Hellkite Tyrant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hellkite Tyrant

Creature — Dragon

Flying, trample

Whenever Hellkite Tyrant deals combat damage to a player, gain control of all artifacts that player controls.

At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control twenty or more artifacts, you win the game.

MusicGoat18 on Meria x Rocks

4 months ago

Profet93, I appreciate your thoughts! The statue has actually been fun to use during games with how frustrating it can be with automatic commander tax on everything and the poke at the endstep; although, I do have a Trinisphere in the deck, so I can probably do without it. As for adding Emmy, it sounds fun enough to use by herself and also with the interesting synergy, but it might only be a card I look at from a distance because it costs a bit of money. It is tempting because it has seen a decent price drop over the past couple months. If I ever can get my hands on one, I would be glad to put it in the list. I do have a Mindslaver so I could maybe make do with that temporarily although it isn't the same as have a 13/13 with additional abilities. Then again, I could double its effect with rings.

As I've already previously hinted, rings sounds like a good idea; the double fetch effect never crossed my mind and it's a good card in general that I forgot about, so I'll make room for it. Thanks to your comment, I realized the wording difference between Manifold versus Voltaic key which can be an important factor. I do like how Manifold can guarantee something Hellkite Tyrant or Blightsteel to hit an opponent. I will consider adding Voltaic key because there are a couple other cards it could interact with on top of the combo.

Valengeta on No Sky for Old Men

4 months ago

Profet93 to answer your questions:

  1. Yeah the Main Combo isn't the primary win-con. That is of course attacking with powerful fliers. I have 4 win-cons in this deck: Simple attacks, Platinum Angel, Hellkite Tyrant and the Main Combo. It is hard to pull off but when I made this deck I saw a chance to try a sick combo and went for it
  2. I don't really understand what you mean here, sorry
  3. Not really looking for anything specific, but I always value different looks and many times people suggest nice cards. Personally I would add some form of reanimation, but I'm kinda low on card slots. Still, I would love to read some suggestions if you have them

shock7123 on Daleks & Dragons [[Davros EDH]]

5 months ago

Couple of fun ones that immediately pops up to me with a Dragon's Approach deck that runs Hellkite Tyrant would be Descent into Avernus. You can make your opponents create treasures that you then proceed to steal with Hellkite. Goldspan Dragon also synergizes well with treasures, making it easier to hard-cast any dragons you may draw into. Speaking of hard-casting, Kalain, Reclusive Painter can make your dragons bigger if you spend mana from treasures to cast them from your hand.

Spirits on Kaalia, Mirror Breaker EDH

7 months ago


The Snow-Covered Swamp and Snow-Covered Plains are protection against Blood Moon. We don't need Mountain because most of the lands will be mountains in that case.

They also cannot be Swamp or Plains because then you have a potential of countering our own Tainted Pact when looking for a Razaketh, the Foulblooded or a Master of Cruelties with Kaalia of the Vast triggered ability on the stack, or when looking for that last combo piece, or a Counterspell to stop someone from winning the game. It doubles our options for basic lands but also means that they don't conflict with our intstant tutor.

Mox Diamond could replace an interaction piece like Praetor's Grasp but it is nice to pull the opponents Thassa's Oracle and then win the game with a Tainted Pact. It could also pull a more control oriented card like Hellkite Tyrant that doesn't necessarily win the game, but he can devestate some players boards, could replace a Grand Abolisher but probably Everybody Lives! because well Everybody Lives (except the player trying to Fish-Consul win that is). Chrome Mox has a low activation rate in the turns that matter (I have a tab with the calculations but I haven't update my combine rates based on new artifacts, although Mox Diamond actually improves it's rate. Rakdos Signet isn't great becuase it's a MV3 (2 to cast, 1 to activate), so probably just easy to replace that! Thrill of Possibility is good to get a Worldgorger Dragon or Razaketh, the Foulblooded if for some reason we draw it, but isn't necessary. Thoughtseize might even be better (just target yourself), but even when used on an opponent it creates card disadvantage for you and one opponent, leaving the two others with card advantage now.

Probably Rakdos Signet goes, but we have different options for sure.

Aforizma on Falling Off The Dragon

9 months ago

I recommend Hellkite Tyrant

Azoth2099 on [KFC] Kaalia Friended Chickens

9 months ago


Keeping budget in mind, here are some cheap recs for increased consistency:

Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff, Monologue Tax, Dark Tutelage, Archivist of Oghma, Deep Gnome Terramancer, Hoarding Broodlord, Hellkite Tyrant, Diabolic Intent, Diabolic Tutor, Gamble, & Insidious Dreams.

I have more, but I'll stop here unless you want me to keep going lol.

Azoth2099 on Kaalia, help wanted

10 months ago


For sure, man, glad to help!

Yeah, this latest iteration is a big step forward. I think now would be a great time to discuss potential cuts.

First up, I'd definitely cut both True Conviction & Warstorm Surge under the basis that they can't be cheated out via your Commander, or retrieved from the graveyard once destroyed. Replacing them with things to streamline your strategy like Gamble, Diabolic Intent or Final Parting would be wise imo. Tutors that pair well with Reanimator are great.

Speaking of pairing well with Reanimator, I'd so recommend replacing some of your card draw pieces like Firemane Commando, Mangara, the Diplomat & perhaps even Bloodgift Demon with things that will draw you cards, ramp Treasures & feed your graveyard simultaneously upon resolution like Pirate's Pillage, Seize the Spoils & Big Score. Tectonic Reformation could also draw hella cards here, considering you're running 36 lands!

Personally I would cut both Taurean Mauler & Boros Charm for more Combo utility. Ancient Gold Dragon + Dragon Tempest will kill all of your opponents from 40 life if you roll like...a 12 or higher? I forget the math, but the fact that they're also just great cards for this Commander anyway make them worth considering. Also, I really can't overstate how powerful Ancient Copper Dragon is here, if you roll anything higher than like a 3 it gives a CRAZY advantage. Especially since you're running Revel in Riches & Hellkite Tyrant! You should just proxy it if you can't afford one lol, it's that good.

As far as getting your Commander on the field a bit faster...I'd suggest replacing Sword of the Animist with Chromatic Lantern & maybe adding a Jeweled Amulet as well.

Azoth2099 on Kaalia, help wanted

10 months ago


Hey dude! Good Commander choice, Kaalia of the Vast has been my main option for years now.

I'll try to keep this brief lol.

The most important thing to remember when brewing this one is to not get distracted by the possibilities of all those Angels, Demons & Dragons. Focus on card quality above all else, the Spells that are going to win you the game.

Razaketh, the Foulblooded & Vilis, Broker of Blood are the top dogs here, their power as individual cards will oftentimes win you game from sheer value. Other pieces like Rune-Scarred Demon, Burning-Rune Demon & Hoarding Broodlord will do the same if you build around them with Spells like Ephemerate & Saw in Half.

I'd also recommend more Treasure tokens! I see you're already running Smothering Tithe & Goldspan Dragon, which is a great start. Adding Ancient Copper Dragon, Cavern-Hoard Dragon, Monologue Tax, Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff & of course Dockside Extortionist will make sure that your deck doesn't necessarily need it's Commander on the field to function. There are also a few lines via Dockside Extortionist & Razaketh, the Foulblooded that deal infinite damage, produce infinite Mana and yield infinite Tutors, which we can get into later if you decide to go that route.

Wrapping up on Mana, I'd also recommend more Rituals and Rocks. Dark Ritual, Burnt Offering & Seething Song are great, as are Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Conviction & Talisman of Indulgence. A Thran Dynamo could be good too. Oh man, Hellkite Tyrant can steal your opponents Rocks, which counts as Ramp I guess?

Anyway, moving on to card draw! Kaalia of the Vast runs through a lot of cards if you build her right, and keeping your hand full is a priority. Necropotence, Black Market Connections, Dark Tutelage, & Dark Confidant are great ways to turn your Life total into more gas. Esper Sentinel & Archivist of Oghma scale with your opponent's activity. None of them will do as much heavy lifting as Vilis, Broker of Blood, but that's honestly asking a lot of any card other than Ad Nauseam.

Onto the deck engine! I see you're running a few things to double down on your Commander's effect, like Aggravated Assault, Blade of Selves & Isshin, Two Heavens as One. While this strategy seems like a great idea on paper, it's actually not as efficient for the deck as it seems. Running a Reanimator strategy to ensure that the deck can continue to cheat creatures out without having to rely on it's Commander to do so is a far more powerful & consistent strategy. Spells like Entomb, Reanimate, Final Parting, Buried Alive, Victimize, Animate Dead, & Karmic Guide will pull a lot of weight in this context.

I could talk about Kaalia of the Vast all day, but I'll stop here. Let me know how you feel about these suggestions.

Also, here's my own list if you want to check it out: ANCIENT DRAGON TEMPEST (KAALIA)


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