Honden of Life's Web

Legendary Enchantment — Shrine

At the beginning of your upkeep, put a 1/1 colorless Spirit creature token into play for each Shrine you control.

Hillbillybob987 on Go-Shintai, It's ya Burfdae!

2 years ago

Crazy thought but what about Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer. I haven't seen it in anyone's list but I think has amazing potential.

The low bar assuming you have one shrine token from Go-Shintai of Life's Origin, Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer would give you one additional shrine a turn with its second ability.

Token makers like Sigil of the Empty Throne, Archon of Sun's Grace and maybe board cards Ajani's Chosen and Alela, Artful Provocateur, will make Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer even scarier turning all those tokens into shrine too.

Then on the high end you have Go-Shintai of Shared Purpose and Honden of Life's Web. You make tokens for each shrine you control then with Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer change the underwhelming 1/1 spirits into shrine allowing you to double the number of shrine you have every turn.

Finally if you really get crazy with it, add Mirror Box to allow you to make copies of a legendary permanent then copy a legendary shrine with Mythos of Illuna or Replication Technique. So now all your tokens will become copies of that shrine for an explosive, over the top combo. (I will admit doing all this is a bit too convoluted to probably be worth it, but it sounds amazing)

rb701 on Azorius Spirits - Modern

2 years ago

Guardian of the Guildpact, Soulsworn Jury, Stoic Ephemera; good defensive creatures that are still tribal that could be included. i'm sure there's a spirit creature token generator fits the color restrictions in here... the only one i know of is Honden of Life's Web, but that's green. while there is lots of cheap creatures to keep up the aggression early to mid game, i don't see anything for the big win. just about any deck (except shield-burn for an obvious reason) will have something to force the gate open. for example, i have a decent orzhov (BW) passive bleed deck with lots of cheap cast cards, but use Debt to the Deathless as a stand-alone or Cliffhaven Vampires + Ready / Willing to turn the game violently in my favor. doesn't have to be big, flashy, or expensive, but something that says "deal with it or you lose"

i would definitely recommend, however, putting in a couple Leonin Sun Standards in for the group boost; it's cheap, it's effect is decent, and demands an answer

StuPickles on M21 Shrines and other "Shrines"

3 years ago

Hi there, was looking into building a 5 color shrine deck seeing how there are technically 11 in total now. Honden of Cleansing Fire Honden of Infinite Rage, Honden of Life's Web, Honden of Night's Reach, Honden of Seeing Winds. as well as the new ones from M21 Sanctum of All Sanctum of Calm Waters Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest Sanctum of Shattered Heights Sanctum of Stone Fangs Sanctum of Tranquil Light

Now I pretty much know the answer to this question will be No, but im hopeful regardless because shenanigans. Do cards like Shrine of Boundless Growth Shrine of Piercing Vision Shrine of Limitless Power Shrine of Loyal Legions Shrine of Burning Rage count towards the number of shrines you control? Technically they are shrines and in the enchantments text, looking for "Shrines you control" doesnt specifically state whether it needs to be an enchantment or artifact, only that it is a shrine. I know this is a stretch but are there any other instances of cards that have a similar or relatable technical problem like this that it can be compared to?

joshw335 on Shrine

4 years ago

| Add 3x Honden of Life's Web | Add 3x Archon of Sun's Grace | Take out 4 fog banks | Take out one of the sanctum of calm waters | Take out 2 sanctums of all | Take out 4 walls of blossoms | Add 2x Enchantress's Presence

seshiro_of_the_orochi on A new card Idea (Victory …

5 years ago

My two cents: what does make this special besides being a legendary enchantment? This could also work pretty well without being a victory and without being part of a cycle (compare the beacons and zeniths). There is another cycle of legendary subtype enchantments (Honden of Life's Web and the like), but these are pretty weak. Then again, there are the trials from amonkhet. Maybe take these three cycles as an inspiration.

My second thought: a victory is a terminative event, which means it's basically a "short" event naming the very moment of victory, thus the card type "enchantment" isn't a perfect fit.

kamelyan on Jodah Multi

6 years ago

If you're not going to run Honden of Cleansing Fire, Honden of Night's Reach, Honden of Infinite Rage, and Honden of Life's Web, you should probably replace Honden of Seeing Winds with Staff of Nin -you know, for the utility.

Unless of course, you're using the blue enchantment because it is less likely to be destroyed as than an artifact. In that case, might you consider Kumena's Awakening or Mind Unbound.

ersatz_olorin on False Gods

6 years ago

To the sorrow of all, you did not include the Hondens.

I wouldn't call them "good" per se, but they have a lot of flavor. (Honden of Cleansing Fire, Honden of Infinite Rage, Honden of Life's Web, Honden of Night's Reach, and Honden of Seeing Winds) (also Anger of the Gods)

If you want something more functional, consider Defense of the Heart, Homeward Path to keep your Karona away from someone, and Reflecting Pool/any five color land for more consistency.

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