Hive Stirrings

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hive Stirrings


Create two 1/1 colourless Sliver creature tokens.

player61050 on Selesnya Slivers

9 months ago

Update no one asked for: It's been over a year since I've messed with this one, but it's still a fun deck to play and I've been tweaking it a bit more. Added in some more mana, including another copy of the Manaweft Sliver. Added in the Bonescythe Sliver and a playset of Hive Stirrings for even more bodies on the field, steering this even further into the aggro direction. I've streamlined the card draw options down to three Vanquisher's Banner. It's efficient enough when half the deck is slivers and it gives the anthem effect, although it sucks when you don't draw one as there isn't really any backup plan.

I sent the Harmonic Sliver to the sideboard and pulled Sidewinder Sliver and Lancer Sliver out entirely to make room for the new stuff. Lancer was redundant with the Bonescythe being added, and the extra mana added in now easily covers the extra cost. Added in the two hivelords and the legion to close things out which was something this deck was lacking. Considered a second Sliver Legion, but I'd rather not see the card at all than see it too early, plus it's expensive. My original budget for this deck flew out the window a while ago, but I gotta draw the line somewhere, lol. Plenty of mana available to play them despite being off color, so no worries there either.

Path to Exile is still a champ of a card, but I've relegated it to the sideboard for now. Hit first, remove later, or something. Still not entirely sure how to fill the rest of the sideboard. This was pretty casual when I first built the deck, but it's running smooth enough now that I could probably play this out without dying on turn 3, so it's probably time I dedicate some real thought to it.

legendofa on Pattern Recognition #299 - White …

9 months ago

Diving Hawk could probably get away with being a 1/2. It's still worse than Battlefield Raptor, but nobody really looks at Aven Skirmisher or Suntail Hawk with awe and wonder.

Distracting Hornstomper is a shade worse than Fiend Binder (power usually counts more than toughness) and a step down from Territorial Hammerskull. Maybe a 2/4?

Clifftop Watcher is probably at a good point right now. Playtesting leads to tweaking, but I think it can stand where it is. There's no great points of comparison, but Diving Griffin or Changeling Sentinel or Dragon Bell Monk are in the ballpark.

Skullshield Guard is raising some flags for me. Repeatable targeted indestructibility doesn't show up at uncommon; you get either single use or affects only itself. This would be uncommon, or maybe even rare. Some soulbond-ish tech might work, but that gets into complexity issues.

I would put a "playtest this" mark next to Flatlands Scout. Double explore is pretty significant potential ramp and draw, and Jadelight Ranger isn't the most reliable precendent for a common.

Bannerless High-Born can fit as to reduce the color weight. Maybe tweak it to 1/3.

Only notes on Sun-Crowned Second Sun are that the name and flavor text are great, but that's a beefy dude at 4/4. I assume he's got a good retinue of followers with him to push his stats up.

To make Light Footfalls a touch more white, the unblockable needs a rider like "can't be blocked by creatures with greater power" and a corresponding drop in activation cost, or maybe just as a static effect.

Summon the Guards might use a little poke. It's a touch underpowered compared to Raise the Alarm, Recruitment Drive, or Master's Call, but it's on par with Hive Stirrings.

As always, it's clear you're putting a lot of good effort into these cards. Thanks for sharing your progress!

DarlekSec on Slivers

1 year ago

Retire: Shields of Velis Vel Aphetto Dredging Hive Stirrings

Enleve tes counterspell, vu ton deck tu va etre full tap tout le temps. Aether Vial n'est pas fiable vu la variance des tes créatures. Enleve les creatures qui ne sont pas des Slive/Changeforms. Je ne comprend pas Obelisk of Alara

Il te faut plus de pioche.

Il y a un Sliver qu'il faut que tu enleve, mais je ne te dis pas lequels

Borkul on slivers

4 years ago

really cool deck. I’m thinking Sinew Sliver Might be nice. maybe cut a couple copies of gemhide/manaweft sliver since their abilities don’t stack. Also Hive Stirrings Could be nice

SiggeAwesome on Sliver Queen - infinite combo

4 years ago

Hey there! Thank you so much for your feedback Fun fact: not so long ago you wrote such a good comment like this on my friends angel tribal deck mono white indestructeble plays . I was green with envy over the awesome feedback he got, you wouldnt believe my face when i saw your name in my inbox :D

I have noticed the new lands coming in Ikoria and you bet i am excited for'em!!!

Here are some notes on why i have speccific cards and why not. Harmonic sliver: I got in in a mystery booster in foil and thought it would be nice to have in there Belbe's portal: I also got this one in a mystery booster and thought i'd keep it in a sideboard if i ever wanted to get it Quicksilver portal also look very nice if i can get it :) Hive stirrings: I put it in mostly because i thought it could help me out early and i also thought: Hey, look at that! A sliver sorcery!

The reason i havent used green for any mana ramp is simply because i dont know if i would need it yet. I have never played a deck with this many mana rocks and lands and i have never played a 5 colored deck either. I thought that with so many lands and so many mana rocks i might survive.

My friend has a sliver deck that tries to do it all at the same time, that is why i've limited my slivers to slightly offensive ones and those who help me go infinite or work with the infinity combo, excluding Sliver Hivelord, who is there for the lolz. I intentionally chose not to include The First Sliver and Sliver Overlord.

Cards that i use for the infinity combo or that benefits from it: Use for infity : Basal Sliver, Mana Echoes, Intruder Alarm Benefit for infinity: Darkheart Sliver, Dormant Sliver, Lavabelly Sliver, Necrotic Sliver, Descendants' Path

What i might change when it comes to giving my commander more resiliance or possibly adding Swiftfoot Boots or Lightning Greaves i dont think that's a bad idea at all. If i remove Hive Stirrings and possibly another of the guild mana rocks i could get in Coalition Relic

If you were me, what would you remove in favor of what you've said earlier?

and also, im not so worried about Cyclonic Rift no one in our playgroup can afford it. I know this comes a little late but this deck is supposed to be my "High budgett deck". We usually dont play with so expensive decks in my playgroup, but i wanted to make one regardless, i will no doubt get to play it regardless. at our LGS or in the playgroup :)

Once again, thank you so much for the time you've spent to give me feedback. I appreciate it so very much. Stay Safe!

TCK_Green on Sliver Queen - infinite combo

4 years ago

Fun deck - I like my slivers chunky! Some quick thoughts/suggestions:

  • What's your win-con if someone has something like a Crawlspace or Norn's Annex out? Ashnod's Altar + Sliver Queen already gives you infinite ETBs and LTBs, maybe add Impact Tremors/Bastion of Remembrance/etc as an alternative win-con :)
  • It might be worth adding Phyrexian Altar alongside your Ashnod's Altar
  • Anointed Procession gives you twice as many slivers to work with, meaning the ETB/LTB works with Phyrexian Altar as well as Ashnod's Altar - as well as many other cards
  • Be very careful with Harmonic Sliver and infinite slivers - it's not a 'may'! It's fine if you stack your triggers so all of your slivers destroy the same artifact/enchantment, otherwise you might be forced to destroy your own stuff. (Alternatively, you could go super-mean and add a copy of Enchanted Evening alongside Harmonic Sliver to destroy all of your opponents permanents...)
  • If you decide that you'd rather go down the non-infinite route, Vanquisher's Banner is a great card to make sure you're always drawing more gas! Cycling lands would also help that draw issue.
  • Speaking of - the new triome cycle that is coming up in Ikoria (e.g Indatha Triome) will fit very nicely in your deck! They've also got all of the land types so can be fetched by more types of fetchland - not that you've got those in the deck :)
  • Mind if I ask why Hive Stirrings is in the deck?
  • FYI Quicksilver Amulet does the same as Belbe's Portal in this deck - though it costs more mana after the first activation :) Since you have Sliver Queen as your preferred 5-drop, it might be worth swapping the artifacts so that you have a 4-drop 'instant summoner' instead of a 5-drop. It also gives you plays even if you're stuck on 4 lands.
  • I'm glad you haven't added Cathars' Crusade! It's a very powerful card for this type of deck, but I'll be the first to tell you that it's incredibly painful trying to keep track of all the +1/+1 counters.

You mentioned being unsure about the number of lands/mana rocks - most people operate on a '40 lands minus (number of rocks)/3' basis. Since you've got 7 forms of mana (I'm not counting Gilded Lotus since the top of your curve is 5 mana) this means 38 lands is probably about right. I've got a Narset deck with 36 lands, but that has 14 mana rocks! (Speaking of, Coalition Relic is a really great mana rock, especially when you need different colours of mana.)

(If you're really wanting to optimise your mana base, then it's worth thinking when you're likely to play certain cards. [T1->land, T2->land+rock] means that you'll have 4 mana to play with on T3 instead of the usual 3. If you have loads of 2CMC rocks then that means you'll probably want to have more 4CMC spells instead of 3CMC spells - but I don't think that level of mana optimisation is something you need to worry about in this deck or in casual EDH!)

I notice that you've not got any land-ramp in the deck even though you have green available. I'd really encourage you to add some cards like Cultivate and Kodama's Reach, since they also act like card draw as well as ramp, and mean you're much more likely to hit your 5 lands on T5. Also, people are much less likely to steal or destroy your lands than your artifacts, and using land-based ramp means you're in a much better situation to catch back up if someone Cyclonic Rifts the battlefield.

Hope that's given you some food for thought. Let me know if you want me to clarify any of the above!

Unha110w3d on I will have just a sliver of that rainbow cake.

4 years ago

MortlockeHi, thanks for all the suggestion i will carefully look at them and decide what to add, a lot of the choices i will not add as i have a budget and most of the expensive cards i have in this deck i already had or found them extremely cheap due to the conditions of the cards. Some things to cut i might not as they have proved helpful to me when i was playing against others Constricting Sliver and Leeching Sliver helped me win once or twice, although i don't fully mind cutting leeching sliver, i definitely wont cut Constricting sliver. As for Diffusion Sliver as many times as i had it out many opponents didn't want to pay the 2 so it proved to be some defence for me until i set up, although i get your point about the card not been that good in this format (i might cut it). I will add Brood Sliver and cut out the other token production which will free up some space for other adds, although Assemble the Legion did prove helpful in every battle i am still cutting it, as for Hive Stirrings i had it in the deck and i cut it because it wasn't doing anything for me and it was taking up space i rather have that card in my modern sliver deck.

Anyways thanks again for the suggestions i will look at them carefully and decide what i can add.

Mortlocke on I will have just a sliver of that rainbow cake.

4 years ago

In regards to sideboards - they don't exist in EDH. This is a singleton format where players bring their decks as they are. So...unless those are cards you are considering for the deck - ya gotta cut em. Now here are some suggestions on what you could put in the deck to help it run more consistently:

HONORABLE MENTIONS FOR ADDITIONAL CUTS: I know I went over a bunch of cuts in my previous post, but here are some more suggestions -

  • Assemble the Legion/Retreat to Emeria/Birthing Boughs: You don't need Sliver Queen to make more tokens in an efficient manner. Allow me to introduce you to Brood Sliver and Hive Stirrings. Why go throught the trouble of making a janky combo that creates soldier tokens/changelings in cheap Sliver costumes when you could just...make Slivers? You also have the added flavor of getting double the tokens per combat damage assignment step when you have both Brood Sliver and Bonescythe Sliver out on the battlefield. Worse yet - Legion, Emeria and Boughs have absolutely no synergy with your commander outright. you have to hope you have Hivestone on the battlefield. AND THEN even if you have alll of the parts and pieces on the board you have literally zero cards in your deck that are CMC 0 - as tokens have a CMC of 0 - creating a total non-bo that just allows you to only be able to shuffle your library. That's it.
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