dreadwaters with a lower CMC mill spell, because spending 4 mana to make one opponent mill for what I assume averages to be around 4-6 cards isn't a great rate. For just 2 mana you could use Maddening Cacophony and make each opponent mill 8 cards, and for an extra 4 you could make them mill half of their decks. You could also replace a couple of Islands with a couple copies of Ipnu Rivulet for some added milling consistency, although activating its mill ability would cause you to lose a land.

Talrand's Invocation also suffers from the same issue as Dreadwaters of just being too mana intensive for such a small effect. Paying 4 mana just to get 2 2/2 flyers is a little slow. I think Murmuring Mystic would suit you better as a long term token generator.

Ichthyomorphosis and Time of Ice both kind of get in the way of your plan to steal your opponent's creatures. Ichthyomorphosis turns your opponent's creatures into something not worth stealing and Time of Ice could potentially cause a creature you just stole from your opponent to be sent back to their hand. Instead of using Time of Ice to tap your opponents creatures, you could use an instant or a sorcery such as Downpour, Impede Momentum, Choking Tethers, or Sleep to achieve the same result. And instead of Ichthyomorphosis to permanently turn your opponents creatures into something small, you could use Turn to Frog which you can use to catch your opponents by surprise during the combat stage. Swapping both Ichthyomorphosis and Time of Ice for instants and sorceries would also synergize great with Murmuring Mystic to spam tokens.

You could replace Staff of the Mind Magus with Diamond Mare, which is admittedly a weaker life gain spell since it can't gain life off of your lands entering the battlefield, plus it's more susceptible to removal. However it is a cheaper CMC card and another creature to beat your opponents down with.

I think Niblis of Frost is better than Dragon Turtle at keeping your opponent's creatures tapped if you go with the previously mentioned replacements for Ichthyomorphosis and Time of Ice, plus with the Prowess ability, it can get pretty big with all of the instants and sorceries. And Sower of Temptation is a lower CMC version of Mind Flayer.

I also realized as I was looking back through my suggestions, that if you do end up going with all of them, then that would mean your deck would meet the deck requirements to add Gyruda, Doom of Depths as a companion, which would serve as a pretty good payoff for your mill cards!

Hopefully this was helpful!

plakjekaas on Mechanical Color Pie 2021 Changes

2 years ago

The philosophy of blue cards like Pongify and Ravenform is that they do not destroy, they merely transform permanently, and destroying and replacing with a token is the mechanically best suited way to do so. Like Turn to Frog, but permanently. They've found flavorfully better ways to do it by auras like Ichthyomorphosis, enchanting the target to change its shape, but that enchantment can be broken, the transformation isn't permanent. When you lay down a Curse of the Swine, you lose the soldiers and gain the pigs, there's no way to get the soldiers back from the pigs. Ever since Polymorph this has been a blue effect, and only recently it is moving into red, with Transmogrify and Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast.

Sammycy1 on Equip/Aura Galea

2 years ago

Hey nice deck! The way i see it you can focus more one one direction of this deck and use the other for support: either auras or equipment. Aura Focus: Add: Archon of Sun's Grace Ashiok's Erasure Boon Satyr Copy Enchantment Curiosity Darksteel Mutation Dissipation Field Hydra's Growth Gift of Paradise Hypnotic Siren Ichthyomorphosis Idyllic Tutor Kenrith's Transformation Plea for Guidance Psychic Impetus Unflinching Courage

Remove: Masterwork of Ingenuity Puresteel Paladin Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel Catti-brie of Mithral Hall Resolute Archangel Valiant Endeavor Serum Visions Brainstorm Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Cold-Eyed Selkie Military Intelligence

Equipment Focus: Add: Balan, Wandering Knight Behemoth Sledge Belt of Giant Strength Golem-Skin Gauntlets Kemba, Kha Regent Mask of Memory Mirrormade Paradise Mantle Prying Blade Quest for the Holy Relic Whispersilk Cloak

Remove: Resolute Archangel Ajani's Chosen Valiant Endeavor Gryff's Boon Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Military Intelligence Cold-Eyed Selkie Serum Visions Brainstorm Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel

And if you dont want to focus on one this would be a more Varied apporach incorporating a little from both Both Focus: Add: Fleecemane Lion Geist of Saint Traft Kiora's Follower Mirrormade Spirit Mantle Staggering Insight Utopia Sprawl Curiosity Beast Within Archon of Sun's Grace Curiosity Darksteel Mutation Dissipation Field Idyllic Tutor Unflinching Courage Behemoth Sledge Kemba, Kha Regent Mirrormade Quest for the Holy Relic Whispersilk Cloak Kenrith's Transformation

Remove: Resolute Archangel Ajani's Chosen Valiant Endeavor Gryff's Boon Angelic Gift Unsettled Mariner Military Intelligence Cold-Eyed Selkie Serum Visions Brainstorm Explorer's Scope Indomitable Archangel Abundant Growth Goldvein Pick Cream of the Crop Three Dreams

Stardragon on Help with Oko trickery

2 years ago

Looking for more cards like Kenrith's Transformation for my wonky transmog deck

so far I have Beast Within, Dance of the Skywise,Gift of Tusks,Mordenkainen's Polymorph,Ovinize,Polymorphist's Jest,Pongify,Rampage of the Clans,Rapid Hybridization,Snakeform,Startling Development,Turn to Frog,Frogify,Ichthyomorphosis,Lignify,Curse of the Swine,Transmogrifying Wand,Oko, Thief of Crowns and Terastodon in my main deck and

Here's a Link to my deck in case you need it Transforming Oneself . PS. if you think of clever or funny name for this let know as well

Unenlightened on Cheapskate Talrand ver. 1.5 ($100)

3 years ago

So I've been working on integrating most of the cards from your version of this deck with my version, and there are a few I was using or considering that you might not have thought of.

First, some of my favorite spells for Commander are what I call 'erasure' spot removal auras. These are mostly found in W/B/G, with most in Blue. The blue ones that I use are: Frogify , Kasmina's Transmutation , Ichthyomorphosis , Deep Freeze and Imprisoned in the Moon . As you can see, these don't just kick a commander off the field, they completely neuter it. With the exception of Imprisoned, they're also dirt cheap. The only catch is they don't cantrip. Notably, Deep Freeze and Imprisoned in the Moon both remove a commander's ability to attack, where the other three do not - a Frogified commander is still a commander and can still kill you if it does enough damage. Fun fact: the whole 'imprison the evil goddess in the moon' plotline is the premise for the first two episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. MTG totally ripped off MLP.

Squelch , Stifle and Trickbind are all counter-ability instead of counter-spell. Stifle and Trickbind might be out of budget range for this deck, though Trickbind is worth noting because it has Split Second.

Clear the Mind is a nice failsafe in case our win conditions wind up in our GY and it cantrips!

Mystical Dispute only costs as long as it targets a blue spell, i.e. a hostile counterspell or Cyclonic Rift. Daze is a nice ambush counterspell because you can cast it with no open mana. Was wondering why you didn't include that one.

Unsubstantiate can effectively counter un-counterable spells by bouncing them to the caster's hand. Narset's Reversal is a fancier version of this which lets us theoretically defend our combo spells. If an opponent tries to counter our Mass Polymorph or Synthetic Destiny, we can copy it, forcing them to counterspell it an additional time (the copy) and then another time on the next turn (when we recast it from hand) if they want to stop it. Narset's Reversal I see might be out of budget though.

I was wondering why you weren't running Temple of the False God .

I thought Rise from the Tides would be an interesting card in this deck, though it might be the kind of thing you use only when desperate...

Finally, Mystic Speculation seems like it might be useful, and same for Soothsaying . The latter lets you dig through your library as long as you have mana, and shuffle it at will, though that second part is expensive, mana wise.

I look forward to seeing your thoughts on these. I need to figure out which cards to cut, so don't be shy about ripping into them if they seem bad.

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