Harabaz Druid

Creature — Human Druid Ally

Tap: Add X mana of any one color to your mana pool, where X is the number of Allies you control.

kamarupa on 5c Ally tribal

2 months ago

Kabira Evangel + Aether Vial on an opponent's turn means you can protect Harabaz Druid all the time so long as you have Allies to play.

Whoodini on Cycling from Top Deck

9 months ago

Can i use the cycliing ability of a creature if ii intend to play it from top deck with Realmwalker Lets say i Choose Humans for Realmwalker then want to cycle Vizier of Tumbling Sands to untap my Harabaz Druid

biobrush on Za-Draw Ascendancy (Hidden Commander: Zada)

1 year ago

Twizzlywizzle I'm looking over your list. It's rock solid and I'm impressed how you've outfitted it for cEDH. I have a few suggestions that you may consider testing.

Green Sun's Zenith will grab your best mana dork or the one you can afford with the mana available. It's another spell for those triggers, it opens the possibility of a creature toolbox (Collector Ouphe is fairly asymmetrical in your deck), and it could be used as a infinitely re-shuffling last-card-in-deck (if that situation were to arise, not sure how).

Life / Death is really, really good. It's all about the Life half, Death is just gravy. For 1 mana, you can usually triple the number of mana dorks you have on the field, unlocking stupidly good Jeskai Ascendancy and cantriping lines. With the quantity of mana dorks in your deck already, I can see why you might pass on the less mana efficient and versatile "lands become creatures" cards, but I would highly recommend at least testing Life / Death.

Mutavault: It's a free mana dork for the cost of a colorless producing land. Yes, we're playing 5c, but is Tarnished Citadel really worth it? (Of all the cards in cEDH -- which I don't play -- this is the one that irritates me the most.)

And Mutavault is an Ally for... Harabaz Druid. This card is so good pre-Tazri and Zada!

Lastly, Narset's Reversal. This does cheeky stuff in returning your cantrip to hand with the Zada triggers on the stack, doubling the cantrip's potential. More importantly, it's a rock solid cEDH card as a counterspell and/or the best spell on the stack!

I hope some of this helps. Truth be told, I haven't tested this deck much in the wild. But in theory, this advice is sound.

thefiresoflurve on General Tazri's Allied Corps

1 year ago

Panharmonicon may seem amazing here at first glance, but there are a lot of ETBs it doesn't mesh with: Seascape Aerialist, for instance. There are 6 ETB effect allies it has zero synergy with. That said, I may consider a Teleportation Circle or similar instead of it.. although, it certainly makes for more explosive turns if that's your goal. And even if there are 6 ETBs it doesn't mesh with, there are a few more it does combo nicely with, so.

Another thing I noticed: Realmwalker and Sea Gate Loremaster are included twice in the list. Also Beastcaller Savant, Black Market Connections, Harabaz Druid, Murasa Pyromancer, and Tuktuk Scrapper.

Nockturnally on Tazri Allies

2 years ago

you might look into adding Maskwood Nexus and Deadeye Navigator

Deadeye navigator allows you to pair with Harabaz Druid and create infinite mana as long as you have Chasm Guide on the board.

lagotripha on HA

3 years ago

Allies is far from solved. Most competitive lists I've seen have tended towards 3-5 colour aggro, but it is an open field. Go wide with +1+1 counters will do good.

You can pretty much run Champion of the Parish as 'extra allies' since allies are humans in most lists.

Harabaz Druid opens up infinite mana with an untap effect. Turntimber Ranger goes infinite with 'all creature type' granting effects. Both jank out wins but I've never seen it be really great.

Kabira Evangel is amazing for pushing through damage with 'pseudo unblockable' and offers protection in vial lists. You might want the 'blank' 1 mana allies (equipment guy, the 2/1 and the other one I forget) to even out a curve.

+1+1 synergy is probably the best bet - I've tried to get three colour with Oona's Blackguard working as a grindy list, but it was a little too clunky, but might still be worth a sideboard slot in some matchups.

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