Harvest Season

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Harvest Season


Search your library for up to X basic land cards, where X is the number of tapped creatures you control, put those cards onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

Spirits on ArahBo - Mon chat s'appelle Mitaine

7 months ago


You have lots of cat lords, Feline Sovereign, Kaheera, the Orphanguard, King of the Pride, etc. as well it works with self-modifiers like Loam Lion and Qasali Pridemage the new cat Sovereign Okinec Ahau can permanently +1/+1 counter your cats. Notably missing (in your maybeboard) Regal Caracal would give everyone lifelink too.

Glittering Lynx seems off, the isn't that disruptive for an opponent if it matters. I think you're trying to maximize your MV 1-drop cats, but Arcbound Mouser would give you a second Trained Caracal with upside instead. Lion Sash is also nice, but it is MV 2-drop.

The other new cat would be good: Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar, he could replace something like a vanilla Leonin Skyhunter or a mana sync like Bronzehide Lion or a really high cmc creature with low value like Jareth, Leonine Titan who probably is a win-more at MV6 that won't turn a loss into a win, really he MV7 to activate. Card in that MV slot has to be extremely impactful. Cats like Scrounging Bandar also work well with this new cat. Limiting interaction on your turn especially flashing in +3 spells (Indomitable Might) is really nice.

Leonin Relic-Warder is nice for controlling artifacts/enchantments and providing another MV2 cat.

Everybody Lives! gives another Heroic Intervention type effect.

Farseek is MV2 but I'm betting Harvest Season probably does more work at MV3. 35 lands seems like a lot for a low curve, maybe some low MV ramp like Talisman of Unity. Boseiju, Who Endures is a good forest but it's stupid expensive.

Rancor is a really nice trample/evasion enabler. Or like a Shadowspear or something which also helps out with Indestructibles blocking your cats. Pridemalkin is on a cat body, but don't like the MV3.

Mirri's Guile is okay, but a bit of a trap, way more value at MV2 with Sylvan Library

Song of the Dryads I get for locking out a commander but some instant interaction like Stroke of Midnight are usually more utility in more situations, might be a meta card though.

Eladamri's Call will bring up consistency to draw the finisher cats.


Spirits on

1 year ago

Hey Zorke,

Ok based on your comment about the combo, I'm basing these recommendations on a:

Tuned tier - Power level 5 (6 usually has a combo) - Win before Turn 14 - "Upgraded Precon". Visual Guide to Power Levels in EDH.

-- Land Base -- Prioritize untapped, Mana colors, Target 33: +Shivan Reef -Island +Yavimaya Coast -Forest +City of Brass -Aether Hub +Mana Confluence -Mountain Valley +Riverglide Pathway  Flip -Simic Growth Chamber +Rootbound Crag -Mountain +Hinterland Harbor -Forest +Sulfur Falls -Mountain +Rejuvenating Springs -Path of Ancestry +Training Center -Rogue's Passage +Spire Garden -Ancient Ziggurat +Boseiju, Who Endures -Island

--Ramp-- Creature preferred +Birds of Paradise -Thought Vessel +Three Visits -Heraldic Banner +The Great Henge -Gilded Lotus (Also important for draw) +Farseek -Harvest Season

--Morph-- +Kadena's Silencer -Stuffy Doll +Icefeather Aven -Keep Safe (Morph flavor) +Echo Tracer -Omnath, Locus of Mana (Morph flavor) +Mistfire Weaver -Forsaken Monument (Morph flavor) +Jeering Instigator -Shaleskin Plower (Morph flavor less salt)

--Draw-- +Fathom Seer -Zendikar Resurgent +Temur Ascendancy -Tomb of the Spirit Dragon +Tishana, Voice of Thunder -Ashcloud Phoenix +Guardian Project -Tidespout Tyrant +Toski, Bearer of Secrets -Fabricate +Garruk's Uprising -Creeping Renaissance

--Offense other than Animar-- +Garruk's Horde -Forest +Artisan of Kozilek -Island +Bane of Bala Ged -Trophy Mage (Pulls 1 unneeded artifact!) +Shrieking Drake -Temur Sabertooth (Non-Infinite Ancestral Statue) +Decimator of the Provinces -Temur War Shaman

--Control-- +Beast Within -Fog

I've left out some salty card for this power level: Cyclonic Rift Ancestral Statue Craterhoof Behemoth Rhystic Study Mystic Remora Dockside Extortionist

Special mention (would need to playtest): Secret Plans (Draw) Solemn Simulacrum (Ramp & Draw) Mulldrifter (Draw) Trail of Mystery (Ramp) Rhythm of the Wild (Don't think you'll see heavy counterspell in power 5)

Could go more less if needed Theres other stuff I didn't suggest because of the morph theme, like Cloud of Faeries, Hullbreaker Horror, Fierce Empath etc.

Hopefully you find some useful ideas here.

enpc on Elven Kingdom

1 year ago

With elves, the big selling point is how much mana the deck can produce, which in turn allows you to run less lands. But to make this work, you should be running basically every 1 drop elf dork, i.e. Elvish Mystic, Fyndhorn Elves, Arbor Elf, hell, even Boreal Druid (since your land base is almost entirely green). Running a bunch of 3 mana ramp spells over the 1 drop mana dorks (who all progress the elf theme) seems counter productive. If you are going to run any land fetch, cards like Harvest Season which take advantage of your dork heavy build are goingto be much better since they will potentially pull 6-8 lands from the deck in one go.

Green Sun's Zenith and Chord of Calling are a bit expensive, but are definitiely worth slots in the deck if you can get a copy of them. I agree with multimedia, you don't need that many overrun effects, especially if you are running Ezuri. However if you wanted to add a card (which albeit is expensive), Finale of Devastation pulls double duty for the deck.

Yisan, the Wanderer Bard is also a nice card for elf decks as he just becomes rolling advantage.

Tur on Hidden Power - Crop Rotation

1 year ago

Hello everyone! This will be a trial forum post for a "Commander - Hidden Power" series. My goal is to show relatively inexpensive cards which are often overlooked by commander players in semi-competitive and casual play. (This post is not designed for competitive play.) If you enjoy the topic, please provide positive feedback and I will consider creating similar posts.

The powerful card I plan on discussing here is Crop Rotation.

This card under five dollars and is one of the most powerful mono-green tutors. Period. Yes, I'm counting all mono-green tutors. This includes: Worldly Tutor, Finale of Devastation, Green Sun's Zenith, Survival of the Fittest, Chord of Calling, Natural Order, Tooth and Nail, Sylvan Tutor, Time of Need, Scapeshift, Hour of Promise, Tempt with Discovery, Reshape the Earth, Boundless Realms, Traverse the Outlands, Rampant Growth, Harrow, Cultivate, Harvest Season, Explosive Vegetation, etc.

It's one color, one mana, instant, searches for any land, you can sacrifice a tapped land, and puts the land onto the battlefield untapped (unless otherwise specified).

Although, Crop Rotation is often overlooked by players because of the very expensive cards it can search and not being "flashy" enough. Yes, Crop Rotation is ideal with any of the following cards: Gaea's Cradle, Mishra's Workshop, The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale, Serra's Sanctum, Bazaar of Baghdad, and Diamond Valley. However, suppose we don't have a one thousand dollar mana base and cannot play the land cards above. Is Crop Rotation worthless? No. It is still one of the best mono-green tutors. There are so many utility and theme lands which are excellent targets. Ramp lands and color-fixing are also viable options. Here are a few categorized ideas:

Utility Lands:

Theme Lands:

Ramp Lands:

Color-Fixing Lands:

There are many more unlisted cards in each category which could fit your specific deck.

Some of the cards listed above have some pretty cool synergies with Crop Rotation here are a few:Urza's Saga, you can let the saga get to chapter III, then with the ability on the stack sacrifice it to Crop Rotation to get both the artifact and land. Field of the Dead is ideal in every two or three color commander deck with a sufficient mana base (in fact some of my win conditions are given by Field of the Dead). You can also use Field of the Dead as a combat trick. Scavenger Grounds and Bojuka Bog are fantastic for graveyard combo disruption. Maze of Ith and Glacial Chasm will hurt your lands, but sometimes it is needed to stay alive.

Simply having the ability to greatly effect the board state using a one-mana instant speed spell is impressive: life gain, damage prevention, removing steal effects, getting around blockers, denying counterspells, combo stoppers, unlimited hand size, sacrifice engines, haste, recursion, ramp, creating token blockers. The list goes on-and-on-and-on. If fact, if you're playing 3-4 of the lands listed above you should really consider Crop Rotation in the ninety-nine.

All in all, I'm always surprised the number of deck lists which do not play Crop Rotation. This is a fantastic card and one of the best mono-green tutors. It has so much hidden power. Ask yourself if there is a nonbasic land which you are playing (or would play) that would do well with Crop Rotation.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Raggadragga 'n' roll

2 years ago

Did some research for cards for the deck. Here are some you might like:


Verdant Eidolon

Oasis Ritualist

Karametra's Acolyte


Alena, Kessig Trapper

And obviously, Nyxbloom Ancient is generally incredibly powerful.

What's more, how about Harvest Season?

magicbike on green machine

2 years ago

so i m in a Pickel i do not really need more ramp like Harvest Season it takes a long time to get a lot of tapped elfs if it really needs to be effectief if that time is thare i allready can make a lot of mana with my elfs or with the normal mana but oke uhm i was like wat can i do m i gonna replace Harvest Season with Elvish Dreadlord or with Elvish Mystic or with Golgari Findbroker

so yea Elvish Mystic one mana ramp oef love that but have allready a lot of ramp so other /elf wipe thing do i really need itElvish Dreadlord i dont know last but not least Golgari Findbroker so hear me out if i combine this with Wirewood Symbiote you can get all your strong stuff back start over

let me know what you guys think

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Her Royal Fluffness: Gorestorm

2 years ago

Hmmm, how often do your opponents actually take the offer on Tempt with Discovery? If it's not very often then you could swap that our for Harvest Season. Four mana for one land isn't all the great. Plus if your playgroup is like mine, half of the time the other players just go straight for Ghost Quarter type lands.

As far as what to cut for Rishkar's Expertise, I am not a huge fan of Colossal Majesty, but I understand that you have it in the deck as repeatable card draw. You could consider cutting Thunderfoot Baloth. My reasoning is that it doesn't do anything unless Goreclaw is on the battlefield, and Goreclaw already gives you creatures a universal pump + trample. All of your other finishers are more explosive and still do do things even if Goreclaw is removed from the battlefield. Plus most of your creatures are already huge, so 2 additional P/T isn't as strong as it would be in a token style deck.

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