
Artifact Creature — Myr

Flying, vigilance

DemonDragonJ on Do I Need Eight Loci …

1 year ago

I have four copies of Cloudpost and four copies of Glimmerpost in my partially colorless artifact deck, but I wonder if that deck really requires that much mana, especially since I just replaced four copies of Hovermyr with four copies of Swooping Lookout, increasing the need for colored mana in the deck.

I think that Razortide Bridge would be the perfect addition to this deck, since white and blue are rather prevalent in it, and I plan to put four copies of that land into this deck, but which loci should I remove to make room for those copies? Should I remove all four copies of Glimmerpost, all four copies of Cloudpost, or two of each? What does everyone else say about this?

DemonDragonJ on Metal Militia

1 year ago

I have replaced Hovermyr with Swooping Lookout, which reduced this deck's average converted mana cost from 3.00 to 2.88, which is awesome, but I think that this deck may now require additional sources of colored mana, so I shall ask about that.

LittleMy on Myr Tokens Budget

2 years ago

Since it seems like you have a splash of white, you might want to consider switching out a card or two for Gold Myr

Hovermyr is also a great addition that you can switch out Darksteel Myr for. Gives you not only the ability to attack uncontested but also block other flying creatures.

I'd recommend switching out 1 or 2 Myr Servitor's for Myr Retrievers, gives you a choice in what you return, especially if someone removes Myr Battlesphere before you can use it. Although I understand the argument that Myr Reservoir does the same thing, personal preference.

Since you are in white still, Myrsmith makes basically your entire deck cheaper and gives you extra 1/1 Myr tokens to continue building your army.

Your deck currently is very solid, I love the inclusion of Tomb of the Spirit Dragon and Dispatch, very choice. I hope my suggestions helped and happy myr-ing!

xram666 on pEDH Zada, Hedron Grinder

3 years ago

Hi. Nice deck. I'am planning to build also a Zada pEDG deck.

I would run Brass Gnat over Brass Man

Weapon Surge and Dynacharge also work when Zada isn't online.

Some other creature to condsider:

EnbyGolem on Em

3 years ago

I have some ideas but feel free to ignore any or all of them!

I think overall, you might consider adding more artifacts. I think having 4 Gold Myrs would be sweet! Honestly, I would also even think about putting 2-4 Leaden Myrs in as well. While your deck is mostly white, it can still help you pay for generic mana costs and even activate Cranial Plating at instant speed if you happen to have 2 out. Also, maybe some Hovermyrs would be fun? They can block fliers in a pinch or you could throw a Cranial Plating on it and swoop in for a ton of damage late-game!

If you lean more into artifacts and add more Myrs, it could also open you up to add Myr Battlesphere as well as make your Cranial Plating, Myr Enforcer, and Darksteel Juggernaut more powerful.

You could also add Darksteel Citadel. This is a great way to add your artifact count basically for free!

Depending on how much money you have left in your budget, you could also consider adding more Tempered Steel. That card would be bonkers good, especially in multiplayer!

SilentPlague on Cheap Esper Deck

4 years ago

It seems like your Thopter Foundry, Salvage Titan, and your other artifacts clash. The artifacts you have require sacrificed to be used. So you could be in a game waiting to sacrifice them until you get a Thopter Foundry or Salvage Titan that may or may not come. Or the opposite happens where you sacrifice your artifacts for their effects and then you can't take advantage of the 2 cards your really want out. I would look getting out artifacts like equipments or maybe some cheap Myrs.

Look into Myr Propagator, Alloy Myr, Gold Myr, Hovermyr, Leaden Myr, Myr Battlesphere, Myr Moonvessel, Myr Retriever, Myr Sire, Myr Turbine, and Palladium Myr. These all serve as a quick creatrue to get out, supply more mana for the big creatrues, or even supply you with plenty of endless artifacts for Thopter Foundry and Salvage Titan.

Xaphize on anujoe765

4 years ago

ok listen. forget every deck i ever suggested. Done? now, just sit back, watch, and be overwhelmed, and an urge to check the price. Rayami. First of the Fallen

- Questing Beast - Banehound - Black Knight - Gurmag Swiftwing - Hovermyr - Kefnet the Mindful - Phyrexian Crusader - Ramunap Hydra - Stonecoil Serpent - Vampire of the Dire Moon - Prime Speaker Vannifar - Priest of Forgotten Gods - Ashnod's Altar

the best part? Its ALL budget!! (except questing beast)

NickyBolas on Rayami Keywords

4 years ago

For cuts, i'd think about removing reach creatures as that ability is worthless once you have flying already.


Then I'd cut down creatures that aren't that great in their own and are just in her for redundancy like

You might also want to as m switch stronghold assassin to Attrition and run Viscera Seer as a reliable and continual sac engine.

Also, if you're feeling spicy, you can run Killing Wave . You can use it offensively to drain opponents, it just as a "sac any number of you creatures" for a single {B}, since you can cast it for X=0 and still choose to not pay for each of your creatures.

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