Howlpack Piper


Wildsong Howler  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Howlpack Piper

Creature — Human Werewolf

Howlpack Piper spell can’t be countered.

, : You may put a creature card from your hand onto the battlefield. If it’s a Wolf or Werewolf, untap Howlpack Piper. Activate this ability only as a sorcery.

Daybound (When this enters the battlefield, if it's not day or night, this game becomes day for all players. If a player casts no spells during their own turn, this game becomes night for all players next turn during the untap step next turn. When it becomes night, all permanents on the battlefield transform into their nightbound side if they have one, and any new permanents that enter the battlefield will enter on their nightbound side if they have one. Becoming day/night does not use the stack and cannot be responded to.)

MusicGoat18 on Wolves & Werewolves

1 year ago

This is more for modern elves, but maybe you can run a Craterhoof Behemoth or two (putting them out through Howlpack Piper  Flip). I think it would be a good win condition. End-Raze Forerunners is a great budget version.

lhetrick13 on The Hermit and the Pack

1 year ago

Finn_Fillory - I think the edits you made since this morning (for me at least) already make the deck significantly stronger. You dropped the average CMC from ~3.5 to 2.7, which will speed up the deck noticeably and it will feel more consistent. Especially if you are lucky enough to start with Utopia Sprawl in your opening hand...

wallisface always gives top notch advice and he is right about Howlpack Piper  Flip not being a great card for this specific deck. You might notice this card looks very similar to Elvish Piper and I have seen decks effectively use Elvish Piper or similar creature cheat antics effectively, but it is not a great strategy for this deck. That is something you build around specifically.

I personally love Collected Company to cheat stuff out and add some creature pressure but with 6 creatures with a CMC > 3, you would wiff often with that. Building a deck is always up to the architect but if it were me, I would find a way to drop 3xAvabruck Caretaker  Flip and 3xNightpack Ambusher for similar wolves/werewolves and add in a full playset of Collected Company. I think wallisface turned me onto Collected Company I while back for my tribal knight deck and I try to find a way to squeeze it in to everything since!!!

wallisface on The Hermit and the Pack

1 year ago

The problem is that Howlpack Piper  Flip is already 4 mana, so near the top-end of what most mana curves should be. Added to that it is super-situational as it doesn't help you cheat anything into play while it is Night. You also have no reliable way to draw it (or keep it alive long enough to use). I would suggest against relying on this card to make your deck work.

IXALAN_Crazy on Wolf mid

1 year ago

Out: -3 Snarling Wolf

Out: -2 Lambholt Harrier

Out: -2 Hungry Ridgewolf

Out: -1 Briar Hydra

Out: -1 Ascendant Packleader (good card but most of your cards have CMC under 4)

Out: -2 Hammerhand

Out: -1 The Shattered States Era  Flip

Out: -2 Temporal Firestorm

In: +1 Howlpack Piper  Flip

In: +2 Howling Moon

In +2 Curse of Shaken Faith

In: +1 Tovolar, Dire Overlord  Flip

In: +2 Reckless Stormseeker  Flip

In: +2 Burn Down the House

In: +1 Child of the Pack  Flip

Hope this helped! I think it's also a good idea to add more removal and maybe some more flip creatures so that it's especially devastating when it becomes night. I love tribal decks and this looks cool!

Chasmolinker on Goryo's Toys - Modern

1 year ago

I like this idea. I've got four cards for you to consider/playtest: Champion of Rhonas, Elvish Piper, Howlpack Piper  Flip, Quicksilver Amulet.

I also highly recommend a playset of Fling

JackNavi on Werewolves Commander

1 year ago

Fantastic Deck; Love the theme and commitment! I would suggest Howlpack Piper  Flip for delightful synergy. I'm adding both your Realmwalker & Saryth, the Viper's Fang to my Golgari Snake/Poison Deck. Much Appreciated to turning my attention to those delightful cards!

SaberTech on Derevi Pulls All The Wurms Out Of A Hat! | V-MH3

1 year ago

The only infinite combos with Wurms that I can think of off the top of my head are infinite tokens with Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle + Wurmcoil Engine/Symbiotic Wurm.

The combos I was originally thinking of were infinite mana using Bloom Tender/Faeburrow Elder/Sanctum Weaver + Freed from the Real/Pemmin's Aura.

You are already running 2/3 of the creatures and the auras can also be used with Arcanis the Omnipotent, Elvish Piper, and Howlpack Piper  Flip so they can still work with your game plan even outside of the combos.

I can respect wanting to keep a deck within a particular power range though. I think that the best games are ones where it feels like everyone is on about the same level and have a roughly equal chance at taking the win.

Blackgate on Werewolves? Therewolves!

2 years ago

Cool deck! I like Coco in a WW deck! Howlpack Piper  Flip would add some additional redundancy to that effect which could be fun!

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