Goblin Festival


(2): Goblin Festival deals 1 damage to target creature or player. Flip a coin. If you lose the flip, choose one of your opponents. That player gains control of Goblin Festival.

StopShot on What is the best card …

3 years ago

I like coming up with infinite combos and sometimes I wind up with an infinite combo that makes endless colorless mana. I want to know what card is best for sinking all that mana into? While I'm aware that I can use a card like Gemstone Array to make infinite colored mana or I could use a card like Staff of Domination to draw multiple cards, I instead want one card along with my infinite colorless mana and limited color mana to close out the game by doing any of the following:


-Dealing infinite damage to all opponents.

-Causing infinite life loss to all opponents.

-Creating infinite creature tokens with haste.

-Forcing all opponents to draw out their decks.

-Exiling all opponents' libraries.

-Forcing all opponents into a "lose the game" condition.

-Meeting a "win the game" condition.


I don't consider traditional mill to be a viable way to consistently win the game. Creating infinite tokens without haste I also view as not consistent enough as it gives each opponent the chance to react. Furthermore, infinite life gain isn't viable as commander damage exists.

Of course, without a doubt, Walking Ballista is the clear favorite solution to win the game being able to fit in any deck given its colorless color identity. That being said, I made this thread wanting to know what secondary back-ups would be an apt replacement for Walking Ballista if by some chance it is countered or exiled.

Here are some cards I came up with that work, but I'd like to know from others if I missed any that could do better than these: Aurelia's Fury,, Bloodrite Invoker,, Cogwork Assembler,, Comet Storm,, Conflagrate,, Cut / Ribbons,, Debt to the Deathless,, Dimensional Infiltrator,, Essence Depleter,, Exsanguinate,, Fanning the Flames,, Fireball,, Firecat Blitz,, Goblin Cannon,, Goblin Festival,, Helix Pinnacle,, Oona, Queen of the Fae,, Rolling Thunder,, Tempt with Vengeance,, Torment of Hailfire and Valakut Invoker.

I didn't include any cards that could possibly turn the game into a draw, but I'm still looking for more cards that suit the criteria I've put out.

Izzy- on RNG-sus Take The Wheel (Coins are a wheel right?)

4 years ago

theartision Cool! Alright, well if it's budget AND chaos or budget AND coin-flip we're talking about then.... As much as dislike the chaos archetype I do know some budget cards then to maybe consider, again these are just suggestions so if it's too against the grain of what you're going for feel free to ignore them:


Warp World

Crazed Firecat

Goblin Bangchuckers

Humble Defector - at least gives you draw, and is friendly in EDH so some politics involved.

Pendant of Prosperity - allows you ramp and again is political

Goblin Festival - keeping in theme to the chaos, flipping, and budget.

Desolate Lighthouse

Mystic Sanctuary

Wild Evocation

skyrain on Daretti, Scrap Savant

6 years ago

You are right, but if we have infinite mana all we need is Goblin Cannon or Goblin Festival, there is no need to steal something from opponents or destroy anything, we just kill 'em all...

GobboE on Gambit leave it up to chance

8 years ago

nice theme :) what about Goblin Festival, or Possibility Storm to really mess things up ?

PreZchoICE1 on Ekuryua

8 years ago

Can you think of a card thats the same as Goblin Festival? I cant think of one thats the same as Warp World but I did find this with a quick search


I was under the assumption you were looking for obscure cards not everyone uses or thinks about. Winding Canyons is mentioned in just about every edh deck doctor article or video. It would just be interesting to know if every card you're looking for is a Horseshoe Crab or a Phyrexian Splicer.

Ekuryua on PreZchoICE1

8 years ago

Well, my List also isn't only about cards that see little play.

They have to be special, do something more or less unique. Goblin Festival doesn't, there are a lot of cards that do practically the same. while Warp World does and I haven't seen that many decks featuring it.

PreZchoICE1 on Ekuryua

8 years ago

Goblin Festival stackable. Tell me you see this in every edh deck? I think I see Warp World in every second red edh list

PreZchoICE1 on List of Interesting cards some may have forgotten

8 years ago

Lim-Dul's Vault is a great card in commander, and I dont know how much more known it is than Warp World, Winding Canyons, Willbreaker (who hasnt tried to break willbreaker) or several other cards on this list. Its basically rinse repeat until you find the best five card combination, doesnt seem powerful or special at all.

I don't see Mirri's Guile, Ghostway, Ulasht, the Hate Seed, Stir the Pride, Goblin Festival, Planar Portal, or Goblin Game.

Caligula is right I could suggest lots more but I'll leave some for others.

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