Hurkyl's Recall

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hurkyl's Recall


Return all artifacts target player owns to their hand.

fluffyeel on Urza Lord High Combomaster

4 weeks ago

Some small thoughts for fun things and stuff:

keizerbuns on You want more cards? You can’t handle more cards!

1 year ago

Those are all great suggestions, Dead_Blue_! I’m sure I could find a spot for Day's Undoing somewhere and Hurkyl's Recall looks like an excellent sideboard card. Murktide Regent is a great suggestion too, but it‘s just a little too expensive for me to run a full set.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Dead_Blue_ on You want more cards? You can’t handle more cards!

1 year ago

Hurkyl's Recall for the side since Affinity is gonna be tough

Coward_Token on Brother's War Spoilers

1 year ago

Gleeock: I don't care much either way, but it should be noted that oldrexia also did assimilation; I remember an article where Phyrexian Battleflies where said to infect people with the glistening oil. Meanwhile, newrexia also got some willing traitors, like Geth, Lord of the Vault

And on the topic of an anti-artifact faction: the "Third path" was that in the lore during the War, and since Hurkyl of Hurkyl's Recall is already confirmed, you might just get what you want there at least

Icbrgr on Modern Prowess

2 years ago

things in the modern meta to be mindful of are Chalice of the Void and Ensnaring Bridge... have access to a lot of artifact and enchantment removal. I suggest 2 copies of Prismatic Ending and 2 copies of Abrade/Rip Apart. Prismatic ending counts as a 1cmc spell so it can hit chalice on and rip apart can get rid of chalice on and both can clear away ensnaring bridge... maybe even Hurkyl's Recall for affinity matchups.

you dont seem to have much reliance or utilization of your own graveyard as a resource so Rest in Peace/Relic of Progenitus seem like a great option for hosing opponents with graveyard shenanigans.

Cleansing Wildfire/Alpine Moon seem like good options for dealing with somthing like Inkmoth Nexus... Blood Moon also works but its a bit high cmc and youd have to make sure you fetch a basic Plains/Island before playing it.

Because you are in a good countermagic spell could be Remand... it might buy you a turn against a combo deck like Saheeli Rai + Felidar Guardian and draw you a card.

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