Healing Hands


Target player gains 4 life.

Draw a card.

9-lives on

1 year ago

Macaronigrill5150 I would add something like Healing Hands but I have mana restrictions for my amount of mana needed for angel tokens which is greater than or equal to 5. Using my life to either make angel tokens, or to harm my opponent, works either way, depending upon which card I draw that gives me my choice to heal the opponent, or myself to the detriment of the opponent. The best result I could get is to draw Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, or Sanguine Bond, and Vizkopa Guildmage as I will be dealing damage to them while healing myself, thus as well as generating tokens. But, if I have Tainted Remedy I will basically burn them to death with healing magic that is able to be transferred, like Heroes' Reunion and Rest for the Weary, and also using my Chaplain's Blessing and Scroll of Avacyn to make angel tokens since I cannot heal myself and hurt them with it at the same time, but rather heal the opponent which harms them, and do my own thing.

Macaronigrill5150 on

1 year ago

Maybe you can add some force life gain into this deck for example Heroes' Reunion, and Healing Hands to make them lose life weather they like it or not. Also some enchantment protection Greater Auramancy, or Sterling Grove. Greater Auramancy is very expensive so I would definitely go with Sterling Grove

Spell_Slam on Heal the Cat

4 years ago

Great deck!

I think Holy Light would be a great inclusion to the deck, as White has very few ways of dealing with masses of tokens efficiently. This card lets you do that without affecting your own smaller creatures.

You have Suture Priest twice in your list, under board control and Life Gain.

Survival Cache seems like a great card for your deck. You'll most likely be the player with the most life anyways, and this gives you two life gain triggers and will most likely draw you two cards.

I'm not sure how good something like Revitalize/Healing Hands/Renewed Faith would be, but getting a lifegain trigger and a card seems like a decent way to filter through your deck.

Children of Korlis could be a good "Fog" effect for you.

Exile seems like a good fit for removal in your deck.

Seems a shame to pass up on Martyr of Sands. It only gets you one trigger, but it's still a lot of life, which is worth something.

Seraph of Dawn is an absolute beast in this format. the big butt means it survives a lot of removal and combat, and putting equipment on it is amazing.

Along the same lines, Student of Ojutai really dishes out the lifegain for you on a great body, especially considering how few creatures you're playing.

I feel like most of your lifelink creatures are not really worth playing. They're going to be easily blocked and killed in most situations and not net you much of an advantage. I'd say only the ones that gain your some sort of card advantage are really worth playing. I could be wrong about Healer's Hawk, though.

Lastly, you have plenty of ways to protect your commander, but I would just like to suggest Angelic Renewal. You can play this before your commander and not have to hold mana up all the time for it. Same goes for Benevolent Bodyguard. This lets you play a much tighter, more efficient game plan.

Muggins84 on Tainted Beacon Combo

5 years ago

Cool deck +1. I had a similar deck except it had green in it. Healing Hands might be worth running. It will help keep you alive and it cantrips. Also once you have tainted remedy out 4 damage and a cantrip is also good. Rest for the Weary and Healing Salve are also duel use cards in this shell. Salve is like a white lava spike with prevention option and rest for the weary is a potential 8 gain or loss depending on how and when you use it.

octopimp on More Gain, More Pain

6 years ago

It looks like you're relying pretty heavily on your Ajani to gain life.

There's several cards you might consider, toward that end, such as Blessed Alliance, Congregate, Rest for the Weary, Perimeter Captain, and Healing Hands.

Rhox Faithmender would be a great asset as well. So would Sunbond and Archangel of Thune

ZackB on Playing with lives (ULTRA BUDGET)

6 years ago

thank you Funkydiscogod for your suggestions and here is what I think:

  1. I am going to keep Healing Hands instead of Survival Cache because of the easy flip of Lone Rider  Flip (also I really want to keep the card icon it looks really cool )

  2. i'm also going to keep Murder because I really need to be able to kill some creatures and not have them choose what I kill.

  3. Path of Bravery can definitely find a place in this deck. It could power up some weaker creatures and could solidify my place ahead however in an effort to keep my deck "ULTRA BUDGET" I am going to put it on the maybe board.

  4. Radiant Fountain could drift into the Scoured Barrens spot because it does not tap when it enters the battlefield and it gives you two life instead of one, it could also find a spot of its own, I will have to decide later.

Thank you for your valuable insight and may all of your opponents get only creatures.

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