Icatian Infantry

Creature — Human Soldier

: Icatian Infantry gains banding until end of turn.

: Icatian Infantry gains first strike until end of turn.

Caerwyn on Mechanics that never really worked

6 years ago

I am not sure I see how the banding helped in your story. Had you attacked with both creatures unbanded, victory was still assured (your Leviathan would be double blocked, dealing 5 damage to creatures, 5 damage to opposing team), and your Icatian Infantry would go unblocked, dealing 1 damage, for the total fatal 6.

Argy on Mechanics that never really worked

6 years ago

This conversation is just warming up.

I must be the most out there brewer in the world, based on a lot of the comments here.

Examples below.

Before I get to those, I totally agree about Outlast.

We couldn't even make it work in my friend's deck that had Abzan Falconer in it.

As people pointed out, the mechanic was just too slow.

landofMordor if you missed the Theros block then I'm not surprised that you don't see the beauty of Hypnotic Siren.

Thing was crazy. It gives you an early flier, good for Aggro, or a LATE flier, good for Control, that leaves a Creature behind if the Enchanted Creature dies.

I had it in so many decks.

StuBi has only built three decks in his life.

The first one was Fleet of Foot, which went heavy on the Dash theme.

To this day his favourite card is Sprinting Warbrute.

As with a lot of these mechanics, they sometimes work best when you only have a few cards with them, in your deck.

The most successful deck I ever built for StuBi, if not THE most successful deck I ever built, focused on Melding Gisela, the Broken Blade and Bruna, the Fading Light, and then equipping them with Stitcher's Graft.

Angelic High

Unfortunately StuBi doesn't write match reports, but the thing won so many FNMs that it wasn't funny.

12/13 with Flying, first strike, vigilance, and lifelink coming atcha.


Bolster is amazing in the DTK Cube I built.

Tarkir Skies

Mostly because of Enduring Scalelord.

I agree that it wasn't the best in Constructed.

Finally, banding.

Here, said my friend, build me a Mini Cube out of all these old cards I have.

(Argy looks at cards, sees that just about every Creature card has Banding on it)

Do not put Leviathan in that Cube, another friend said, no one will EVER pick that card.

The first time we play the Cube NO ONE is picking or , so I start to. We are playing 2HG. I happen to be partnering with my friend that said not to put Leviathan in.

Don't you pick that card, he warns me.

On the first go around of the last pack, I pick Leviathan.

Great, he says, we have lost.

We got ahead in the game, mostly through me saccing two Islands so that we could have a 10/10 Leviathan blocker sitting on the field.

It got to a stage in the game where our Opponents were down to six life, with a 2/2 and a 2/3 on the field.

I sacced two Islands so Leviathan could attack, paid to Band it with Icatian Infantry, and hit for game.


None of these anecdotes prove that any of the mechanics are great, just that they CAN work if you a build a creative deck that utilises them well.

Plus ... I just like telling Magic stories.

marcopollo on White Weenie Warriors (1 CMC EDH)

6 years ago

Kjeldoran Warrior, Benalish Hero, Benalish Hero, Icatian Infantry, Helm of Chatzuk, at on white mana. There are others at higher cmc costs.

cornpie987387 on Grindy Grimey Grand Arbiter

7 years ago

You probably want to hit edit and change deck type to commander so it doesn't say your deck is illegal. While I am at it, I will pelt you with some of my personal favorite U/W cards I know of. Like Daxos of Meletis. Since your using blue and white together, you have to make use of the blue and white cards as they are generally better than mono-colored cards.

Let me see here. Air Elemental is outdated, try Pristine Skywise instead. Its WAY better for one more mana, and you can be invincible when you cast!

Cobalt Golem is kinda gross, I like Ascended Lawmage its ten times better! (because he can already fly and cant get hit with abilities)

Glacial Crasher is ok. If you have him for trample I understand. If not Shipbreaker Kraken hands down. (Because he can be stronger for the same cost and tap out cards)

Glacial Wall is ok. But one of the all time best white and blue cards is Wall of Denial so scrap it for that. (Because its 1 tougher and enemies cant hit it with abilities)

Icatian Infantry? Try Deft Duelist

Tandem Lookout? Swap for a Curiosity

Blessed Reversal pales in comparison to Dazzling Reflection

I love Sphere of Safety but your deck needs to be well near 80% enchantments for it to be worth it. Dissipation Field is more up your ally. People wont attack you when they know there creatures get sent right back.

Other than that, your well on your way! With the number of flying creatures you have, its worth noting that Stormtide Leviathan can mean you win the game. So if you add anything, this and Wall of Denial are your two best bets.

If you have any questions, white and blue are my favorite colors so hit me up!

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