Goblin Matron

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Matron

Creature — Goblin

When Goblin Matron enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a Goblin card, reveal that card, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

Liquidbeaver on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

4 months ago

Everybody knows being illiterate is the coolest, but it also means you can't read. This leads to things like putting Broadside Bombardiers into the deck even though Boast is bad poopoo garbage for us. We use good garbage around here!

Swapped out for Connecting the Dots.

In other news, Maskwood Nexus has been very fun, leading to interesting lines and interactions in every game it was played. Best one was against slivers making all my Goblins swole af, and then dodging The Argent Etchings  Flipboard wipe because they were Phyrexian Goblins too. I haven't yet grabbed a Purphoros, God of the Forge or a Toralf, God of Fury  Flip off of Moggcatcher or Goblin Matron because of the Nexus, but soon!

Apollo_Paladin on Down Down to Goblin Town

9 months ago

Goblin Matron is another decent pick since you have a lot of 1-off's in your build here. A few of these can be helpful pulling more consistently across your deck (and without having to buy more expensive singles).

Crow_Umbra on Tutorless Commander?

1 year ago

I don't think tutors are inherently bad or OP, especially if your play group knows to anticipate them. Even then, I think that with the variety of tutors available, they aren't necessarily created equally and offer a fun decision making space in terms of selection for speed and tutoring specificity. My friends say that I am the "tech-y" player of our meta in terms of running tutors and meta specific removal/interaction.

I'm not running Demonic Tutor in every deck that can run it, and use my one copy in my Anhelo, the Painter deck, which can make it even more pushed. For other decks, I tend to use slower, more specific, and generally sub-optimal tutors. In my old Alesha deck, I utilized Goblin Matron to grab Murderous Redcap or Sling-Gang Lieutenant to help complete a combo loop. Eventually that got upgraded to Imperial Recruiter once the price dropped after reprints.

I do like "tutors" that also present modal uses in their utilization, so they aren't necessarily a tutor 100% of the time. Muddle the Mixture and Sterling Grove are both tutors that have other primary uses, and force me to evaluate which mode will be more beneficial in the moment.

All that being said, I think my meta adjusted to anticipate my occasional use of tutors, and either started packing more counterspells, or learned to save their removal/interaction for whatever got tutored up. Some of the tutors I previously mentioned have multiple built-in drawbacks, such as having to reveal what I tutored for, giving my friends the opportunity to anticipate whatever was coming next. Every time I've used a tutor, I usually get focused pretty hard by everyone else at the table, especially if I have to reveal what I found.

A tutor-less format would likely place much more emphasis on draw power and midrange strategies, and would likely make all of the strongest draw engines that much more necessary.

Delphen7 on Serra's Emissary Which Protection can …

1 year ago

You can choose planeswalker with Serra's Emissary as it is a card type.

205.2a: "The card types are artifact, conspiracy, creature, dungeon, enchantment, instant, land, phenomenon, plane, planeswalker, scheme, sorcery, tribal, and vanguard. See section 3, “Card Types.”"

Subtypes are what come after the - on a type line to further describe a card type. Goblin Matron has a Goblin subtype, Ashiok, Dream Render has an Ashiok subtype.

king-saproling on Momo: Twice the horns, twice the fun

1 year ago

Sure! I suppose you could run Tiller Engine or Bomat Courier as a secondary target. Walking Atlas is possibly the strongest card in the deck so I think having ways to find it would be valuable.

Maybe you're right though, maybe Recombiner wouldn't fit in this iteration of Moraug. I could see an artifact-combo-based Moraug list being cool though. Like it could go infinite using things like Great Furnace + Goblin Welder, or Salvaging Station + Darksteel Citadel + stuff, and tutors like Recombiner, Goblin Engineer, Gamble, Hoarding Dragon, Inventors' Fair, Moonsilver Key, Goblin Matron, etc. Lots of constructs that'd fit the strat too like Salvager of Ruin, Scrap Trawler, Workshop Assistant. Sorry got way off topic haha

LeonSpires on

1 year ago

@ Max_Hammer thanks for checking out my deck and for the suggestion.

Unfortunately unlike the tutors I run that win me the game if they are conspired Signal the Clans really doesn't do much. Even if I conspired it and put Kiki in one pile and Zealous in the other the chances of getting both is 1 in 9. On top of that it puts the creatures in hand so I still need to pay to win the game.

I have thought about adding Goblin Matron, Goblin Recruiter, Conspicuous Snoop, Torch Courier, and Mogg Fanatic to the deck to add in snoop lines. If I did Signal the Clans is good as the pile can be Goblin Matron, Goblin Recruiter, and Imperial Recruiter.

This would make the deck more competitive but this list already wins more then it's fair share of games. I also don't like the snoop lines as they don't have any synergy with Wort.

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