Goblin Arsonist

Creature — Goblin Shaman

When Goblin Arsonist dies (is put into a graveyard from the battlefield), you may have it deal 1 damage to target creature, player or planeswalker.

TheoryCrafter on Brother's War Spoilers

1 year ago

My thoughts on the Brothers' War:

One of the things going into this set I was concerned about was how they were going to take Pre and Post Mending Power levels into account without making it overpowered compared to the more recent sets. From what I've seen they seem to have done an alright Job. Urza, Planeswalker  Meld  Meld is overpowered, but the Meld requirement makes enough sense of both design and flavor.

Cards like Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim, The Temporal Anchor, and Saheeli, Filigree Master are set in the present so the post Mending Power levels apply. I think the newest Teferi is a bit underrated. If you're looking to make him look formidable, Teferi's Ageless Insight in non-standard formats is your best bet. Combine this with Jace's Archivist or another draw engine and let the shenanigans begin.

The whole flavor seems to imply that yes, All these cards are powerful, but the power level displays raw power over refined skill. The best example is One with the Multiverse. While it is cheaper than Omniscience, manawise, and let's you cast from your library, the limit is one card per turn. Since the lore states the development of the academic study of Magic didn't happen until after the war, it helps explains this.

However, despite it making sense design wise, I'm a bit at a loss on how powerstones entering the battlefield tapped works from a flavor point point of view.

Once people realize how good Calamity's Wake can be against control, flashback and stax for mono-white decks the price will go further up.

If you run Urza, Powerstone Prodigy and don't have Mirrodin Besieged in your Commander deck or Terisian Mindbreaker in your Standard deck, you may be building them wrong.

It just occurred to me as I write this that they could have done a whole 10 card cycle of Surveil land cards like the "Temple of..." Scryland cards that originated in the Theros block.

Oh, Awaken the Woods, if you only weren't hovering around $16.

The Locust God Just got some extra card draw in Symmetry Matrix.

The Stasis Coffin, Goblin Firebomb, why do all the really cool colorless control cards have to be so expensive, manawise?

Audacity should make a decent early to mid-game companion to Ram Through in Pioneer.

Alloy Animist would make more sense if the artifact became an Elemental in addition to its other types.

Goblin Arsonist and Festering Goblin, I'd like to introduce you to Goblin Blast-Runner.

Some people seemed surprised about Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor making Surveil available in Bant, but it makes sense considering Surveil can be an oppressive ability. If I were going to create a GWUB aligned faction for a set. Surveil would be my mechanic and not just my keyword.

Fortified Beachhead reminds me of the faction land cards like Murmuring Bosk from the Lorwyn/Shadowmoor block. I wonder what they're planning here.

That's pretty much it with this set. Thank you for reading me out. May you draw well.

Rhadamanthus on Timing on Harmonic Prodigy's application

1 year ago

Twice. Leaves-the-battlefield triggers (of which "dies" is a particular type) look back at the last moment the object was on the battlefield to determine the details of if and how they trigger. In your example the Harmonic Prodigy and Goblin Arsonist were both on the battlefield right before the Arsonist died, so the Prodigy will make the Arsonist's ability trigger again.

Delphen7 on Timing on Harmonic Prodigy's application

1 year ago

Say I control a Harmonic Prodigy and a Goblin Arsonist, and that someone cast a boardwipe, such as Wrath of God.

Does Goblin Arsonist trigger once or twice?

FormOverFunction on Need some help refining dragon …

3 years ago

1) I don’t play modern or any other competitive stuff like that, so please be prepared to second-guess everything I say on these subjects. 2) If the burn is more focused on buying you time in the beginning of the game, I’d recommend you consider little creatures like Careless Celebrant or Goblin Arsonist as blockers-with-benefits. Some have limitations on targets (read: creatures only) but it may be one of the answers you’re looking for.

KTornado45 on

3 years ago

Thanks for the Sprite Dragon comment, I didn't even think about that and I knew Goblin Arsonist wasn't the best option out there. As for Shatterskull Smashing  Flip I know it is better but Volcanic Geyser is an alternate win-condition late game when I have basically nothing left but have quite a few lands. As for cards like Opt & Crash Through they don't target any creatures so they don't synergize as well with Orvar, The All-Forming or Goldspan Dragon . And Shell Shield and Infuriate don't really do it for me because they have one ability that is terrible early turns where I don't really have any creatures on board and the mana at the same time to protect them. As for Cleansing Wildfire , it creates extra mana for me (as long as I have Orvar, the All-Form out and lets me draw a card too. Now Go for Blood I see the concern but it is one of the few removal cards I have and if I don't need it I can always cycle it. It also targets my creature which is great again with orval, the all-form. The only reason I run counters mainboard is to better protect orval, the all-form who can't create copies of himself if targeted by my other spells. Hopefully, that is a better explanation.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on

3 years ago

Sprite Dragon is much much better than Goblin Arsonist . The targeting spells could be a lot better as well. Shatterskull Smashing  Flip is almost strictly better than Volcanic Geyser , Infuriate , Opt , Crash Through , Shell Shield , and Spell Strike are good cards to be using as triggers for your abilities.

Flicker of Fate . You don't really want to be bouncing tokens or things with counters on them, so this is a bad protection spell. Sejiri Shelter  Flip, Feat of Resistance , or the aforementioned Shell Shield are much better. Cleansing Wildfire and Go for Blood are too expensive and don't give any extra synergy. Go For Blood doesn't even replace itself. In general, focus on cheaper spells and less countermagic. You don't want to end up in a control-y game, you want to survive the first few turns, then explode with Goldspan/Sprite Dragon + Orvar.

ClockworkSwordfish on

3 years ago

Are you sure about Akki Rockspeaker? You need two mana available to play him even if you are left with one mana open afterwards. This is also the case if you had just played a one-mana goblin... and in the Rockspeaker's case, he's just a vanilla 1/1 after he's shown up. Any one-mana goblin with any sort of ability is just a strict upgrade. Some options I'd possibly consider include Fanatical Firebrand, Goblin Arsonist and Mudbutton Clanger!

DBCooper on

4 years ago

Collateral Damage, Boggart Shenanigans, and Goblin Arsonist may be worth considering.

I have a modern deck that has a similar aim which you may like taking a look at here: Exploding Goblins - $40 Budget Build

Overall Great deck +1

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