Guild Globe


When Guild Globe enters the battlefield, draw a card.

, , Sacrifice Guild Globe: Add two mana of different colours.

hejtmane on Non-Creature Naya Card Draw?

3 years ago

You could go with what they call eggs

Mishra's Bauble or Urza's Bauble delayed draw but the cmc cost is right

Chromatic Sphere or Chromatic Star draw and color fixing

Other options Conjurer's Bauble Spare Supplies Golden Egg Guild Globe Elsewhere Flask Ichor Wellspring Alchemist's Vial

Mazemind Tome gives you some extra draw or scry

Then you have top deck manipulation stuff but can cost $$$$ Sensei's Divining Top Scroll Rack card swap I guess is the best thing to call it

When i used eggs in my mono red I went with ones I could get extra benefit from

There are more but you get the idea

abby315 on Urza’s Pet Dragon

3 years ago

Some instant/sorcery possibilities for you: Acquire
Kefnet's Last Word since you can uniquely avoid the downside of not untapping your lands
Shrewd Negotiation
Blasphemous Act
Sea Gate Restoration  Flip
Blatant Thievery
Sublime Epiphany

You could also run take-extra-turn spells to pretty good effect, but that's up to you.

Here are some additional cards to consider that are good in a R/U artifact/Treasures deck: Hellkite Tyrant
Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator
Shimmer Dragon

I might swap in "eggs" for artifacts rather than ones that need to go to the GY to draw you cards, since you want them on the field for your commander's ability:
Golden Egg
Guild Globe
Prophetic Prism

And some ideas for cuts, just based on being overall weaker cards:
Storm the Vault  Flip
Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp
Call the Skybreaker
Pull from Tomorrow
Urza's Bauble
Welding Jar
Mishra's Bauble
Magma Opus

Finally, and I hate to suggest it since it means more cuts, but I think you should eventually be at 35 or 36 lands even with all of the ramp. 33 is pretty low unless you're running the full Mana Vault / Mana Crypt etc. cEDH manabase. I hope this gives you a good place to start!

Spell_Slam on Wastes, over-easy

3 years ago

Maelstrom Colossus seems like a really great card for you.

Perilous Myr is pretty good value and can add some much needed removal for your deck.

Terrarion and Guild Globe seem like better choices than some of the "eggs" you are currently using.


4 years ago

Some of the Standard-legal "eggs," Golden Egg and Guild Globe, might be good here with Emry to help get through your deck and find your pieces. And I wonder if something like Keep Safe or some number of Negates would help protect the Giant or whatever you pile counters on? Interesting build, looking forward to seeing how it goes!

jaymc1130 on Emry, Lurker of the Loch cEDH

4 years ago

So I've played about a dozen games now with Minamo, School at Water's Edge and you were dead right. This card provides some wonderful value generation while also helping to limit the effectiveness of opposing Carpet of Flowers. I've really enjoyed it's performance.

Dramatic Scepter combo really doesn't feel like it does anything for the deck though. Same issue the other infinite mana combos had, the mana alone doesn't do anything without a reliable outlet and the performance of the deck with those pieces included was a bit worse than without them. There's probably a way to optimize Emry to make good use of them, but it seems unlikely to improve overall performance. I think that type of combo makes a lot more sense when there is an outlet in the command zone and access to more quality rocks/dorks than mono blue tends to have access to.

I'm considering giving Riddlesmith another try now that my list has gotten tuned to the low cmc artifact approach as this feels like it'd have better synergy with Riddlesmith than my initial approaches. Both Guild Globe and Swiftfoot Boots feel like card slots that Riddlesmith could take. I'm leaning toward Guild Globe coming out since it's to activate and doesn't produce when filtering while fulfilling a similar primary role of digging. The boots have sometimes been nice in the face of Gilded Drake effects or other targeted removal but also has felt like a card lacking impact most games, so either seems like a slot that could be tinkered with. Curious as to your thoughts on which might be the better slot for Riddlesmith to occupy for the time being.

DragonOfTheWest on

4 years ago

Keep in mind that Guild Globe isn't true ramp. It replaces itself as a card and fixes mana colors but doesn't accelerate, so you're still looking at a turn-6 combo after dropping Jaya on turn-5. Unless you're having problems getting the colors you need, I would much rather be casting Omen of the Sea or Shimmer of Possibility on turn-2.

Ruble on Theros Dance

4 years ago

Just gonna throw this tl;dr version of my facebook comment here so it doesn’t all get lost in my ramblings. :p

I’d suggest:

-2 Witch's Vengeance

-2 Shadowspear

-3 Witching Well

+3 Temple of Silence

+1 Castle Ardenvale

+1 Castle Locthwain

+2 Doom Foretold

+1 Guild Globe

+1 Golden Egg

+1 Dance of the Manse

Hope my musings have been of at least some help!

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